Loser's Alchemical Triumph/C22 He Took Advantage of His Unpreparedness to Intimidate Everyone
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Loser's Alchemical Triumph/C22 He Took Advantage of His Unpreparedness to Intimidate Everyone
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C22 He Took Advantage of His Unpreparedness to Intimidate Everyone

With a furious roar from Su Ping'an, the weasel halted its attack, almost as if it possessed a human-like intelligence. This took Su Ping'an by surprise; the creature seemed to understand his words, indicating that it wouldn't be easily subdued.

Inside the carriage, Su Fei had been on the verge of intervening, despite her limited strength. She couldn't stand by and watch Uncle Li, her lifelong protector, fall prey to this beast.

If Su Ping'an were aware of her thoughts, he'd likely sneer in disbelief. He had assumed there were formidable warriors within the carriage, only to find them lacking.

As the weasel ceased its assault, Su Ping'an eyed the vicious creature with a predatory gaze. He knew the martial artist from before was no match for the beast, with his broad and forceful moves. Su Ping'an realized he needed a clever strategy to prevail; a direct confrontation would only lead to unnecessary complications.

Then, an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. Didn't he have a pill in his system space that could turn the tables on this foe?

With newfound composure, Su Ping'an gestured provocatively at the weasel and called out, "Come here!"

His challenge drew astonished looks from the onlookers, who had not expected him to taunt the beast so brazenly.

"Kid, don't be a hero," one advised. "If we're outmatched, we should lay low. There's no shame in living to fight another day."

"A smart person knows when to back down," another chimed in. "Don't be reckless, little brother."

Amidst the clamor, Wang Ning and Zhao Xiaohua hurried to Su Ping'an's side, their faces etched with concern as they tried to persuade him.

"Boss, maybe we should take cover for now. That expert earlier didn't stand a chance; let's not overestimate ourselves," Wang Ning urged.

"Exactly," Zhao Xiaohua agreed. "Right now, we're probably no match for it."

Su Ping'an was unexpectedly moved by the concern of the two he had thought to recruit as his underlings. But retreat wasn't an option. Given the weasel's speed, escape was impossible for them all.

Shaking his head at the two of them, he fixed his gaze on the weasel with unwavering determination, as if the creature was of no concern to him at all.

The weasel, feeling slighted by such a young man, was seething with rage.

After dominating this territory for so many years, the audacity of this youngster to look down on him was more than he could bear. With a mocking sneer, the weasel advanced step by step towards Su Ping'an.

The sight of the weasel, towering as tall as a man, approaching Su Ping'an had everyone's hearts in their throats, almost visualizing the young man being ripped apart.

But then, to Su Ping'an's surprise, as the weasel was still about ten meters away, Wang Ning and Zhao Xiaohua, his two makeshift younger brothers, unexpectedly joined him, standing resolutely by his side.

Despite the overwhelming pressure from the weasel, making it hard to even breathe, the two brothers bellowed with defiance, "If you want to kill our boss, you'll have to go through us first."

Su Ping'an gained a newfound respect for the pair; their courage was unexpected. It seemed that once this ordeal was over, they'd earn their stripes.

Yet, he didn't take up their offer of help, instead charging at the weasel himself.

Everyone was stunned. Was this kid looking for death? It was like an egg trying to crack a rock.

The weasel laughed scornfully as the seemingly powerless young man rushed at him, confident that even his strongest blow wouldn't scratch his fur, not even worth exerting himself over.

Yawning and covering his mouth, he dismissed the young man completely. The previous challenger seemed somewhat threatening, but this one didn't pique his interest in the slightest.

However, in that moment of complacency, the young man's figure shot towards him like a specter, trailing a terrifying afterimage. The weasel hastily adopted a defensive stance.

But it was too late. Su Ping'an reached the weasel's side and struck with a ghostly palm.

The weasel, the size of a human, was sent flying like a kite whose string had been cut, tumbling through the air for a good ten meters before crashing to the ground.

Onlookers gaped in disbelief, their eyes wide with shock. Wang Ning and Zhao Xiaohua, in particular, rubbed their eyes as if they couldn't trust their own vision.

"Boss is a beast! I'm starting to think he's the reincarnation of some ancient Strange Beast. No way he could be that strong otherwise."

"I doubt even a Strange Beast reincarnation could pull that off. He's got to be the reincarnation of a Golden Immortal, no less."

Despite the crowd's comments, they all gained a profound respect for Su Ping'an's strength. Clearly, this kid was a force to be reckoned with.

To the untrained eye, nothing seemed amiss, but Master Lee, who had just suffered a severe injury, had a real sense of the kid's capabilities.

Considering his own full-force blow hadn't been enough to take down the weasel, it was evident that Su Ping'an's strength was at least on par with his own.

Even though the weasel had let its guard down, the idea of launching it such a distance with a single palm strike seemed impossible to him.

Yet, the unexpected occurred. The weasel, after being hurled ten meters away, stood up as if nothing had happened.

Its stance was so steady, and there wasn't a scratch on it. Clearly, this creature was not going to be easy to subdue.

Su Ping'an had anticipated this outcome; the palm strike had caught his opponent off-guard.

Without the chance to adjust his stance or deliver a full-powered blow, he had only managed to use about sixty percent of his strength. So, it made sense that the weasel was up and about.

Upon regaining its footing, the weasel glared at the one who had sent it flying, seething with rage.

Though it hadn't sustained serious harm, it had never experienced such a blow to its pride. The indignity of it all was too much to bear.

The weasel, now on its feet, snarled and clawed the air, clearly enraged. It looked as if it was ready to give Su Ping'an a taste of real torment.

Su Ping'an felt a twinge of apprehension at the sight of its frenzied behavior. It looked like this confrontation was far from over.

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