Long Sorrow Song/C4 Inheritance
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Long Sorrow Song/C4 Inheritance
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C4 Inheritance

The monkey had just run to the bottom of the mountain when he saw Ye Mo. Ye Wen had his hands behind his back and was very calm.

"I'm not running anymore. Great Ye, I will go wherever you want me to go. I will do whatever you want me to do." Monkey Shadow sighed. He could tell that Ye Mo Han was not a merciful person, and he also knew that Ye Mo wouldn't kill him. He also knew that Ye Mo was no match for him, so he decided to stop running.

Ye Mo Han laughed and said: "Then come with me to the South Peak."

"Alright." The monkey was about to go up the mountain.

"You don't want to know what I want you to do?" Ye Mo Han was truly surprised to see Monkey Shadowless going up the mountain like this.

"Of course you are following your master's orders to bring me back to interrogate him. I only stole a sword from him over twenty years ago. After so many years, he won't do anything to me." Monkey Shadowless said helplessly.

"Master?" The sheets were cold.

"You're not Chen Shaochong's disciple?" Monkey Shadow had thought that his guess was correct.

Ye Shaochang disdainfully said, "Chen Shaochong, he is not qualified to be my master, but I want you to come with me to the South Peak because I want to meet him."

The southern peak of Mount Hua was known as the second summit of the first mountain, the eastern peak of the juniper tree. The western peak of the mountain was known as the Wild Goose Peak, which meant that even the great geese were unable to fly over it. Ascending to the south mountain peak, one would be able to look far ahead. All of the mountains were beneath their feet, giving them the feeling that they were looking down on all living beings.

Her grave was incongruous with her past fame. The tomb was made of a pile of stones, and on the tombstone was carved the words' Hua Shan Sect Leader Lin Manxiao's Tomb ', there was nothing else.

Ye Mo Han stood in front of the grave, silent. Monkey Shadow looked around and said, "Chen Shao Chong is at Songjie Peak. He seems to come here every day to sweep the tomb."

"At least he has a conscience. He won't forget his old kindness." Ye Wen said indifferently.

"Yeah, I, Chen Shaochong, have guarded the tomb for 20 years. Other people only called me infatuated. I'm afraid not many people know about this other than love." An old man with white hair and a thin face came from afar. He walked slowly, but he was incomparably fast. Although he was quite a distance away, he could clearly hear every word that Ye Han and the monkey had said to him.

Monkey Shadow laughed and said, "Chen Shaochong, it's been twenty years since we last met and yet you've become an old man." Although he said this, his heart grew even more suspicious of Ye Mo. Just who was he to actually know so much more than he did?

Chen Shaochong ignored the monkey and directly walked to Lin Mo Xiao's grave, standing side by side with Ye Wen.

"You're here." These were the first words that Chen Shaochong had said to Ye Chanhan, as if he had been waiting.

"You've already guessed who I am?" Ye Mo Han asked.

Chen Shaochong sighed and said, "You look very similar to your father." When Monkey Shadow heard this, he searched through his mind for people with the surname Ye, but he couldn't find anyone that looked similar to Ye Mo Han.

Ye Mo said coldly, "How did my father die?"

Chen Shaochong asked, "Duan Xingyu and Xu Haotian, you've already killed them?"

"Yes, we just killed the Giant Spirit Tiger at the foot of the mountain."

Monkey Shadow's face suddenly turned pale, and his voice trembled as he said, "You are the son of the Wild Devil Leaf?"

"Yes, I am Ye Sheng and Lin Moxiao's son, Ye Mo Han." Ye Mo Han's face was filled with pride.

Monkey Shadow shouted, "Impossible, this is impossible! How could Lin Moyu be your mother? Chen Shaochong, just what is going on?"

Ye Mo Han snorted and said, "Monkey Shadow, leave me the thing that you stole from the void sea and become a mute. I promise I'll let you leave the mountain alive."

The little monkey's entire body trembled. It had never felt such fear before. The Berserk Demon Leaf actually had a future, and its martial arts seemed to be extremely high. Trembling, he took out a palm-sized, oval-shaped gold medal from his brocade bag. The gold medal was beautifully shaped, with a dragon and phoenix carved into the corner, and the words' Emerald Jade Pavilion 'carved into the center of the gold plate were clearly visible.

When Chen Shaochong saw the gold plate, his expression changed as he asked in surprise, "The Emerald Jade Pavilion still exists?"

"This is the new jade pavilion, and it's also the Xu Qiuhai, Duan Xingyu, and Xu Haotian. They are all from the Jade Pavilion. The reason why I killed the Giant Spirit Tiger was because he was protected by the Jade Pavilion and was able to avoid being hunted down for eight years. " Ye Mo glanced at the monkey and asked, "They used my father's identity as a member of the Emerald Martial Palace to kill my father and mother by force. Am I trying to kill them one by one? Isn't that too fair?"

"That battle twenty-two years ago, I only heard about it and did not participate. On the other hand, Chen Shaochong and Liangxiong both went there. To be honest, I am only a thief, and I can't even see the honor of your father, Great Hero Ye."

"I said I won't kill you. Be a mute and go down the mountain." Ye Wen said coldly.


What the mute meant was that he did not know how to speak.

Monkey Shao Ying's eyes begged Chen Shao Chong, which made Chen Shao Chong's heart soften. He knew what was going on, so he said to Ye Mo Han, "Look at him, he won't tell anyone about what happened today."

Ye Mo Han remained silent for a while, before he said to the monkey, word for word, "You may leave."

"Ye Xiao, don't worry. I won't say a word about what happened today." Monkey picked up his life and ran down the mountain as he spoke, afraid that Ye Mo would change his mind if he was too slow.

Chen Shaochong looked in the direction the monkey ran in and said, "Do you really think he won't tell us?"

"You think I don't want anyone to know that I'm going to keep him alive?" The meaning behind Ye Mo Han's words was obvious. The reason Ye Mo Han made Monkey No Shadow go down the mountain was to make Monkey No Shadow tell others that he was the son of Ye Sheng and Lin Moyu.

Chen Shaochong understood what he meant, and said: "After this matter is spread out, it will affect your mother's reputation. As the sole female Sect Leader of the Hua Shan Sect, she will be doing well for the next few decades. In fact, this matter was covered up by me and Zhang Yiming twenty-two years ago. Now that it has been revealed, even the Hua Shan Sect will not let this matter go. "

"She was my mother to begin with. She should have been with my father." Ye Mo's two sentences were very reasonable.

Chen Shaochong was speechless. Lin Moxiao was Ye Mo Han's mother and Ye Sheng's wife. This was the truth. Moreover, it had already been more than 20 years. Even if this were to spread out, what would happen? Maybe a lot of people had already forgotten, after all, most people were forgetful.

"Now you can tell me about that battle twenty-two years ago." Ye Mo Han looked at Lin Moyu's lonely grave and said. As he looked at this, he didn't know if it was love or hate. Not long after he was born, he was sent away by Lin Moyu, and his only goal in this big heart was to avenge his father, so he trained hard in his martial arts and never thought of his mother. Perhaps in his heart, he hated Lin Moyu, and hated her for not personally raising him. Now, standing in front of his mother's grave, he imagined the scene of his family reunited in his mind, and he felt a wave of grievance.

It was already dusk, and the sun had set in the west. Chen Shaochong was like the setting sun, and before nightfall, he recalled the light he emitted when he was young.

"Three years after your mother took over the position of Sect Leader of Mount Hua, her name became famous throughout the world. As for your father, Ye Sheng, he suddenly appeared in the martial arts world three years after your mother took over the position of sect head. Because of his insolence, and because of his serious injuries as the sect leader of the two great sects, people in the martial arts world call him the Berserk Demon. " As Chen Shaochong explained, it was as if he had returned to the past as well.

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