Little Clerk's Happy Life/C16 A Passionate Night
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Little Clerk's Happy Life/C16 A Passionate Night
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C16 A Passionate Night

"Don't, don't …" I touched her breasts more and more comfortably as she started to beg for mercy.

I seemed to understand what she meant. The more she said that, the more it didn't seem like I was going to stop.

In the end, after repeated assaults, I finally managed to conquer her body. She began to lie powerlessly on the sofa, allowing me to knock Eggy against her legs time and time again with a sound of "smacking".

At this time, only a few new female employees were left in the KTV private room. They drank and sang. All of a sudden, a female employee saw the egg I had leaked and came over to pet it. As she screamed, several other female employees came over. But at this time, I had already completely finished conquering Jiang Ruoyun.

By the time I had finished packing up, Jiang Ruoyun had already fallen asleep. I picked Jiang Ruoyun up and placed her on the sofa before heading to the other booth. However, the moment I entered the room, I saw that it was much more intense than when I was fighting on my side. Wen Jiefeng was holding two female colleagues, one of whom was the manager of our company's business department. He was able to win against two people by himself. I saw that I should not go and disturb them at this time, so I didn't bid them farewell. I left the eastern Nightless City with a few new employees.

After leaving the Eastern Nightless City, I found that the few female employees who had just entered the job today were all drunk. I was so perverted. Actually, I no longer have the strength to continue fighting. Even if there was, it was just curiosity. So I stopped the car and turned them over one by one. There were a total of five people involved, and one of them was Jiang Ruoyun. The other four were also new employees.

The second was Wang Shiying. Her name was like a boy, had a boyish personality, and even looked like a boy. She always gave people a valiant feeling. The first thing I did was to check her underwear.

She was wearing a pair of black slacks that made her look loose and more suitable for exercise. My hand gently caresses the inside of her thigh a few times. I didn't expect this to make my little brother straighten up again. Gradually, I began to have the desire to fight again.

Actually, it's not that I'm a beast or something, it's just that this girl is too special." If she dressed up a little, she would be a complete handsome guy. However, this kind of handsome appearance favors a woman's beauty. Especially her pair of big eyes that are filled with spirituality, it makes me unable to control my own body. However, I wasn't in a hurry to make a move. What attracted me the most was what panties the girl was wearing under her pants. Suddenly I was attracted by this inexplicable mystery.

I began to gently pull back Wang Shiying's pants, revealing a pair of white shorts. The shorts were tight, a crescent-shaped dent visible against the white tightness of the shorts. I looked at the crescent moon and swallowed hard.

To be honest, if there were no other girls around at this time, I would definitely be unable to control myself.

So I started looking at the third girl. This girl was called Jin Qianqian. She was one of the girls who was dressed as if they were exposed. At the same time, he was wearing very little, just a very short skirt.

I intentionally lifted her miniskirt to reveal a pair of pure black thong pants. In the middle of the thong, a deep gully appeared in front of me.

Because the thong was somewhat narrow, the thong actually tightened around the ravine. On the top of the thong was some viscous liquid, as if she already had a reaction.

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