Lord Of Chaos/C19 Competition
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Lord Of Chaos/C19 Competition
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C19 Competition

After a moment's struggle, they decided to line up according to age. Yang Sha, who was at the side, could not stand it anymore and said, "Uncle Gao, I came today to ask you to take us to see the location and environment of tomorrow's battle. If possible, I would like to see if there is a list of participants."

When Uncle Gao heard that, he put his hand under his chin and said in a deep voice, "The list is confidential. I will definitely not show it to you. But the venue is fine. Let's go. Let me show you!"

After saying that, Uncle Gao went out first, followed by Yang Sha and Gao Zhan at the back.

After entering the elevator and taking the third floor, the elevator door slowly slid to the sides, and then a building that looked like a bird's nest came into view.

"Uncle Gao, what is this? Why does it look like a bird's nest?" Gao Zhan asked with a frown.

Gao Zhu heard him and explained, "This is a gymnasium designed by a great designer in China during the world peace period. I heard it is for the competition!"

"Then, the designer in our association built a similar building underground in the same manner as before and gave it a resounding name - Bird's Nest! " This is also the place for your competition. You should get familiar with it as soon as possible. After getting familiar with it, you should leave as soon as possible. It won't be good for me to let the others know later. "

"Okay!" Yang Sha agreed readily.

Then Uncle Gao took the elevator up. Gao Zhan and Yang Sha went up. At this moment, there was no one here. Even the sound of the machinery that could not be dispersed for a long time had disappeared. The huge spotlight was on at the top of the building, illuminating the floor. However, there was still a sense of oppression in their hearts.

After all, this was underground, not the ground!

The bird nest was very big. Gao Zhan looked over and felt that if there were a hundred of him lying here, it would not be half the width of the bird nest.

The grass in the middle had white lines that Gao Zhan could not understand. The surrounding was like a spectator's stand. Gao Zhan tried to sit on the chair. It was very soft, but he saw Yang Sha looking around carefully.

"What are you looking for?" Gao Zhan ran over and asked.

"I am looking for anything I can use in the central arena, even if it is a pit." Yang Sha shook Gao Zhan away from her. She bent her body like a black cat and searched carefully on the ground.

Gao Zhan looked and said, "This arena is so big. How long will it take to find it? Besides, I think this place is very flat. There are no bumpy things here!"

"There will definitely be!" Yang Sha was inexplicably determined.

Gao Zhan did not know why Yang Sha was so sure that there must be potholes in this place that she wanted, but since Yang Sha said so, then he had a certain obligation to help.

He imitated Yang Sha's actions and kept searching on the ground. On the other side, Yang Sha did not even look at Gao Zhan. She still carefully searched for the "flaws" of this lawn.

Perhaps only she knew why she did this. She wanted to control and familiarize herself with this arena. Only by familiarizing herself with the arena would she have the confidence to defeat her opponent tomorrow.

It wasn't that she really wanted to find some potholes here. The key was to be familiar with them. This was very important for battle.

After almost two hours, Yang Sha had already grasped two-thirds of the places with her speed. As long as she controlled the enemy two-thirds of the area tomorrow, she would have a 80% chance of defeating the enemy!

Gao Zhan was still searching for potholes over and over again. It was strange that he could not find any potholes after searching for a long time.

Gao Zhan frowned. Should he dig a potholes himself?

"Don't think about it. There are cameras here when I dig a hole. When the time comes, you will be captured. " Don't say that I'm still here. Don't worry, I'll definitely raise your sister. " Yang Sha joked. This one month's time had indeed increased the familiarity between the two. They could already make some simple jokes.

"Don't talk nonsense. I can raise my sister and raise her into an adult myself. I'm still hoping for my sister to take care of her old age and send her off!" Gao Zhan was almost lying on the ground.

"Let's go. I'm already familiar with it. There's no need to stay here. Let's go!" Yang Sha said.

Gao Zhan raised his wrist to look at his watch. He was shocked when he saw the time. He hurriedly said, "Let's go. Let's go. It's almost noon. Don't let little sister get hungry by then!"

As he spoke, Gao Zhan walked in front and was about to leave in a hurry. Yang Sha covered her mouth and laughed softly behind him. She had seen clearly how deep Gao Zhan's feelings for Gao Ying had been for more than a month.

For such a long time, Gao Zhan always took the things Gao Ying wanted when Gao Ying wanted to call her. Not to mention not letting Gao Ying starve, even he himself was not hungry. He was even a little fat from eating.

After visiting Uncle Gao, the two of them left. They sat in a taxi. Yang Sha, who usually did not take the initiative to speak, suddenly said, "What do you plan to tell your sister about your parents?"


"No!" This time it was Yang Sha's turn to not understand.

"Right now my sister is still young and I do not want to leave her a shadow. When she grows up, she will naturally know the truth of the matter. " At that time, no matter if she hates me or not, I will admit it. But now, I absolutely cannot let her know about this matter. Otherwise, her innocent childhood will be buried in a layer of shadow. " Gao Zhan said calmly.

Yang Sha turned her head outside and looked at the dark and heavy sky. The weather had cleared two or three times in such a long time. Most of the time, the sky was so gloomy, as if there was a Giant Beast controlling all of this behind the dark clouds.

Gao Zhan and Yang Sha were well aware that this was all because the radiation was too severe.

"You really are a competent brother. It doesn't seem like..." Yang Sha had just said it when she suddenly realized and swallowed her words.

Gao Zhan was stunned. He had never heard Yang Sha say that. Today, he might as well tell her, "I heard from Uncle Wang that your father was saved from a bunker. Can you tell me what happened? " Gao Zhan asked quietly.

"I can't tell you yet. You don't have the right to hear it. Ask when you grow to the Middle Rank Hunter. At that time, I will tell you everything, and I will tell you everything!" Yang Sha did not see Gao Zhan's eyes. She stared outside the window and said lightly.

She did not know that Gao Zhan's fist was clenched so tightly that it was about to bleed.

The weak did not have the right to listen to secrets. This was a lesson Yang Sha had taught Gao Zhan by accident.

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