Love Of Aurora/C2 Masseur
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Love Of Aurora/C2 Masseur
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C2 Masseur

"Qiang Zi, sister-in-law will teach you something else today!"

Sister-in-law took my arm and pulled me to her bed.

Sister-in-law let me lie flat on the bed, then white jade hand around my head acupoint massage.

So comfortable …

Sister-in-law's technique was very professional. Being pressed like this made me feel a little drowsy, but at that moment, I felt a cold sensation loitering under my body.

I was stunned but didn't say anything. I pretended to be asleep.

Qiang Zi?

My sister-in-law called me a few times, but when I didn't respond, her actions were even bolder.

Smooth little hands slid across my chest, then down, under my belly.

A strange feeling of numbness suddenly emerged, and a wave of anger rose in his lower abdomen. Tonight, his hard work with Elder Sister Lin had failed, and he still had a stomach full of fire to vent.

"You little rascal sister-in-law was kind enough to teach you massage, but you fell asleep!"

Sister-in-law was indignant. She lightly patted with her small hand, which just happened to land on the small yurt on my lower body.

So big? How comfortable it would be if he stuffed it in …

She glanced at my face out of the corner of her eye and confirmed that I was asleep. Then, she directly put her small hand into my mouth.

Then it began to shake, its small hands groping back and forth.

I finally couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a soft moan.

Ah … My sister-in-law was shocked by my actions. She screamed and quickly retracted her hand.

"Sister-in-law, you …" I was embarrassed.

"Qiang Zi, sister-in-law will not be able to help it. You should know that your brother passed away early, I …" The sister-in-law's voice was low, as if he was ashamed.

"Sister-in-law, I understand you. I wouldn't be able to live without you." I said quickly, not wanting my sister-in-law to blame herself.

"Mm, let's just pretend that this never happened. Don't tell anyone, otherwise, sister-in-law won't have the face to meet anyone in the future."

After saying that, my sister-in-law glanced at my crotch, then pushed open the door and left.

I saw an unspeakable longing in my sister-in-law's eyes. After all, my cousin had been dead for several years.

I got up and took care of myself, and then I fell asleep.

On the second day, I heard from my sister-in-law that Grandma Wang was already alright, but that I still needed to observe her for a few more days. I was a little disappointed, and looked forward to Elder Sister Lin coming back to continue working on that matter with me.

Back in my room, I heard the sound of breaking glass in the next room, and the sound of a woman in pain.


Stunned, I shouted and rushed out of the room, pushing open the door to my sister-in-law's room.

I was stunned by the scene in front of me!

Her sister-in-law was naked and her legs were spread out. In her hand was a thick cucumber. She kicked down the glass bottle on the table in front of her …

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