LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C65 Destroying the Plan Exposing the Scumbag's True Colors
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C65 Destroying the Plan Exposing the Scumbag's True Colors
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C65 Destroying the Plan Exposing the Scumbag's True Colors

"Mr. Lin, what are you looking at?"

Han Qingxue noticed Lin Dong chuckling and inquired in a soft voice.

Lin Dong gestured for her to be quiet and nodded towards Zhang Xinrui, who was seated nearby, whispering, "That's my English teacher. She's on a blind date."


Han Qingxue was taken aback.

She couldn't resist glancing over, only to catch a glimpse of someone's back.

Turning back to Lin Dong, she asked, "Do you want to go over and say hello?"

Lin Dong waved his hand dismissively and replied, "Let's hold off for now. I want to see what happens first. Her date is a real jerk. I'm curious to see what he's up to."

"A jerk?"

Han Qingxue was astonished once more.

She hadn't anticipated running into Lin Dong's teacher here, especially not on a blind date with a jerk.

The situation seemed almost too strange to be true!

Lin Dong then quietly shared with Han Qingxue the details of his encounter with Lee Mingshan the previous night.

He spoke in hushed tones, wary of Zhang Xinrui overhearing.

As Han Qingxue leaned in to listen, Lin Dong's breath tickled her ear, causing a flutter in her heart.

A blush crept across her face.

This was the closest she had ever been to a man, and she could distinctly smell Lin Dong's masculine scent.

As for Lin Dong's story, she hadn't quite caught all the details.

She only made out the last part, where Lee Mingshan had been set straight, returned the stolen money, and was let go.

"This guy is truly awful," Han Qingxue agreed, nodding.

Unaware of any impropriety in his behavior, Lin Dong continued, "I really don't want him deceiving other girls. Even though I'm not fond of Zhang Xinrui and she's quite assertive, it still bothers me that she was duped by Lee Mingshan."

"Then let's expose that scumbag for who he really is!"

Han Qingxue suggested eagerly.

"Ding! The host has triggered a random mission: sabotage the plan!"

"Scumbags are detestable. As a champion of justice, you must unhesitatingly reveal the true face of this scumbag!"

"Receive your reward after completing the mission (claimable upon completion)."

"Let the show begin!"

A system alert chimed in, assigning a random mission to Lin Dong.

Meanwhile, Lee Mingshan was uncomfortably perusing the menu.

He hadn't anticipated Zhang Xinrui's blunt words on their date, leaving him at a loss for words.

The date had been set three days prior.

Lee Mingshan and Zhang Xinrui were introduced by a female executive from his company.

This executive was none other than Zhang Xinrui's third aunt.

Initially, Lee Mingshan thought about declining, fearing the repercussions of his womanizing ways on the job, especially with a relative of a senior executive.

But once he saw the photo provided by the executive, he was smitten!

Zhang Xinrui was stunning, far surpassing the girlfriend he had recently started dating!

She was not only beautiful but also had an impressive figure.

Her distinct aura of cool aloofness captivated Lee Mingshan the moment they met.

He vowed to win over Zhang Xinrui.

The new girlfriend was promptly erased from his list of romantic interests.

Zhang Xinrui was the one he truly loved!

Moreover, as the executive had informed him, Zhang Xinrui was a university lecturer with an excellent family background, exactly the type of partner he was looking for.

Marrying Zhang Xinrui would be ideal, especially for settling down locally!

Lee Mingshan had assumed that with his charming banter, he could easily win Zhang Xinrui over during dinner.

However, she made it clear from the start that she had no interest in a romantic conversation with him.

Lee Mingshan couldn't accept this.

Determined, he resolved to use his silver tongue to pursue her relentlessly!

According to the first rule in the Scumbag's Handbook: the greater the setback, the greater the resolve!

He couldn't let her cold demeanor deter him. With enough persistence, he believed even the most formidable woman could be won over!

The first step to building a relationship was sharing a meal!

Lee Mingshan started to order from the menu.

But Zhang Xinrui stood up, signaling a turn in events.

"Ms. Zhang, where are you off to?"

Lee Mingshan asked, visibly surprised.

"Just to the restroom."

Zhang Xinrui replied briefly, then stood up and made her way towards the restroom.

Her path took her right past where Lin Dong was seated.

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