LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C72 Joining the Group Tian Meihui Was Extremely Excited
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C72 Joining the Group Tian Meihui Was Extremely Excited
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C72 Joining the Group Tian Meihui Was Extremely Excited

"What's this about a support team?"

Lin Dong was clueless.

Tian Chao clarified that it was a group of friends and relatives forming a cheer squad, there to root for the team with gusto!

The larger the crowd, the more impressive the presence. It was all about boosting morale.

"Sounds great. Just let me know when it's time."

Lin Dong nodded in agreement.

Tian Chao gave a thumbs up.

Lin Dong stretched out on his bunk and casually dropped the bag with the property deeds onto the floor.

Anyone else seeing deeds worth millions being treated so carelessly would probably be beside themselves with frustration!

With real estate prices sky-high, some folks might spend their whole lives chasing after one property.

But there was Lin Dong, tossing a pile of deeds aside as if they were worthless—enough to make anyone green with envy!

Yet at that moment, Lin Dong was contemplating a visit to his villa.

He had snagged a personal villa right at the start, a riverside property in Jiangyang City's most upscale area.

Those who lived there were the crème de la crème, with fortunes starting in the hundreds of millions!

Lin Dong hadn't even seen the place yet. Plus, it wasn't wise to leave all those valuable documents in a dorm; stashing them in his villa seemed like the safer bet.

He also remembered that he had been awarded full ownership of the Skyfire Motorcycle Club and Haorui KTV, though no one had reached out to him about it—Lin Dong had nearly forgotten himself!

He'd have to check out both places when he had some free time.

"Lin! Lin!"

Liu Wenming's voice rang out, summoning Lin Dong.

Lin Dong looked up and replied, "What's up? I'm listening."

Liu Wenming gave him a conspiratorial wink and said, "You're tight with Ma Chenchen. Why not invite her to the afternoon match? And bring along that friend of hers too. It'll be more fun that way, hehe!"

"You're the one looking for fun," Lin Dong retorted, seeing right through Liu Wenming's intentions.

During the last social event, Liu Wenming had his eye on a girl who was close to Ma Chenchen.

Unfortunately, she wasn't impressed by his prestige.

Lin Dong didn't want to crush his spirits, so he gestured dismissively and said, "Let's talk about it later. I need to catch a quick nap; we've got class this afternoon."

Tian Chao stopped his modeling pose, hands on his hips, and remarked, "Right, I almost forgot we have English class later. We can't miss Zhang Meili's class!"

Zhou Hengyu and Liu Wenming put away their phones as well.

Liu Wenming, looking utterly smitten, exclaimed, "I have to attend every class when it's my goddess teaching!"


Your goddess nearly got snatched away!

Lin Dong shot him a look of contempt but kept to himself the lunchtime sighting of Zhang Xinrui and Lee Mingshan on a date.

Otherwise, Liu Wenming would be devastated. If he started wailing, there'd be no chance for a rest.

Lin Dong was just about to doze off when his phone buzzed with a WeChat message.

It was from Tian Meihui.

She sent an emoji sticking out her tongue and wrote, "Lin Dong, are you free this afternoon? Let's go out and have some fun. I know a great spot!"

Tian Meihui had always been fond of Lin Dong.

Propping his head on his arm, Lin Dong replied with his free hand, "Can't, I've got to support my roommate at his competition this afternoon. I'm part of his cheering squad."

Tian Meihui, sipping orange juice in her dorm, saw the message and quickly typed back with her straw, "Really? I should come too, then. I'll bring some friends to root for your roommate!"

Lin Dong hadn't expected Tian Meihui to respond like that.

He was about to decline when he remembered Liu Wenming's earlier words. Lin Dong messaged back, "(Smile) Sure, I'll send you the details later."

"Yay! Great! I'll wait for your message! (tongue out)"

Tian Meihui replied instantly.

"Yes!! Big brother Lin Dong said I could come along! Hahaha!"

After sending her response, Tian Meihui bounced around the room in excitement, her jubilant outburst drawing curious glances from her roommates.

A girl applying a face mask gently tapped her cheek and made a face, "Have you lost your mind? Over a guy? With your looks, there's a line of guys eager to date you."

"It's not the same! This afternoon, nobody's leaving. You're all coming with me to root for my crush's roommate! If you're truly my friends, you'll back me up!" Tian Meihui exclaimed with fervor.

"She's gone mad!"

"She's totally boy-crazy!"

"There's no saving her!"

The dormitory girls all shook their heads in disbelief.

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