Lord Of Chaos/C20 Alice
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Lord Of Chaos/C20 Alice
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C20 Alice

After returning home, Gao Zhan lied to his sister on a daily basis, and soon it was the next day.

The next morning, when the two of them went downstairs, Yang Sha went downstairs. Carrying a black bag on his back, he could vaguely make out that it was a long weapon.

There was a black floating train that was five to six meters long waiting for the two of them downstairs. There were two young men in black suits waiting downstairs.

Seeing Gao Zhan and Yang Sha come out, they came close to Yang Sha and cupped their hands. They looked at Gao Zhan and whispered to Yang Sha, "Miss Yang, Mr. Gao asked us to take you to the bird nest."

Yang Sha heard them. She said lightly, "That Mr. Gao?"

"Oh, it's Mr. Gao, who sells clocks on Chang'an Street." The man seemed to realize what had happened.

Gao Zhan knew that Mr. Gao, who sold clocks on Chang'an Street, was Uncle Gao, who was younger than him the day before. He just couldn't figure out why someone specifically came to fetch Gao Zhan and Yang Sha. Could it be that he was worried that something would happen to them on the way?

"Mr. Gao, Miss Yang, please get on the car. The competition will start in the afternoon, but the elite contestants from each city will arrive before 10 o'clock. Mr. Gao specially instructed that Miss Yang and Mr. Gao must not be late." The man said with a smile.

The two of them looked at each other, then Yang Sha moved forward. Gao Zhan immediately got into the car. Yang Sha was stunned for a moment, but after a moment, she smiled and got into the car.

Gao Zhan waited until Yang Sha came in before looking back. There was a girl behind him. Her curly blonde hair reached her shoulders and she wore a pair of round glasses. Her hands kept tapping on her computer terminal. She did not even notice the weak recoil caused by Gao Zhan and Yang Sha entering the car and the start of the car.

Gao Zhan turned his head to Yang Sha and turned his head away. Yang Sha looked at him and shook her head to indicate that she did not know him.

In the car, there were four rows. The girl was in the last row. Gao Zhan and Yang Sha were in the third row. The two men in black were in the second row. In the first row was a middle-aged driver. He looked like Wang Jianglong, a greasy middle-aged uncle.

"I don't think this is the way to the association." Gao Zhan was alert. He had only been to the association three times, but he was familiar with it. He had been to that place often before.

However, Gao Zhan realized that this car was definitely not going in the direction of the association.

Yang Sha also noticed it when she heard that. Her right hand inadvertently groped behind her. She said coolly, "Where are we going?"

"It's like this. Our competition is not just a one-on-one battle within the association. " There are also some special competitions that only have the opportunity to participate in the final competition within the association after many rounds of selection. " The man lowered his head and said respectfully.

"What competition?" Gao Zhan asked cautiously.

At this moment, a melodious voice that sounded like a hundred spirit birds rang in Gao Zhan and Yang Sha's ears. "The Low Level Hunter competition of the Old Era's Protection Association is divided into three parts. The first part is where we are going now. At the edge of Southern Asia New City, there is a place called a pile of rocks. There are many wild beasts and mutated beasts there."

"The timer is five hours. Whoever kills enough wild beasts within the stipulated time will win. Only five hundred people will be left in the first round."

Gao Zhan and Yang Sha looked back in surprise. They saw the IT girl staring at the computer screen. Her hands were still running, but she seemed to be talking to herself.

"The second round is against the Middle Rank Hunter's instructor. The one who can last the longest in 500 people wins. In the end, there are only 100 people left!"

"The third round is the final battle. 90 out of 100 people will be eliminated. In the end, the one who wins will be the Association's focal target."

After saying that, the IT girl shut her mouth, and the green code in her eyes kept turning. Only now did Gao Zhan and Yang Sha know that there were three stages in the competition. It was not as simple as a duel.

The man in front lowered his eyebrows and smiled in embarrassment. "Please forgive me. This lady is the daughter of the person in charge of the police system in Southern Asia New City. She likes to play computer terminals. Please don't be surprised."

"It's okay!" Gao Zhan waved his hand. He did not expect this IT girl to be from the police system. She was also a code enthusiast. No wonder she could not look away from the computer screen.

"It's done!" At the same time, the girl behind him exclaimed happily. Then, she gasped for breath. Even when she drank water, she could hear the smile in the cup.

Yang Sha glanced at it and closed her eyes. At this moment, the most important thing for her was to close her eyes and rest. She would be facing a battle soon. She did not want her mental strength to drop at the critical moment.

On the other hand, Gao Zhan heard what she said. With one sentence, she forgot to close her teeth and had to turn her head slowly to see the IT girl smiling as she tried to pour water into the computer.

"Miss, what are you doing?" Gao Zhan really did not know why rich people would do such a stupid thing. He could not afford a computer terminal, but he saw a person trying to destroy the computer terminal.

The girl looked up slightly. Her pretty face could no longer be described as pale. Gao Zhan was really scared.

Seeing that the girl was still nervously walking around, trying to find a way to share her experience when the computer was destroyed, she said excitedly, as if she was talking to herself, "Mom, I finally hacked my dad's police system's financial system. Let that old man keep me away from the police station. What do we do now?"

... ""


If Gao Zhan were to describe it with just four words, it would be like throwing up the sky!

If he dared to hack the website of the police system, why did he have to hack the financial system? Did he ever think about the head of the Finance Department's black veil when he hacked the other party's financial system? Miss!

However, Gao Zhan still nodded his head. A person who could hack the website of the police system might not be able to hack the one million spending points he had on him.

Thinking of this, Gao Zhan used his jacket to tightly protect the personal terminal in his pocket. This one million was exchanged with his life. If someone else hacked it, wouldn't he have no place to cry?

The girl who came to her senses looked up and smiled at Gao Zhan. She said excitedly, "Little brother, this terminal of mine is too sturdy. It looks like it can't be destroyed. Later, when the police stop our car, you can help us deal with it! Iris is here to thank you!"

After saying that, Iris smiled sweetly. Immediately, the kidney in Gao Zhan's body that had never been moved for 20 years accidentally moved.

Oh no, it couldn't be kidney stones, right?

Gao Zhan smiled and looked outside the car. The gloomy sky and the cold new city were the sights that could be found every day. Every day was like a day, and every year was like a year.

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