A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C2 Xu Meiting
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C2 Xu Meiting
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C2 Xu Meiting

The group gave slight nods in agreement.

Xu Meiting's best friend glanced at Lee Cha with a teasing smile. "Mei Ting, rumor has it that our class has produced a Lowly Person."

Lee Cha's brow furrowed.

Xu Meiting shot her friend a look of disapproval. "Stop spreading rumors." Yet her voice lacked any real censure.

Her friend's eyes twinkled mischievously as she turned to Lee Cha. "You know, with the way technology has become subservient, it's the powerful Abilities that are now the world's main melody. What kind of future can you expect by sticking with the exploration team?"

Lee Cha responded with a level tone. "One should fulfill their duties wherever they stand. As a member of the Technology College, I'm committed to doing what's expected of me, not chasing fantasies."

Her boyfriend chuckled with a hint of mockery. "Looks like someone's aware of their limitations."

Lee Cha's expression grew stormy.

The news of his zero fitness must have already made the rounds. Before the fitness tests, everyone maintained a facade of harmony. But once the tests were out, so-called friends revealed themselves as nothing more than beasts, eager to flaunt their superiority.

Still, he understood that in a world ruled by self-interest, such behavior was to be expected. Most people, even if they couldn't evolve or mutate, received some enhancement to their physical and mental abilities from the mysterious forces at play.

But he had received nothing.

He couldn't even partake in the smallest perks of human evolution. To the Evolvers, a person without fitness was merely a mortal, a Lowly Person.

Xu Meiting showed no inclination to smooth things over. Instead, she announced, "Tomorrow, on January 1st, I'll be taking the Evolution Potion. I can't think of a better birthday gift than becoming an Evolver."

Her best friend gasped in admiration. "Incredible! You've got your hands on the Evolution Potion?"

Her boyfriend offered his early congratulations. "Then let me congratulate you ahead of time."

"I was wondering what birthday gift would be appropriate, but it seems now that anything I give you will merely be gilding the lily."

"Mei Ting, you're going to be the first one in our group to become an Evolver! I'm green with envy!"

"With your level of fitness, you're bound to become a formidable Evolver. Just don't forget us, your old friends, when you do."

"Evolver, it's what I've always dreamed of becoming..."


The other patrons turned their heads, their gazes filled with envy as they looked at Xu Meiting.

Xu Meiting's smile crinkled her eyes.

She reveled in the spotlight, basking in the attention.

Previously, in a world teeming with beauties, her looks were just average, relegating her to the background.

But now, things had changed.

She was on the verge of becoming an Evolver, a cut above the rest.

Her presence alone would make the world sparkle.

Yet, Lee Cha felt a sudden surge of irritation.

He couldn't fathom why Xu Meiting had summoned him.

Was it to bask in her radiance?

Or was there something she wanted to convey?

As the flattery from the crowd began to wane, Xu Meiting turned to him with a smile, "Lee Cha, my dad sent something for you."

Her best friend and the others exchanged glances, then suggested, "Let's check out the counter for some treats. We should start celebrating early today."

Lee Cha remained quiet.

His so-called friends hadn't grown in wealth, but their ability to read the room had certainly sharpened.

Soon, only Xu Meiting and Lee Cha were left.

Xu Meiting casually tossed an envelope onto the table, her voice cool and detached, "My dad says this money should improve your life a bit. No need to deal with loan sharks anymore..."

Lee Cha's heart constricted.

The envelope seemed to him like a wild, untamed beast.

Xu Meiting's gaze was laden with meaning as she watched him.

She was curious to see what his choice would be.

She knew Lee Cha's pride was immense; he'd rather take loans at exorbitant rates than seek help from friends.

Her parents' actual message was: "This is to repay the debt we owe to Lee Cha's parents, with a little extra. Please use it to buy some things for a visit to Hee Weifeng, the old dean of Technology College."

Moments passed in silence.

Lee Cha remained motionless.

Xu Meiting, arms folded across her chest, added, "Besides, I'm transferring to Evolution College tomorrow. You should stop coming to me all the time."

Lee Cha gave her a long, complex look.

Why did the girl before him feel so estranged?

No, perhaps everything before was her masquerade, and now her true colors were showing.

Lee Cha chuckled wryly to himself.

Evolvers and ordinary people, worlds apart—one in the heavens, the other in the dirt.

Why was he so hung up on the term "childhood sweetheart"?

In this world, innocence was a thing of the past.

Xu Meiting continued, "Please, take it. It's my father's wish."

Lee Cha idly swirled his coffee.

The coffee was piping hot, yet he felt a chill.

He had the urge to act like a drama's leading man and splash the coffee in Xu Meiting's face.

But he refrained. Keeping emotions in check was a rule for survival in this dystopian world.

Xu Meiting's brow creased slightly, her gaze on Lee Cha's composed face sparking annoyance.

"Wasn't I clear enough?"

After a brief silence, she stated flatly, "Let's be straight, Lee Cha. Given the results of your Genetic Fitness Test, there's no chance for us—not in this lifetime. We're from two different worlds."

Lee Cha nodded. "So, we can't even be ordinary friends?"

Xu Meiting replied with impatience, "We can be friends, just not publicly."

Lee Cha felt his blood ignite once more.

He began, "This past year, I've felt that we..."

Xu Meiting cut him off, "Lee Cha, you're mistaken about something. We're not a couple. There's no need for heart-to-hearts. If it weren't for my father, I wouldn't spare you a glance. That's the reality of our relationship."

Lee Cha, his face a mask of neutrality, pressed, "So all this time, we weren't even friends?"

Xu Meiting settled into her chair, replying, "Not in the slightest."

Her words seemed to put a full stop to over a decade of friendship.

Suddenly, Lee Cha experienced a sense of release.

Just then, Xu Meiting's girlfriends returned to the scene.

Her smile swiftly returned.

One of the girls exclaimed, "Meiting, we got your favorite doughnuts!"

Xu Meiting responded with a warm smile, "Thanks."

A dashing young man approached.

Standing beside Lee Cha, he asked politely, "Hey, can I take this seat?"

Lee Cha inhaled deeply.

The table seated only six, and giving up his spot meant he had nowhere to sit.

This gathering, these people—they were only here to mock him.

Xu Meiting straightened up with a smile and greeted, "Senior Brother Gao, you've arrived!"

The dashing young man apologized, "Sorry, I got held up on the way."

"It's no problem, we've only just arrived ourselves... Lee Cha, you can head back now. Just make sure to take the money with you," Xu Meiting instructed.

Lee Cha eyed the envelope and inquired, "How are Uncle Xu and Aunt Pann doing?"

"They're both very healthy!" Xu Meiting assured him.

Lee Cha snatched the envelope and stood, his lips pressed together in a firm line.

Her best friend slid out a chair, and Senior Brother Gao took the seat with ease.

Lee Cha made his way out slowly.

Her best friend's boyfriend chuckled, "I stand corrected. Some people truly lack self-awareness. A Lowly Person, utterly worthless, and yet he has the audacity to cling to an Evolver."

"Exactly, who does he think he is?" her best friend chimed in with agreement.

Senior Brother Gao added with a laugh, "Flies are a nuisance no matter where you go."

Suddenly, an angry voice cut through the air.

"Lee Cha, you jerk! I've been trying to meet with you for ages, and you're always 'too busy.' Turns out you're here cozying up to a seductress!"

All heads turned, and the room fell silent at the sight.

A woman stood there.

Tall, with her golden hair cascading around her, she wore a silk dress adorned with delicate golden patterns that clung to her figure, exuding an air of elegance.

Her skin was pale as snow, and her eyebrows were finely arched, tapering into her hairline like wisps of smoke, adding to her radiant allure.

She grabbed Lee Cha by the ear, leaving him dumbfounded.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Approaching the table, the woman surveyed the room with a light laugh. "I expected an angel from above, but what do we have here? Merely subpar goods? Lee Cha, it seems your taste has gone to the dogs."

She took Lee Cha by the hand and pulled him towards the exit.

"If I catch you with this kind of trash again, don't be surprised when I turn my back on you..."


Xu Meiting's complexion turned from pale to flushed with anger, her body shaking with rage.

Her best friend was equally incensed.

The woman continued to berate as she left, "You dare to compare me to this trash? As if I'm not even worth that much?"

Xu Meiting shot to her feet.

The new, handsome arrival quickly whispered, "Easy, don't rush into anything. He's an Evolver, and a strong one at that!"

The women shivered, as if doused in ice water, chilled from head to toe.

The woman in the white dress turned, her smile taunting as she faced Xu Meiting. "What's wrong? Can't accept being called trash? What makes you think you can compete with me for a man?"

The other customers gave Xu Meiting odd looks.

Then, turning to the woman in white and Lee Cha, they murmured among themselves, "Damn, that guy's got game. He's got a gem of a woman and still goes after wildflowers."

"And a crooked wildflower at that..."

"Is this the classic case of 'the grass is always greener'? Those who are loved are fearless?"

"Step aside, let me handle her!"


Once the woman in white and Lee Cha had left the café.

Xu Meiting and her group remained stunned, a wave of humiliation and rage swelling within them.

Why was Lee Cha, who clearly had a formidable Evolver girlfriend, here playing games?

Pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?

Making fools of them?

The nerve!

Wasn't he supposed to be a Lowly Person?

How did he catch the eye of an Evolver, especially one breathtakingly beautiful?

Senior Brother Gao gulped and said, "That Evolver was incredibly strong. I was completely paralyzed."

A collective gasp of shock went through the group.

They had always seen Lee Cha as nothing more than a stepping stone, only to realize he wasn't a stone at all, but a towering mountain!

The stark contrast left them choking as if a fishbone were stuck in their throats, the discomfort unbearable.

Wait, the rumor of Lee Cha being a Lowly Person—could he have spread that himself?

What was he up to?

Was he trying to set us up?

The thought was chilling.

No, they couldn't stay here any longer.

If they lost their temper and came back for revenge, it would be a disaster.

Why did Xu Meiting have to trample on Lee Cha like this?

Why on earth did Xu Meiting have to step on Lee Cha's toes of all people? Did she get her head caught in a door or something?

Senior Brother Gao glanced at his phone and announced, "There's an urgent club meeting I need to attend. I've got to head out. Enjoy yourselves."

Are you kidding me? That woman is at least at the Energy Changing Level or higher. Who would dare mess with her?

These folks aren't even Evolvers; they're just sitting ducks.

Her best friends exchanged a look and said, "Meiting, something urgent came up, and we've got to run. Let's catch up another time."

Before long, Xu Meiting was sitting alone at the table. Her complexion fluctuated from flushed to pale, her body quivering ever so slightly.

Feeling the stares of the other customers in the café, she desperately wished for a crack to swallow her up.

Lee Cha, just a lapdog in her presence, right? How could this happen...

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