LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C76 The Bad Influence on the Field Tian Chao Was Heavily Injured
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C76 The Bad Influence on the Field Tian Chao Was Heavily Injured
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C76 The Bad Influence on the Field Tian Chao Was Heavily Injured

"Go, Tian, go!" Lin Dong cheered from the stands as he watched Tian Chao skillfully maneuver the ball across the field.

Tian Chao glanced up at Lin Dong and flashed an 'OK' sign.

With a quick shake of his head and the sharp whistle of the referee, Tian Chao charged forward with determination.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

His footsteps echoed on the court as he penetrated deep into the territory of the Red Team.

He was the striker.

And there, standing in his path, was Jiang Cheng!

Jiang Cheng's eyes blazed with resentment, his muscles tensed, readying himself in a defensive crouch that seemed perfectly normal to any onlooker.

But then, like a gust of wind, Tian Chao darted past him, ball in tow, gearing up for another shot at the goal!

Jiang Cheng reacted instantly, stepping in to cut off Tian Chao's advance and attempting to steal the ball.

The White Team players trailing Tian Chao quickly closed in to assist their teammate's progression.

The Red Team players responded in kind, forming a line that obstructed the White Team's advance.

This was unexpected.

Typically, it's striker versus striker, midfielder versus midfielder, defender versus defender!

What was this, a human wall?

The White Team halted, their captain visibly irritated, hands on hips. Wasn't it clear this was against the spirit of the game?

Were they even playing anymore?

Meanwhile, Tian Chao found himself encircled by several opponents, the group forming a ring around him.

To the onlookers, it seemed like a fierce contest for the ball.

Sparse cheers from the stands punctuated the tense atmosphere.

The match had devolved into a mere standoff, losing its excitement.

Lin Dong's brow furrowed in concern.

Something was amiss.

The Red Team had cut off Tian Chao's teammates and had him encircled – this was far from the fair play of a legitimate match.

As Lin Dong's confusion grew, the White Team's captain maneuvered his players around the human barrier, intent on freeing Tian Chao from his predicament.

Surrounded and with no way out, Tian Chao needed all the help he could get.

The Red Team began to fan out, each member vigilantly marking an opponent.


A scream of agony echoed across the court as the players scattered.


The referee blew his whistle and sprinted to the source of the outcry. There, he found Tian Chao clutching his leg, writhing on the ground, his face contorted with pain.

"What happened to Tian Chao?"

"Jiang Cheng, your team is playing dirty!"

"Damn! Causing trouble!"


Members of the White Team rushed over.

They encircled Tian Chao, shouting accusations at Jiang Cheng's side.

The referee approached.

After examining Tian Chao's leg, he furrowed his brow and announced, "This is a severe injury, possibly a fracture. We need to get him to the school doctor immediately!"

Lin Dong stood up abruptly.

In a normal soccer game, even an accidental injury shouldn't be this grave; he felt compelled to check on Tian Chao.

"What are you doing, Lin Dong?" Ma Chenchen asked.

"I'm going to see how Tian Chao is. You all stay here," Lin Dong replied, and with that, he was off.

Ma Chenchen's face was etched with concern. She wanted to follow but was held back by Tian Meihui.

"Why so worried, little Chenchen? My bro Lin Dong is just going to check out the commotion; he'll be fine!" Tian Meihui said, raising an eyebrow.

Ma Chenchen shot her a look. "Your bro? With all the guys after you, you still fixate on Lin Dong, the poor student. Just so you know, Lin Dong is a decent guy!"

"I'm decent too, you know. Or is it that you also have a crush on Lin Dong, little Chenchen? Call me 'big sis,' and when I win over Lin Dong, I'll make sure you're part of the fun too! Hehe!" Tian Meihui teased with a giggle.

"I'm not joining your fun! You're not serious," Ma Chenchen retorted, visibly annoyed. She turned her attention away from Tian Meihui, focusing instead on Lin Dong.

Lin Dong made his way to the base of the stands.

As he arrived, Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu joined him, both wearing looks of concern.

"What's going on with Old Tian? Did those jerks on the other team do this on purpose?"

"If it comes to that, we'll fight tooth and nail to tear them apart!"

Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu said with fury in their voices.

Lin Dong, by contrast, remained composed.

"Let's just wait and see," he suggested.

Together, the trio made their way over to where Tian Chao was.

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