Little Clerk's Happy Life/C20 Women's Crystal Shoes
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Little Clerk's Happy Life/C20 Women's Crystal Shoes
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C20 Women's Crystal Shoes

I could clearly see that the client was very tall and sturdy, with the business manager on her desk, legs upside-down. The customer worked really hard, even her shirt was soaked through, and the business manager was ecstatic as he grabbed the customer's butt with both hands. The two of them kept going back and forth. They felt really uncomfortable.

Since the takeout was still waiting outside, I didn't want the caller to call my cell phone and ruin the couple's plans. So I closed the door again and went outside.

This meal could be said to be very sumptuous. Besides a bottle of red wine, there were also four dishes that were all packaged and delivered from a very famous restaurant.

When I placed these dishes on my coffee table and took out two high-grade crystal glasses from my cabinet, Jin Qianqian's eyes, which originally looked down on me, now had something called hope.

"Is this all for me?" When Jin Qianqian saw that the boxes were filled with dishes that she liked, even a pair of crystal cups were his favorites, she finally couldn't help but reveal the joy in her heart.

There was a good saying that every girl should have their own crystal shoes, especially for girls like this who loved fantasies.

Now I let Jin Qianqian have an enjoyment of being a princess.

Delicate boxes held her favorite food. Even if they were not packed in a restaurant, the total cost of these dishes would be several hundred yuan, almost a thousand yuan. If it was delivered in a bag, the price would probably double. Not to mention the red wine on the table, and the crystal glass I had prepared for her turn. If you don't count the cost of reuse, these added up to at least four or five thousand dollars.

One had to know that her monthly salary was only slightly more than two thousand yuan. If I work overtime, I can barely get two thousand five hundred. I still have to take care of her.

"Of course, these are all for you. As long as you are happy, anything I do is worth it. " Sometimes, white lies were always believed to be true, not to mention that these things were actually laid out in front of her. How could she not be tempted!

Sometimes, although I spend money like water, but should spend money in the right place I know. After preparing this sumptuous dinner, I still have some explanations that were naturally carefully prepared as well.

Sure enough, after she said those words, Jin Qianqian's heart was moved. She ran over and quickly kissed my face before happily accompanying me in packing up.

After a while, my office was cleaned up. If no one else had known, they would have thought it was a small restaurant. The rose-scented candles in the room were adorned with a charming fragrance, giving off a feeling of enchantment. At this point, even I had a hint of a smile on my face, as if I had transformed into Prince Charming to have dinner with his beloved princess.

The atmosphere was indeed a good thing. It could often cause one to fall into a wondrous situation and give off a dream-like feeling. In the pink candlelight, Jin Qianqian and I cleared the table and set the food down. Then I poured red wine for her and for me. Seeing the clear red wine slowly flowing into my wine cup and the smile on Jin Qianqian's face filled with yearning and satisfaction, I felt that whatever I did was worth it.

Suddenly I felt a kind of trance, like the first time I had accepted a sex bribe at a publishing house. At that time, I was just a fledgling who didn't understand anything. In the face of the first sudden temptation, I was at a loss. I even foolishly let him become my girlfriend. Now that he thought about it, it was really childish.

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