LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C90 After the Id Card Returned Lin Ruobing Was Taken away
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C90 After the Id Card Returned Lin Ruobing Was Taken away
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C90 After the Id Card Returned Lin Ruobing Was Taken away

Lin Dong found himself gasping for air once more.

His eyes bulged as he realized just how awful his day had become.

He had come looking for trouble, seeking revenge, but instead, he had been repeatedly overpowered by Lin Ruobing.

He felt like he was on the verge of suffocating!

Lin Ruobing was seething with frustration!

She was well aware of the actual situation and understood the implications of Lin Dong's words!

However, those at the door were clueless!

Misinterpreting his words, especially given her current posture, could spell disaster for her reputation!

She had to ensure Lin Dong kept quiet.

Otherwise, she was seriously contemplating murder!

"Sister Bing, we didn't see anything, but there are a few people outside claiming to be from the Lin Family. They're asking for you," said the tattooed underling, adept at feigning ignorance.

"The Lin Family?"

Lin Ruobing spun around abruptly.

With a swift twist of her waist, she left Lin Dong's side and strode towards the exit.

She appeared to hold the so-called Lin Family members in high regard!

Leaving like that, she abandoned Lin Dong.

Lin Dong inhaled deeply.

At last, he could appreciate the sensation of breathing freely!

It felt incredibly soothing!

Yet, Lin Ruobing's treatment of him left him boiling with rage!

He made a mental note of her behavior; this was not something he would easily forget.

"Hey, she left her ID card behind!"

Lin Dong was surprised to discover an ID card on the ground.

It must have fallen out when Lin Ruobing hastily departed.

A smirk formed on his lips as he picked it up.

Possessing this unflattering ID card was like having leverage over Lin Ruobing.

His spirits lifted instantly.

He then stood up, intent on finding out who had come looking for Lin Ruobing, someone she deemed so important that she would leave her new boss in the dust to meet them!

Lin Dong exited the office.

The club members nearby watched him with a mix of awe and respect.

Their club's goddess, Lin Ruobing, had taken the initiative to be with him in the office. The fact that he could win over Lin Ruobing and prompt her to act so decisively was truly impressive!

Lin Dong was oblivious to what everyone else was thinking.

He assumed that as the new boss, he would command respect from everyone. As he walked, Lin Dong smiled and reached out to greet those around him, who quickly nodded in response.

His position as boss was one reason for the respect, but even more impressive was how Lin Dong had managed to win over the icy beauty, Lin Ruobing. That earned him considerable admiration.

Amidst the cautious and reverent stares, Lin Dong made his way to the entrance where a group of people stood, including a tattooed club member.

Lin Ruobing was not in sight.

Lin Dong heard the sound of a car door shutting outside. Looking up, he saw Lin Ruobing's figure vanish into an Elfa van, which then drove off.

"What's going on?" Lin Dong nudged the tattooed man next to him.

"Sister Bing was taken away," the man replied, his face etched with concern.

"Who are they, taking Lin Ruobing away like that? And none of you guys did anything about it?" Lin Dong pressed.

He was puzzled. It was clear to him that the club members held Lin Ruobing in high regard.

Yet, now that Lin Ruobing had been taken away, they hadn't attempted to intervene, which was very odd!

The tattooed man glanced at Lin Dong and explained, "Those are people from the Lin Family. Sister Bing was willing to go with them, and she didn't want us to get involved."


Lin Dong's gaze lingered on the vanishing Elfa. The presence of the Lin Family, the van, and Lin Ruobing herself helped Lin Dong piece together a clear narrative in his mind.

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