Lord of the World/C9 Only
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Lord of the World/C9 Only
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C9 Only

Weirdo gazed out of the tree hole, thinking about something. After a while, he asked, "Why do you want to take me as your master? I am just a man from the mountains, what can I give you? "

"I know that you are a South Heavenly King, a person even more powerful than the thirty-six sect Sect Master s. "I've come to the Southern Coiling Mountain to learn from you."

That stiff smile appeared on Weirdo's face again, and he said: "Child, you recognized the wrong person. I'm not the person you're looking for."

Leng Jun couldn't believe his ears, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that the person called South Heavenly King would definitely not stay in the tree cave.

Leng Jun lowered his head, the disappointment on his face could not be hidden.

When Weirdo saw his current state, he silently sighed, then said: "Even though I'm not the person you're looking for, but in order to repay you for treating me to a biscuit, I can actually teach you a few things."

Leng Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his head and looked at Weirdo and asked: "Really?"

Weirdo said: "However, you must promise me one thing. You are not allowed to reveal even a single word of what I have taught you to anyone, and you are not allowed to use it unless absolutely necessary. "

Leng Jun nodded his head like he was pounding garlic, and said: "I definitely won't be said by anyone."

Leng Jun's eyes shone, looking forward to see what kind of Martial Skill the Weirdo would give him.

The Weirdo said, "What I am teaching you is not some Martial Skill, it is just a chant. As for the extent to which you can comprehend this chant, that will depend on your talent. "

With that said, the Weirdo recited a piece of rough incantation.

One of the benefits of being a child is that it is easy to absorb knowledge. Furthermore, Leng Ao was currently especially eager to learn the Martial Skill, so he naturally listened very seriously. Weirdo had only recited it once, and he had already memorized most of it. After the second time in Weirdo, Leng Jun memorized everything.

Weirdo never thought that Leng Jun would actually be this talented. One must know that the incantation was not as eloquent as the poem, and it did not have a coherent meaning. Most people would not even be able to smoothly finish reading it.

Seeing Leng Jun memorizing the chant so easily, Weirdo's heart was stirred up. He already did not know whether he was right or wrong to teach the chant to this child. This child's comprehension ability is so high that in the future, he will probably have to endure the side effects of the chants.

Weirdo knew that by doing so, he might be harming Leng Jun for the rest of his life. However, he was unwilling to admit that the incantation had been lost to him. Hence, his heart fell into an endless struggle.

In the end, as if he had made up his mind, he spoke to Leng Jun who was still reciting the chant, "Child, close your eyes."

Although Leng Jun didn't know what the Weirdo wanted to do, he still closed his eyes in a strange manner.

Leng Jun felt the Weirdo place his hand on top of his head, and immediately after, a warm feeling spread out from the palm. A warm current instantly spread throughout Leng Jun, causing him to feel extremely comfortable.

Suddenly, Leng Jun felt as if a dazzling light appeared in front of him, and his consciousness disappeared all of a sudden.

When Leng Jun regained his consciousness, it was as if everything around him had changed. The surroundings were completely dark, without a single sound. Even the violent wind and torrential rain outside the tree hole seemed to have stopped.

Although it was dead silent and incomparably dark, Leng Jun did not feel any fear, because the feeling that was transmitted to him from all directions was warm. It was just like the feeling from the Weirdo's palm just now, and made him feel extremely comfortable.

Suddenly, Leng Jun had an idea, he remembered the chants the Weirdo had given him, and started reciting them silently.

As Leng Jun chanted the incantation, the dark space around him also changed. A few blue specks of light began to appear around him.

Seeing these star-like blue dots of light, Leng Jun knew that he was right. The strange feeling came from the chant that the Weirdo had taught him.

With that thought, Leng Jun continued to recite the incomprehensible chant. In the beginning, as he recited it, some starlight would appear. By the time he finished reciting the incantation, the blue starlight had already filled the entire space.

He tried reciting the chant a few more times, but nothing happened.

Just as Leng Jun was worrying, not knowing what to do, a voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

"What you see now is called the world, which is also the power of origin." Now, I will help you open the Natal Elemental Energy, and after that, it will be up to you. "

Leng Jun didn't know where this voice came from, but he felt as if it was right next to his ear, and also felt as if it had directly appeared in his mind. However, he was sure that the owner of this voice was the Weirdo who was hiding in the hollow tree with him.

Just as Weirdo finished speaking, something the size of a date core suddenly appeared in front of Leng Jun. It was divided into two parts, one golden and the other bluish-purple.

The golden part had a dazzling radiance, and although the purplish blue part didn't have a strong radiance, it wasn't obscured by the golden light, and still flickered with a mysterious radiance.

Although the two rays of light were bright and dim, they were clearly distinct. Neither side was able to conceal the other's rays.

However, this balance was quickly broken. The "jujube core" suddenly split into two, forming two small balls. The golden ball was still glowing, but there was no change. As for the bluish-purple ball, it suddenly exploded and turned into a bluish-purple dot of light like the sun.

After the bluish-purple light spot appeared, it seemed to have some sort of suction force. The surrounding blue starlight started to gather towards it, and the bluish-purple light seemed to expand a little after absorbing the blue light spot.

Only, the purplish-blue light seemed to have a limited suction force. Except for the surrounding starlight being attracted to it, the rest of the starlight was unaffected by it.

Leng Jun was a little anxious. He wanted to extend his hand and move that bluish-purple light away a little so that it could absorb more starlight. Only now did he realize that he didn't have a hand.

And it wasn't just his hands. There was no part of his body. It was like he was in a dream. He could clearly see everything, but he could not see himself.

Just as Leng Jun was at a loss as to what to do, the voice of the Weirdo came over again.

"Don't use your hands, use your heart."

"Don't use your hands, use your heart?"

Leng Jun repeated this line a few times in his heart, as if he gained some insights from it. He "looked" at the bluish-purple light, and his mind began to imagine moving it.

Indeed, the bluish-purple light had moved. Although it was only trembling slightly, Leng Jun was certain that it had really moved.

However, how could he make the "it" act according to his will and absorb the "starlight"?

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