Love Of Aurora/C5 Unexpected
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Love Of Aurora/C5 Unexpected
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C5 Unexpected

Sister-in-law's gaze was fixed on the huge object, her mouth wide open in surprise.

I noticed that my sister-in-law wore a loose white shirt that covered her hips, which made her legs look long and white.

"Hey, Qiang Zi, why do you think of soap as soap?" Sister-in-law suddenly said, ran over and took the soap from my hand.

Eh …" "I can't see …

Evil thoughts sprouted in my mind. This was clearly soap, even if I couldn't see it, I would be able to discern it.

"Then let sister-in-law help you wash it. You look clumsy!"

As she spoke, she set the things aside and took off her shirt in front of me.

The perfect white ketone body once again appeared in front of me, completely naked.

"Qiang Zi, I'll wash the soap off you first."

After saying that, the sister-in-law turned her head away, took the shower and began to shower.

I could clearly see her blushing, her eyes never leaving me, and I saw a strong longing in her eyes.

Hualala …

Sister-in-law pointed the flower spray at my lower body and was stunned.

The rush of the water made me sick.

"Sister-in-law, aren't you going to wash up? I can't see it anyway. "

I took the shower from my sister-in-law's hand and sprayed it towards her.

"Aiya, what are you doing?"

Sister-in-law was stunned and scared. She stared at me with a grumbling look. "I'll wash you first. If you can't see me, I'll give you some soap!"

Sister-in-law snatched the spray from my hand, then took the soap and spread it all over my body.

Sister-in-law is not taboo, even I do not let go of the place.

Left and right, up and down... applied several times...

While I was secretly feeling pleased with myself, I felt my sister-in-law's actions constantly rubbing against me.

Sister-in-law squats there, looking very serious, I think Sister-in-law already have a ripple in her heart.

I had already begun to feel evil, and deliberately moved forward so that it hit her on the lips with a smack.

Her sister-in-law was stunned as she stared at me, at a loss of what to do.

I pretended to be confused as I looked around. "Sister-in-law, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Her sister-in-law stood up with reluctance in her eyes and licked her lips as if she longed for it.

I noticed that my sister-in-law was standing by the side with a look of comfort on her face. Her fingers were actually stretched out towards that direction and she was even letting out a slight groan from her mouth.

If you keep looking at it, I'm going to explode. Aiya … When I turned around, the floor was covered with soap and I accidentally fell to the ground.

"Ah?" Qiang Zi, are you alright?! "

My sister-in-law was also shocked by my actions. She ran over and reached out her hand to pull me back.

Because her entire body was covered in soap, and the ground was so slippery, even her sister-in-law fell to the ground.

While I was still in a daze, I suddenly felt a warmth wrap around my body. Surprisingly, my sister-in-law fell down on top of me and just happened to sit there.

We had an unexpected intimate encounter, and we actually went in there...

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