Love Stories with women/C8 Warming cold
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Love Stories with women/C8 Warming cold
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C8 Warming cold

So in the end I gave up on asking my father for help, but if I didn't ask him for help, I couldn't think of a better way.

It was already very late, so I let Wang Kai and Xu Hui go back first. After they left, I was locked in this small and dark cell, facing a cold wall.

From start to finish, I was still unwilling to believe this truth. Even if there was some conflict between Luo Xin and I, it shouldn't make her hate me so much. I didn't understand, so I could only blame everything on Zhao Peng and make him look like an unforgivable person.

When it was late at night and the air was chilly, I leaned against the table with my arms around me. I didn't know how long it was before the door to the holding cell opened and a uniformed male policeman walked in first. Behind him followed a woman, a very beautiful but very cold woman.

It's her, how could it be her?

The moment I saw this woman, there were so many questions springing up in my mind. She had helped me for no reason before, and now she suddenly appeared at the police station. Was she here specifically for me? But I don't know her, and I've heard her call my name before. How did she know my name? Logically speaking, as a beautiful and rich woman, how could she pay attention to me, an ordinary university student?

"Wang Ke, you are on bail. You can leave now." The policeman said a simple sentence and left, leaving Sister Han standing in front of me.

I stared at her dumbly as the doubts in my heart became more and more numerous. I was slow for a long time before I recovered my senses. I asked stiffly, "You were the one who bailed me out?"

She nodded her head slightly, and without waiting for me to ask her why, she immediately turned around and left. I quickly got up and followed her.

I stared at her wrinkled neck, grinned, and asked, "Why did you help me? Do you know me? "

She did not say anything and kept walking forward. Her high heels kept hitting the ground, creating a rhythmic sound. She could clearly hear everything in the silent night.

After leaving the police station, she suddenly stopped and looked back coldly at me. "Car keys," she said.


I was stunned and couldn't react for a long time, then she repeated, 'Telling me the car keys,' before I remembered. I took the car keys out of my pocket, but the keys were on me, but the car wasn't there and it was still parked in the hospital. It was already past 3 in the morning, so going back to the hospital to get them might be a little inappropriate.

She took the keys from me and walked over to a Porsche. It was another car, and she got in, lit it, and drove away.

I just stood there and watched her go. I couldn't figure out what was going on, how a beautiful, rich woman like her came to bail me out in the middle of the night. Was she being a little too attentive to me?

It was very dark outside and there was not a single car. Furthermore, this place was far away from the school, so returning to it would be impossible. Thus, he decided to find a nearby hotel.

I was walking alone in the dark, shivering in the cold wind. I walked for a while, but didn't see the hotel, but at that moment, a car suddenly appeared behind me. I subconsciously looked back and saw that it was Sis Han's Porsche.

I didn't think about it too much, but after thinking about it, I smiled bitterly at myself and said to myself, How is this possible?

After a few seconds, the car came to a steady stop in front of me. To my surprise, the window of the car rolled down. She didn't turn around to look at me.

I was caught off guard and mumbled for a while before I quietly opened the car door. Originally, I wanted to be in the passenger seat, but then she suddenly spoke and told me to follow behind.

When we got into the car, I thanked her and she didn't say anything, which embarrassed me.

She took me back to the bar, and when I got out of the car, she still didn't say anything. I don't know why, but she just followed her silently.

Although she looked very young, she had a temperament that gradually changed with age. A mature, sexy and charming woman like her was at least around 30 years old. What did 30 years mean? Married and had children.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt a little disappointed. But after thinking about it, even if she's single, so what? We are completely different people. Furthermore, she is so cold, so it won't be easy to deal with her.

I followed her into the bar, and when we reached a sort of lounge, she stopped, opened the door with her key, and turned to me. "You stay here tonight," she said.

This room was quite spacious and was about twenty square meters in area. It was decorated in a very unique way, like a woman's room with an intoxicating fragrance.

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid that's not a good idea."

She didn't seem to be listening to me and just said, "Tomorrow, you can return to school as usual. I'll help you settle the rest of the matters. Let's do this for now."

After saying that, she walked away. I stood still with a blank look on my face. There were too many questions in my heart that I wanted her to answer for me, but I could tell that she didn't have the temper to answer them for me.

I was at a loss for a long time. Even after she had left, I couldn't help but ask, "Can you tell me your name?"

"Warm cold!" she replied.

She actually answered me, which made me feel incredible. It was really a nice name, especially in accordance with her personality. It was just that I still felt like it was missing something.

When I lay in bed at night, I caught a whiff of another enchanting scent on the bed. It was exactly the same scent as the perfume on Sister Han's body, and I didn't know if this meant that Sister Han would often be resting here. Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

But no matter how I thought about it, I still felt that something wasn't quite right.

After dawn, I packed up briefly and prepared to leave. After leaving the bar, I coincidentally met the tattooed man. The tattooed man gave me a key, saying that Sister Han told him to pass it on to me, and that he wanted me to remember to bring the car back tonight.

When I asked for the tattooed man's name, he told me his name was Zhang Lei, and we all called him Brother Lei. After a few pleasantries, Zhang Lei suddenly came over and asked me what was his relationship with Big Sis Han in a low voice, and said that he had never seen Big Sis Han so concerned about a man before.

I shook my head and said I didn't know. Zhang Lei smiled strangely, and pressed a strong hand on my shoulder, almost pushing me down. "In the future, come here and play. If you need anything, just come find me."

I smiled in agreement and said yes, then shrugged my shoulders to avoid his hand and hurried off.

First, I took a taxi to the hospital. After I got the car, just as I was about to drive away, a car suddenly drove over to the side, and the monkey anxiously drove in. Originally, the parking space was already crowded, but it forced its way in, and when they got in, they couldn't open the car door, so they rolled down the windows, pointed at me and cursed, telling me to f * cking f * * k off.

I had always despised people who were lacking in manners, but I had encountered a lot of trouble in the past few days and was in a bad mood, so I turned off the engine and leaned back in my seat with my eyes closed.

"F * ck your mother. Stinky brat, what the f * ck is the meaning of this? Are you serious?" A man in the passenger seat with a small cut was yelling at me.

I ignored him. He wouldn't come out anyway, no matter how much he scolded or cursed. I wasn't in a hurry anyway, so I saw that they were rather anxious.

"Little Ke, save me! Little Sha, save me …"

"Damned woman, if you f * cking scream again, do you believe that I'll tear your mouth apart?"

A sudden cry for help startled me. Furthermore, I was certain that the person who was just crying for help was asking me for help. I immediately rolled down the window and peeked my head out to take a look.

"Good boy, it's actually you. The roads of enemies are truly narrow." The short-haired man said in surprise.

"Second brother, who is it?"

"Who else could it be? It's that stinking brat who ruined our plan the night before yesterday." After saying that, the short-haired man turned around and shouted at me, "Stinky brat, let's see where you can run off to today. I was just worrying that I couldn't find you, I didn't expect you to come knocking on my door.

I stared at the person who spoke and tried my best to recall the scene from the night before. I immediately woke up, these people were the people who drugged Luo Xin the night before. Their boss's name seemed to be Wu Yong, but he was caught by Zhang Lei and a leg seemed to have been broken.

If that was really the case, then who was the woman in the car that was tied up? Is it Rohin? I think so.

Just as I was thinking, the man with the bun had climbed out of the window and grabbed my arm. I panicked and punched him in the face with my fist, then quickly started the engine, stepped back on the gas, and opened the door to get out of the car.

After I got out of the car, the guy with the square inch and his group also got out, a total of four people arrogantly rushed towards me, they had the numbers advantage, I knew I couldn't beat them, so I could only focus on Luo Xin, thinking of ways to quickly run away is the best.

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