Loser Awakening/C2 Innate Cripple!
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Loser Awakening/C2 Innate Cripple!
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C2 Innate Cripple!

The Virtual Cabin wasn't a common way for the average person to browse the internet; it was a lavish method reserved for the affluent who sought an indulgent experience. Yet, Tang Tianyuv owned one, not because of wealth, but due to his frail health. Traditional internet access methods were too harsh for him. Only by reclining in the Virtual Cabin and gently syncing his brainwaves could he avoid the overpowering light signals that might otherwise cause him to faint or be abruptly disconnected.

"Black Stone Lane, Worm Iron Ore..." Tang Tianyuv rapidly keyed in these terms and swiftly uncovered the startling truth about Worm Iron Ore—an extraordinary substance indeed.

Three thousand years into humanity's grand colonization era, explorers found life on numerous planets. To humans, these beings were akin to wild beasts, possessing varying levels of intelligence but generally lacking self-awareness.

The most astonishing aspect was the striking resemblance among these extraterrestrial creatures. They all shared tough, glossy exoskeletons and bodies shaped like spindles or streamlined forms, primarily composed of segmented or soft-bodied parts, often employing toxic sprays as their means of attack. A renowned scientist once remarked, "Upon first sight, I mistook them for colossal, mutated insects from our home planet."

Indeed, to human eyes, these beings were insects, but on a scale tens of thousands of times larger than the tiny bugs of Earth, with a proportionate increase in danger. Some were even capable of interstellar flight using their own massive forms.

Humans collectively dubbed these creatures "Universe Insects," prompting biologists to carve out a new field of study known as "Universe Insect Science," thereby formally acknowledging their existence.

A century later, a biological science exploration ship tracking Universe Insects on a barren planet stumbled upon a peculiar phenomenon. Stones near the insects' nests gradually turned crimson, ultimately assuming a semi-regular spherical shape regardless of their initial form. This intrigued the scientists, but despite extensive research and analysis, the cause of the stones' transformation remained elusive. Finally, one scientist proposed, "Why not bring these stones back for further study?"

No one could have imagined that a seemingly casual suggestion would end up making an unimaginable and monumental contribution to the entire human world. The young scientist who made the proposal would later be affectionately known as the "Father of Worm Iron Ore."

After conducting tests, humans discovered that these red stones possessed a critical attribute: they could block all forms of light and electrical energy. Essentially, they were the ultimate shield and insulator. In military applications, they could neutralize all electronic reconnaissance and jamming, rendering all forms of wave detection useless and effectively creating an "invisibility" effect.

Had that been the extent of their capabilities, these stones would merely be considered valuable strategic resources. But scientists soon made an astounding discovery!

Within the batch of stones, they found a blue crystal the size of a soybean, a completely new substance previously unknown to humanity. After extensive research, they reached a groundbreaking conclusion: this blue crystal was a source of energy, the purest form of energy humans had ever encountered.

If the energy within that tiny crystal were harnessed correctly, it could power a massive spaceship for a full twenty-four hours of interstellar travel, vastly surpassing the energy output of nuclear fusion or fission.

What's more, this energy was mild and stable, posing virtually no danger, unlike the volatile nature of nuclear reactors that are prone to accidents. In essence, it was the perfect energy source humanity had long sought after.

Thus, the scientists named this blue crystal the "Universe Energy Crystal," while the red stones were dubbed "Worm Iron Ore."

To date, aside from Worm Iron Ore, the Universe Energy Crystal has not been found anywhere else. Despite two thousand years of research, humanity still has not unraveled the mystery of how this energy form came to be.

Tang Tianyuv exhaled deeply. Even though it was a tale familiar to most, the story still sent shivers down his spine.

Worm Iron Ore, Universe Energy Crystal—such alluring items. If I could get my hands on such a stone, would I ever have to worry about affording food or paying rent again?

Finding a piece of Worm Iron Ore containing an Energy Crystal might be even more challenging than winning five million in the lottery. Yet, spurred by the thought, Tang Tianyuv swiftly made up his mind: he would heed Mrs. Zhang's advice and purchase a stone, hoping for a stroke of luck.

After pinpointing the location of Black Stone Lane, he exited the Virtual Cabin and headed out the door.

A cab ride there would set one back 12 Federation Coins, and while the option to pay with credit points was available, Tang Tianyuv had no intention of hailing a taxi. Instead, he popped into a nearby supermarket, where he spent two Federation Coins on a piece of dry bread, then filled up a large jug of water before hitting the streets at a leisurely pace.

Walking would save him 12 dollars, and the bread would not only fuel him up but also take care of lunch. As for water—well, Mrs. Zhang, his landlord, included utilities in the rent. It would be foolish not to make the most of that. Time was something Tang Tianyuv had in abundance, given his current status as jobless, so a bit of a delay was of no consequence.

For the average person, the journey was a mere fifteen-minute stroll, but for Tang Tianyuv, it was a grueling hour and a half, requiring frequent breaks every five minutes. By the time he neared Black Stone Lane, he was panting heavily and drenched in sweat, his usually pale complexion flushed with exertion.

"This wretched body," Tang Tianyuv muttered with a sigh. Life hadn't always been so challenging. Back when his foster parents were alive, things were decent. They weren't wealthy, but they were thrifty and had managed to save enough for a comprehensive medical check-up for Tang Tianyuv.

The check-up left Tang Tianyuv at a loss for words. The doctor found no significant issues, just that most of his organs were on the weaker side—a classic case of congenital insufficiency.

His foster parents then sought the expertise of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. The elderly doctor, his hair and beard a snowy white, examined Tang Tianyuv's eyes, tongue, and palm lines before shaking his head and letting out a sigh. "The meridians throughout his body are shriveled up, devoid of any vitality. This boy... might as well be considered handicapped."

Contrary to its name, Black Stone Lane was far from a mere alley—it was the largest Worm Iron Ore trading hub in East Hall City, boasting nearly two hundred shops sprawled over an expanse of more than 50,000 square meters. Tang Tianyuv approached the market entrance slowly. Before he could even take a good look inside, he was hit by an overwhelming force emanating in waves from within. He furrowed his brow and instinctively stepped back, feeling a wave of dizziness and seeing stars. A gurgling in his throat suggested he might be sick.

"What's happening?" Tang Tianyuv clutched his abdomen and stepped aside. Instantly, the oppressive force vanished, and the urge to vomit subsided. After a moment's thought, he approached the entrance again.

As he did, a surge of indescribable power emanated from the market, assaulting him with what felt like inexplicable gusts of air or invisible threads lashing at his face and body. They seemed to seep into him through every crevice, throwing his insides into chaos.

"Ugh!" Unable to contain it any longer, Tang Tianyuv doubled over and vomited the undigested piece of dry bread he had just consumed.

"Oh no!"

"What's happening here?"

"Vomiting in this place? That's revolting."

A cacophony of voices erupted around him, accompanied by the sound of footsteps as passersby at the entrance pinched their noses and scowled, eager to distance themselves from the man who, despite his disheveled appearance, stood at the threshold, sickened.

A wry smile crossed Tang Tianyuv's face, tinged with a sense of desolation. Struggling, he lifted his head to take in the shops lined up before him and the numerous red stones. The relentless pressure bore down on him again, invading his body, stirring his viscera into disarray, causing every organ to ache and quiver on the brink of losing control.

"Maybe... I shouldn't go in... If I just step aside, everything will be alright," he mused, but a stubborn resolve inexplicably welled up within him, anchoring him in place, unwilling to evade or step away.

"Boom!" A more potent, unseen force burst forth from within the market. Tang Tianyuv's frame wavered like a reed in the wind until darkness overtook his vision and his legs buckled, sending him tumbling backward uncontrollably.

In that moment, he faintly heard a crisp voice, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

But he never hit the ground; instead, he found himself caught in a warm, soft embrace, the delicate scent of a young girl wafting to his nostrils.

Tang Tianyuv's eyes fluttered open to meet the clear, pure gaze of the eyes above him.

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