LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C63 At the Bao Luxi Restaurant They Met Zhang Xinrui
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C63 At the Bao Luxi Restaurant They Met Zhang Xinrui
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C63 At the Bao Luxi Restaurant They Met Zhang Xinrui

"Of course, I wouldn't dare decline an invitation from Mr. Lin!"

"Then let's meet at Baolu Western Restaurant. Their Philly steak is quite good."

Han Qingxue accepted with a smile.

Had it been any other man, Han Qingxue would have certainly turned down the invitation.

But Lin Dong was an exception.

To Han Qingxue, Lin Dong was an enigmatic treasure, someone she was eager to know more about!

This was her chance!

Lin Dong was on board with Han Qingxue's suggestion.

His usual dining spots were KFC, juice bars, or some affordable yet clean eateries.

As a senior client manager, Han Qingxue could afford to drive a sports car.

She likely knew of the finer dining establishments in Jiangyang.

For Lin Dong, a meal was a minor affair.

Besides, Han Qingxue had been diligently working on his behalf. Sharing a meal could foster goodwill, and who knows, he might need her assistance again in the future.

The Porsche was swift.

Though not as luxurious or high-performing as the Pagani Huayran, it was significantly speedier than the average car!

Soon after, they reached their destination.

Baolu Western Restaurant wasn't ostentatious, yet it was spacious.

A large parking lot lay outside the restaurant.

With the dinner rush in full swing, the place bustled with patrons.

The exterior decor was classy, complete with two camellia trees planted by the entrance, their delicate scent adding to the restaurant's elegance.

Han Qingxue locked the car and led Lin Dong inside.

She was clearly a regular, navigating the space with ease.

Despite her high-end attire, Han Qingxue walked half a step behind Lin Dong, displaying proper decorum.

Lin Dong hardly noticed.

He took in the surroundings, following Han Qingxue's lead to the restaurant's grand entrance.

Dressed simply, Lin Dong's stature seemed to grow with the presence of the beautiful and respectful Han Qingxue at his side.

It was as if a man, casually dressed in a tank top, commanded respect when accompanied by a stunningly made-up woman. Who would dare underestimate him?

Everyone seemed to be looking on with extreme envy!

At that moment, Lin Dong was the envy of all the bystanders!

A few single men walked by, casting envious glances at the elegant and upscale Han Qingxue, who was respectfully following Lin Dong. They couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

Why couldn't they be the ones by Han Qingxue's side?


Two waitresses, donning striped aprons, stood at the entrance, greeting guests with warm smiles.

Lin Dong paused briefly before stepping through the doorway.

He had been a bit startled earlier.

"Sir, have you reserved a table?"

Upon entering the lobby, a waiter approached him.

Dressed in a crisp white shirt, black vest, and sporting a bow tie, he presented a sharp appearance.

Lin Dong slightly furrowed his brow; he was unaware that dining here required a reservation.

Unfazed, the waiter looked at him with a hint of disdain and said, "Sir, our Baolu Restaurant requires advance reservations for seating..."

"There's no need for a reservation; we have a VIP card."

Han Qingxue stepped forward, gracefully retrieving a card from her Chanel purse.

The waiter's demeanor shifted instantly. He carefully examined the card in his hands before promptly returning it with a respectful tone, "Of course, my apologies for not recognizing you earlier."

Only customers who had spent over fifty thousand could possess such a gold card.

These patrons typically held a high status.

He had initially judged Lin Dong by his ordinary attire, not realizing his association with Han Qingxue.

Han Qingxue's attire and accessories were indicative of someone with a high-end lifestyle!

He was relieved he hadn't verbally offended them, as that could have led to a stern reprimand and a possible fine.

Han Qingxue accepted the card back, fixing her gaze on him, "There's no need for an apology, but you must ensure my companion is well taken care of."

"Ah? Absolutely, of course!"

The male waiter nodded vigorously, his forehead beading with sweat.

He realized that Han Qingxue must have caught his earlier contemptuous look, prompting her warning.

Meanwhile, Lin Dong seemed oblivious to the exchange.

He was content to follow Han Qingxue as she led the way to their seats.

Guests with VIP cards have the privilege of choosing any unreserved seat they desire.

The waiter glanced at Lin Dong, whose simple attire seemed out of place in this setting. Yet, there he was, receiving the utmost attention from Han Qingxue, a lady adorned in high-end designer wear!

It was as if he had been swept up in a whirlwind of fortune!

And the woman taking care of him was not only stunningly beautiful but wealthy too!

Such encounters are coveted by many, but few are fortunate enough to experience them.

Lin Dong, it seemed, was one of the lucky ones!

Lin Dong and Han Qingxue had settled into a cozy table for two by the window, surrounded by a charming array of flowers, enhancing their dining experience.

Lin Dong took a brief glance around before focusing his attention elsewhere.

At that moment, he caught sight of a familiar figure approaching from a distance. It was none other than his English teacher, Zhang Xinrui!

Accompanying her was a man dressed in a sharp suit.

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