LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C93 He Entered the Mansion and Was Invited by His Neighbor to Join the Midnight Party
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C93 He Entered the Mansion and Was Invited by His Neighbor to Join the Midnight Party
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C93 He Entered the Mansion and Was Invited by His Neighbor to Join the Midnight Party

The Pagani Huayran came to a halt in front of an opulent gate, its wheels faintly emitting blue smoke—a testament to the vehicle's blistering speed. Thankfully, the tires were custom-made to endure the rigors of high-speed travel without wearing thin. This was the prestigious Wave Listening Courtyard!

A sports car raced up from behind and pulled up alongside Lin Dong. The window rolled down to reveal Liang Yu's head. His eyes conveyed deep respect as he addressed Lin Dong, "True to the name of the Wind God! You left the Ferrari in the dust. Impressive!"

Lin Dong responded with a smile, "I just stepped it up a notch."

"Just a notch?" Liang Yu was astounded. He had been driving flat out and still couldn't keep up. To him, Lin Dong's casual dismissal of the feat was nothing short of legendary.

With a respectful gesture, Liang Yu directed Lin Dong towards the gate. Lin Dong approached first, where the security guards had already taken notice of him. The roaring approach of the Pagani Huayran had been unmistakable, its presence as commanding as a prehistoric beast.

The guards, familiar with the world's finest vehicles, instantly recognized the Pagani Huayran. They approached Lin Dong with due diligence. The security captain jogged over and said, "I apologize, sir, but your car isn't registered with a number plate, so it can't be admitted. Perhaps you could park it to the side for now?"

Lin Dong's brow furrowed slightly; he hadn't anticipated the need for vehicle registration in this affluent enclave, where security measures were evidently top-notch.

Liang Yu interjected, "What seems to be the problem? This is Big Brother's car, and his home is right there in Villa Number Thirteen. Please, let him through."

The captain nodded, his face etched with a hint of difficulty. "If you're a resident here, then there's no issue. I'm not one to stick rigidly to rules, but sir, if you don't register with the property management, it'll be a hassle to stop you each time. Once you're registered, you'll have free rein. That makes sense, doesn't it?"

The security captain was perceptive and articulate.

While he insisted that Lin Dong register, his supportive stance made a great impression.

Liang Yu sighed in frustration, ready to insist on entry.

At that moment, Lin Dong said, "I'd rather not be stopped every time I visit, so I'll just register. Liang Yu, you go ahead."

"Okay, I'm off!"

Liang Yu turned and walked to his Ferrari, driving off.

Lin Dong parked his car at the curb and followed the security captain to log his name and license plate, ensuring smoother visits in the future.

The property office was conveniently located near the gate, symbolizing the esteemed status of the residents and serving as a security checkpoint.

Lin Dong completed the registration swiftly.

As a homeowner, he was met with utmost respect by the property staff.

The level of service in this upscale community was exceptional, with young women providing attentive reception that made Lin Dong feel extremely comfortable.

Once registered, he drove through the gate.

Each villa in the area boasted its own garage.

Lin Dong made his way to Villa Number 13, noting Villa Number 12 just behind it.

The villa district was pristine and picturesque, with immaculate grounds that resembled a garden. Across from the villas, the river's gentle flow added a soothing soundtrack to the serene setting.

Lin Dong was instantly charmed by the locale.

The villa featured facial recognition technology, allowing him to enter without a key!

Upon entering, Lin Dong was astounded by the opulence of the decor.

Every amenity was top-of-the-line, with the living room's chandelier alone valued at millions.

The two-story villa offered ample room selection, giving Lin Dong the freedom to make himself at home.

Beyond the back door lay a quaint garden with a private swimming pool.

The surrounding lawns and flowerbeds created an enchanting atmosphere.

Truly, this was a haven for the affluent, with luxuries far beyond those of a standard residence.

Lin Dong was smitten with the place.

He settled onto the living room sofa, feeling as though he were in a dream.

Just then, Lin Dong's phone buzzed with a text message alert.

He glanced at the screen to find a message from Liang Yu: "Lin Dong, I've set up a midnight bash tonight. Come join the fun!"

Midnight bash?

Lin Dong pondered briefly before replying, "Sure, I'll swing by later."

He was curious to experience what a party in the affluent district was like. Would there be an abundance of beautiful women? An array of gourmet delights, perhaps?

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