LOL: IG Never Work Overtime/C7 Fight Start!
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LOL: IG Never Work Overtime/C7 Fight Start!
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C7 Fight Start!

On Xiao Ge's side, he was playing on the field. On the other side, he was playing on the field. On the other side, he was playing on the field.

On the other side, the lone perkz, grandpa Lu, was fighting a wild horse and flying away. He and his helper were two rows of high score passersby.

The Twitter declaration of more than a month of war in Perkz has long been a source of suspense. Now that he and Uri had finally met in the same game, it was time to settle accounts.

Coincidentally, Xiao Ge, Kiki, Grandpa Lu, and Ma Feifei were also on the opposite side. Furthermore, they were also fighting in the same position, so this was also a battle that needed to be settled.

Before Grandpa Lu was banned, a huge commotion broke out on the internet.

Li Zhuang white meat, ten thousand word Weibo, your present is a gun, a series of names are all from that big wave.

Like what Jessica said, this was really a match that gathered the hatred of the nation, and it was also a fight that could not be lost!

In less than ten minutes, the news of the event had reached first place on Weibo's search list.

Because the live broadcast was not happening, Grandpa Lu was banned. Thus, the direct broadcast room was almost the best viewing window. Within a few minutes, the number of people in the direct broadcast room had skyrocketed to 25 million!

This kind of popularity was even more popular than the official broadcast of the international tournament, the S's direct broadcast!

"F * ck, I've waited for over half a month. I'm finally going to wait for this match!"

"Usi, streamer, charge for this grandpa!" "If anyone dares to scam me today, I will make your entire family fly into the sky in a spiral!"

"Damn, I never thought that I would be able to see Grandpa Lu on the live broadcast studio!" "Brothers, let's spit …"

"Surprise!" Master Lu is actually reborn from his filth! "

"Do you think Grandpa Lu and his lackey are sending them away on purpose?"

"Bullshit, with this level of attention, the Hero Alliance officials must have already noticed this match. If anyone dares to play the role, the second number will be gone!"

"Then what if he wins? Wouldn't his other teammates be selling him off?"

"Crawl!" "It's just a game, don't be so formal!"

"That's right, eSports rely on strength to speak. Don't be a moral kidnapper if you lose, but you definitely have to arrange …"

The dense barrage of bullets almost caused the broadcast room to explode. Xiao Ge directly shut down the broadcast room and began to seriously play the game.

To others, this game was a match that involved a huge conflict between the two sides. Xiao Ge also had an extraordinary meaning.

This was because Xiao Ge had already checked and found out that it was now 11 o'clock. When this game ended, it was about 12 o'clock.

As long as he won this game and the system was updated after 12 o'clock, he would be in the top ten kings!

As for the tasks assigned by the system, he had only completed one-third of them!

"Puppy, what are you playing at! What kind of support do you want? "

"Xia or Kassa is fine, if you need help, let's do it!"

"What are you going to play for?"

"Stone Bird!"

"Brother Ka Zi, what are you playing at?"

"I... I'll play Kenan! "

"Then my prince will fight the field and cooperate with the team!"

"Alright, this lineup is still alright. Everyone, make sure to play what you're good at. We'll see how the other party organizes the selection later. Let's discuss the details later!"

Very quickly, both sides' lineup had been confirmed!

Blue Square (on Xiao Ge's side) — — Red Square (on Master Lu's side)

Solo: Sika Kenan vs Master Lu, Swordfiend.

The game: Prince Xiao Ge vs Ma Feifei excavator.

Midway: Passerby Rock Bird vs a P Witch.

ADC: uzi xia vs passerby Kesha.

Auxiliary: Passerby Luo vs Passerby Ox-Head.

A great battle was about to begin!

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