A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C1 Ten Years after the Cataclysm
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C1 Ten Years after the Cataclysm
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C1 Ten Years after the Cataclysm

Lee Cha opened his eyes, rising slowly before swinging his legs off the bed. He retrieved a thick perpetual calendar from a black plastic bag, hung it on the wall, and ripped away the cover. January 1st, 2031, it declared, marking the Laba Festival with notes of auspicious activities: moving earth, repairing graves, engagements, burials, and groundbreaking. It warned against borrowing or repaying money and meeting friends.

"Tomorrow marks the new year, the tenth year of the Cataclysm Era... a decade already," he mused, surveying the room.

The space was modest, just a few square meters, with sparse decorations. An old single wooden bed dominated the center, flanked by a yellow wardrobe with a missing doorframe and a gray, rectangular table. Year after year, his life remained simple—simple out of poverty. The only item with a semblance of elegance was a floor-length mirror, marred by a crack splitting its reflection.

Lee Cha studied his own image: under 1.7 meters tall, clad in a black windbreaker and faded jeans, his build lean. His short, jet-black hair complemented the thick, black-framed glasses perched on his face. Bright eyes, a small nose, and a slightly rounded chin made for an ordinary visage.

Stepping over the narrow gap, he settled at the table, which was laden with books: [Five Thousand Years of Chinese History], [Collection of Four Masterpieces], [Collection of Jin Yong's Novels], [Complete Collection of Science Fiction Movies], [Animal World], [Origin of Species], [Detailed Explanation of Human Acupoints], [Overview of Evolutionary Potion], [Overview of Mutant Beast Evolution]... Each book was hefty, their spines peeling and pages swollen to a dark yellow hue.

Bowing his head, Lee Cha opened the volume titled "Chronicle of Catastrophe" that lay on the table.

The book's first page recounted the onset of the Catastrophe: humanity gazed at the stars as nine shone brilliantly. Then, a massive Andromedids meteor shower erupted, and a colossal earthquake ravaged the world. Earth's population plummeted from 7.7 billion to 4.1 billion. Electronics failed en masse, plunging human civilization into unprecedented darkness.

Yet, as one door closed, another opened—a window to evolution. This marked humanity's second super evolution. An unknown energy stirred dormant genes, altering the genetic makeup of humans. These individuals were dubbed Evolvers.

"Evolvers," Lee Cha whispered, "capable of splitting mountains, overturning rivers, and seas. But alas..."

He reached for a white paper beside him, its title reading: Fitness Test Report. A few words at the document's end, in striking red, demanded attention: "Evolutionary Talent: 0."

Lee Cha's expression dimmed. "It seems evolution and I are not destined to meet in this lifetime." With a sigh, he tugged open a drawer and withdrew a wooden box, its surface polished to a shine.

The first page of the book read:

In the inaugural year of the Cataclysm Era, humanity looked to the stars as nine aligned in a dazzling array. Then, an unprecedented Andromedids meteor shower erupted, followed by a super earthquake that swept across the globe, reducing the world's population from 7.7 billion to 4 billion. Electronic devices failed on a massive scale, plunging human civilization into an era of darkness like never before. Yet, as one door closed, another window of opportunity opened for humanity—an evolutionary window. This marked the second super-evolution in hundreds of thousands of years for mankind. An unknown energy awakened dormant human genes, altering our genetic makeup. Those affected were called Evolvers...

Lee Cha spoke to himself, "Evolvers, with the power to move mountains and overturn seas, it's a shame..."

He picked up a piece of paper lying next to him.

The title on the paper read: Fitness Test Report.

At the bottom, a few glaring red letters caught the eye.

"Evolutionary Talent: 0."

Lee Cha's gaze dimmed.

"It's a pity that evolution is not in the cards for me in this life."

He pursed his lips, pulled open a drawer, and took out a polished wooden box.

The box was a dark chestnut color, its growth rings clearly etched on the surface.

Inside the box lay a fist-sized crimson fruit and a brown wooden carving, emitting a peculiar fragrance that instantly revitalized him, making him feel mentally and physically refreshed.

Ambergris Fruit: Consumption offers a significant chance to trigger evolutionary mutation. When crafted into Ambergris Potion, the odds increase by 30%.

To some, this item was an invaluable treasure, capable of elevating one's status in an instant.

But for him, it was nothing but a burden.

With an Evolutionary Talent of zero, no amount of consumption would trigger evolution.

An innocent man, yet burdened with guilt. If he sold it, he could become a target.

The market had its own rules. Some became rich overnight by finding a treasure, only to be found dead in a ditch the next day.

As an ordinary man with meager strength, he couldn't safeguard such a treasure.

His finances were tight lately, leaving him no choice but to find a secure solution to his pressing needs.

If all else failed, he might have to seek assistance from the academy's faculty.

But unless absolutely necessary, he didn't want anyone else to know.

Thinking back to yesterday's close call, his scalp tingled.

The purple python guarding the Ambergris Fruit had nearly made a meal of him.

Thankfully, the research team's guards arrived just in time to drive the python away.

According to one guard, the python possessed the strength of a Level One Energy Changer.

"It seems the situation is as Mr. Hee and the counselor described. The Mutant beasts are evolving faster..."

Lee Cha mused, "Before, it was rare to encounter a Transcendent Level Mutant beast on the forest's outskirts. Now, they're appearing."

"I hope the higher-ups in the base city have a strategy..."

He suddenly chuckled at himself.

Others complained of having too much to eat, yet he had nothing. Why should he worry so much?

Times had changed. In the past, skill and strength meant you wouldn't starve.

In the current climate, with food scarcity and mutant beasts on the rampage, survival was a daily struggle for the average person.

The phone rang, displaying Mr. Hu's name.

"Lee, when will you pay back the three thousand yuan you borrowed? With interest, it's four thousand now," Mr. Hu's voice came through the line.

Lee Cha's brow furrowed. "But you said I could repay the three thousand with an extra five hundred. Why has it jumped to four thousand?"

Mr. Hu's voice immediately grew stern: "You said you'd pay back quickly, but who knew you'd drag it out for a month? If everyone did this, would I even have a business left?"

Richard protested, "But I only borrowed it for two days!"

Mr. Hu chuckled, "Don't you know the rules? It's a new month! Even if you borrowed for just one second in December, by tomorrow, it counts as a whole month."

Richard's voice was heavy, "I'll pay it back today."

Mr. Hu replied, "We're not open for business today."

Richard pleaded, "Come on, we've known each other for a long time. How about doing me a favor? I'll make sure to give you more business in the future."

Mr. Hu laughed lightly, "No, no, no. My business is doing just fine without the help of a pauper like you. And if you're thinking of defaulting, don't say I didn't warn you. See those disabled beggars on the street? I'm sure a delicate college student like you, with a bright future, wouldn't want to end up like that, right?"

A chill settled in Richard's heart.

Having lived at the bottom of society since childhood, he was all too aware of its dark underbelly.

And those dark aspects had become all too common in the aftermath of the Cataclysm Era, with no one to intervene.

Gritting his teeth, he had no choice but to accept the situation.

It was just an extra five hundred.

At worst, he could participate in another medical trial for a pharmaceutical company.

"Fine, I'll pay it back in a couple of days."



The call was disconnected.

Lee Cha stared at his phone screen, his expression somber.

Shortly after, a notification chimed, and he checked the message.

It was from Xu Meiting, inviting him to meet up.

He quickly gathered his things and left his house.

At the university's leisure area, inside a cozy coffee shop, Lee Cha hurried in, slightly out of breath. He noticed a group of young people seated by a window table—three women and two men.

Among them was a woman in a pink down jacket with shoulder-length hair who immediately caught his eye. He approached.


The woman in the pink down jacket turned around and greeted him with a soft smile, "Lee Cha, you've arrived."

Her bangs were neatly cut, and her face had a gentle roundness. She wasn't strikingly beautiful, but she had a pleasant appearance.

Xu Meiting and Lee Cha had known each other since childhood, their parents once colleagues.

Even though Lee Cha's parents had passed away and their family ties had nearly vanished, the two reconnected in university, and their friendship deepened.

Lee Cha took an empty seat and exchanged greetings with everyone at the table.

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