A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C18 Brother Wolf
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C18 Brother Wolf
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C18 Brother Wolf

Just then, a rustling noise pierced the silence, prompting the assassin to cast a wary glance into the shadows.

Suddenly, a black figure burst forth.

A deep growl followed, a long, resonant howl echoing through the forest.

A pack of wolves!

One grey wolf clamped its jaws onto the assassin's calf.

"Damn beast! I'll end you!" he bellowed, swinging his blade wildly in fury.

The grey wolf's hind leg was severed, its pained howls filling the air.

In an instant, five or six grey wolves lunged, frenziedly tearing at the assassin's limbs from every direction.

"Die!" With all his might, the assassin cleaved through the air, decapitating a wolf before it could even react.

His trousers were torn open by sharp teeth, exposing his bloodied calf.

"Ah!" he cried out, slashing at the grey wolf that had torn away a chunk of his flesh.

But in the next heartbeat, his right hand felt suddenly empty, the strength in his arm vanishing.

With a metallic clang, his long blade hit the ground.

Turning, he saw his right shoulder was now a void, the pain hitting him like a tidal wave.

Behind him stood Lee Cha, gripping a long blade with both hands.

As it happened, while the assassin was distracted by the wolves, Lee Cha had quietly taken the blade from the unfortunate soul who had been stabbed earlier, seizing the chance to sever the assassin's arm.

A massive brown-black wolf knocked him down from behind, and the entire pack swarmed over him, biting ferociously.

He writhed on the ground, his screams piercing the night.

Only when the screams ceased did the wolves back away, revealing the battered body beneath them.

The assassin's limbs twitched, his mouth spewing fresh blood.

Lee Cha approached, long saber in hand, and with a swift stroke under the killer's horrified gaze, he cut his throat.

The heavy scent of blood hung in the air. Lee Cha, expressionless, picked up a torch and gazed at the wolves, his nostrils flaring.

He felt an unexpected thrill and craving for the scent of blood.

He caressed the alpha wolf beside him, its eyes reflecting the torchlight, shining with an intense glow.

Like a ring emitting a dark radiance.

"Brother Wolf, you've saved me once again!"

Carefully approaching the forest's edge, Lee Cha noticed faint glimmers of light near the Gao family's direction, yet an eerie silence hung in the air. Abruptly, his chin was clamped tight by the edge of a knife at his throat.

"Is this your doing?" came a raspy voice.

"Gao Shuai?" Lee Cha whispered in shock, his voice hushed.

"Talk," Gao Shuai demanded, his tone icy.

Internally, Lee Cha seethed, "You wretch, if I ever get the chance, I'll slice off your face with a sharp blade and rip out your heart to see if it's as cold as your demeanor suggests..."

"I'm not acquainted with those people, and I have no enemies in this world."

"What about the thugs in Linying City?" Gao Shuai inquired.

Lee Cha explained, "Those thugs were just sore because I exposed their scam, costing them some money. Do you really think they'd risk their lives over a little silver and come after me?"

At that, Gao Shuai's grip on the knife relaxed slightly.

Lee Cha pressed on, "This late-night gathering must be the work of your enemies. Who have you crossed?"

Gao Shuai was plunged into contemplation by Lee Cha's words.

Lee Cha recalled the incident in Linying City when Gao Xiong had chased off the thugs, and someone had been tailing them. He had assumed it was an accomplice of the thugs, but now it seemed likely there was another party involved.

Gao Xiong had been in hiding for years, whereas Gao Shuai had only returned a few months prior. Lee Cha's mind raced with fragments of information.

Considering Gao Shuai had managed to escape an ambush, it was clear he was a formidable martial artist. Why would a vigorous young man with considerable strength willingly confine himself to this remote mountain hideaway?

It was almost certain he had enemies—enemies so formidable that he dared not reveal himself.

Lee Cha's expression darkened with the realization that Gao Shuai had deftly shifted the blame onto him. Such cunning.

"Couldn't this be the work of your own enemies?" Lee Cha's interruption snapped Gao Shuai out of his reverie.

Gao Shuai instinctively countered, "Impossible."

Lee Cha's voice was grave as he asked, "Then why did they only send a handful of underlings after me?"

Gradually, Gao Shuai released his grip on Lee Cha.

Turning to Gao Shuai, Lee Cha inquired, "How are Brother Gao and your sister-in-law?"

That's when he noticed Gao Shuai's ashen face, drenched in blood.

The next moment, Gao Shuai staggered and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Witnessing this, Lee Cha's face flickered with indecision. He drew a small knife, tempted to finish off this fool once and for all.

But as he stood there, knife in hand, he wavered. Despite Gao Shuai's usual aloof demeanor, he hadn't actually done anything to truly harm him.

Just moments ago, with the knife at his throat, Lee Cha had been ready to strike him down in his rage. But now, that fury was subsiding.

In this world of martial heroes, Gao Shuai was the only person he knew.

If he rushed off to the Infinite Sword School seeking the Blessed Land, he'd likely be cut down by their masters.

Even tonight's mysterious assassin, who didn't seem like a martial artist, had nearly ended his life.

This world was fraught with peril.

He resolved to rethink his strategy.

"All right, I'll spare you this time. But if you ever threaten me with a knife again, I'll make sure you regret it..." Lee Cha murmured to himself.

Now, his main concern was that Gao Shuai's enemies wouldn't just walk away. If they kept up their pursuit and he got dragged into it, that would spell trouble.

'No matter, there's always a solution. I'll just need to find a place to change my appearance...' Lee Cha plotted silently.

Unaware in his unconscious state, Gao Shuai had narrowly skirted death's door.


As the sun climbed high the next day, Lee Cha and Gao Shuai approached the Gao family's residence.

The assassin was gone.

Only two lifeless bodies remained.

They stood in silence before the corpses strung up on the stakes.

It was Gao Xiong and Mrs. Gao.

Gao Shuai knelt before his brother and sister-in-law, his eyes brimming with tears.

Lee Cha's heart was heavy with grief. Such a warm and hospitable couple, and yet they met such a tragic end.

Gao Xiong was open-hearted and generous, while Mrs. Gao was hardworking and swift. Despite their poverty, they found joy and satisfaction in each other's company.

They seemed destined to spend their lives together, but now, they were abruptly gone.

Silently, Lee Cha loosened the ropes, tidied Gao Xiong's hair and clothes, and reattached his severed limbs.

With a heavy sigh, he gently closed Gao Xiong's glaring eyes.

As for Mrs. Gao, Lee Cha tenderly picked up the baby-like object that had fallen to the ground and cradled it in her arms.

A short while later, at the foot of a mound of earth, Lee Cha bowed deeply three times.

Brother Gao, Mrs. Gao, may you rest in peace. I vow to avenge you.

I will bring those responsible to your graves and ensure they pay dearly.

Gao Shuai knelt silently, his hands caked with fresh blood and dark mud, his fingernails all torn from digging the grave by hand.

Lee Cha spoke, "Let's go. Only a coward would stay kneeling here."

His voice was chillingly cold and steady.

Gao Shuai struck his head against the ground three times, then rose determinedly, following Lee Cha with an unsteady gait.

As the sun set, a few white flakes dusted the withered branches and leaves, soon turning the whole world aglow with their light.

Snow began to fall.

Two elongated shadows moved slowly across the wilderness of Aozi Mountain, fading into the misty expanse.

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