LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C66 Meeting Face to Face a Battle Between Beauties
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C66 Meeting Face to Face a Battle Between Beauties
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C66 Meeting Face to Face a Battle Between Beauties

"Why are you over here?"

Upon seeing Zhang Xinrui approach, Lin Dong couldn't resist turning his head away. He really didn't want to encounter her. Zhang Xinrui was known for her assertive nature, and just yesterday, he had become distracted in her class and ended up being singled out.

Now facing her, Lin Dong was at a loss for words.

Yet, it seemed the more he tried to avoid her, the more likely she was to appear!

Zhang Xinrui spotted Lin Dong immediately.

"Lin Dong? What brings you here?"

While speaking, Zhang Xinrui's gaze shifted to Han Qingxue, who was seated next to Lin Dong. Her eyes widened ever so slightly.

There's a saying that beauties share a subtle connection, and the more stunning they are, the stronger that connection. Han Qingxue's beauty was certainly top-tier.

Her experience in the corporate world had endowed her with a composed and dignified aura.

Zhang Xinrui, on the other hand, had a touch of cold arrogance. She was quite confident in her own looks, but Han Qingxue's presence made her feel a sense of threat. Han Qingxue's allure, particularly her temperament, was something Zhang Xinrui felt she couldn't overshadow.

This realization was unsettling for her.

"Ms. Zhang, what a coincidence to run into you here!" Lin Dong said, breaking the silence.

Though he was reluctant to confront her directly, he knew he had to maintain basic courtesy now that they were face to face.

Zhang Xinrui acknowledged him with a hum, then turned her attention to Han Qingxue and asked, "Is this your girlfriend? Why not introduce her to your teacher?"

Lin Dong hesitated, caught off guard by her assumption. He was about to clarify when Han Qingxue stood up.

She extended her hand gracefully and greeted, "Hello, Ms. Zhang. I'm Han Qingxue. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhang Xinrui returned the smile and reached out her hand in response, "I'm Zhang Xinrui."

Their hands met in a firm handshake.

Both women wore friendly smiles, exuding warmth and cordiality.

For some inexplicable reason, Lin Dong sensed a crackling in the air, as if the newcomer's gaze carried interwoven streaks of lightning!

Releasing her hands, Zhang Xinrui announced, "I'm here dining with friends too. Please, go ahead without me; I need to use the restroom."

Han Qingxue nodded with a smile, "Sure thing."

Zhang Xinrui glanced at Lin Dong, her eyes briefly sparking with an unreadable message, before she headed off to the restroom.

Lin Dong was left feeling somewhat baffled.

What's with that look she gave me? I didn't even say anything to her!

At that moment, Han Qingxue, observing Lin Dong, asked with a chuckle, "Mr. Lin, I didn't say anything out of line, did I?"

Lin Dong gestured dismissively, "Not at all. You spoke very well, even better than I could have."

They resumed their seats.

"Mr. Lin, it seems you're rather intimidated by Ms. Zhang," Han Qingxue commented, still smiling, as she sat down.

Lin Dong made no attempt to conceal his feelings, admitting, "Yes, I am. She's usually quite stern and has targeted me more than once. If I weren't so reluctant, I wouldn't even consider helping her see through Lee Mingshan!"

He punctuated his words with a dismissive glance.

Han Qingxue couldn't contain her laughter.

It was the first time she had seen Lin Dong show a hint of fear, and she found it unexpectedly endearing.

"Mr. Lin, what about him?" Han Qingxue inquired, gesturing toward Lee Mingshan, who was absorbed in selecting his meal. "It appears your teacher hasn't realized that her friend is a total jerk."

Lin Dong's face took on a grave expression.

The system had just assigned a mission to thwart the plan.

Zhang Xinrui might be a bit tough, but she wasn't malicious at heart. Lin Dong couldn't stand by if she was being deceived by a jerk.

This was a situation that definitely needed his attention!

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