A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C20 The Xiao Family's Struggle
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C20 The Xiao Family's Struggle
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C20 The Xiao Family's Struggle

Three days later, the distillation apparatus was fully assembled.

Lee Cha had set up the distillery in an annex next to the kitchen, and over the past three days, he had finished refurbishing the space. It took him just half an hour to put the distillation apparatus together.

An hour later, after several trials, Lee Cha finally managed to distill a small bowl of pure, strong liquor.

As the liquor flowed from the still, the room was enveloped in the distinctive, rich aroma of the alcohol.

The scent was potent, easily 70 proof. Lee Cha's nose twitched in appreciation.

In the courtyard, Gao Shuai, lost in thought, swallowed hard.

Back inside, Lee Cha retrieved dried flower petals and placed them into a stone mortar. Drawing from memory, he added various spices and began to crush and blend them thoroughly with a wooden pestle.

More than ten minutes passed, and when he looked up, he noticed Gao Shuai standing behind him.

"Need something?"

Gao Shuai still had that look as if Lee Cha owed him money.

"Just checking on your progress."

With arms crossed, he turned and walked away.

Lee Cha reached for the strong liquor on the table, intending to pour it into a porcelain bowl.


He hesitated, noticing the level of the liquor seemed lower than before.

Outside the room, Gao Shuai's face was flushed red. He staggered to his own room and collapsed onto his bed, mumbling to himself, "That's some fine liquor..."


In Changjiang City, at the Xiao Mansion.

Passersby rushed past, casting envious glances at the crimson doorposts and the imposing stone lions.

Inside, the mansion was alive with joy, adorned with lanterns and festive decorations.

"Great-grandfather, may you live a long and prosperous life, to see this day each year, and to celebrate many more to come," a man in a blue robe said as he presented a fist-sized golden peach, engraved with the character for longevity.

Old Master Xiao, seated in the hall, acknowledged the gesture with a slight nod, accepted the golden peach, and placed it beside him on the table. He then passed a gold leaf inscribed with Buddhist scripture to the man in blue.

The man withdrew, his face beaming with happiness.

Xiao Qingsong approached, bowed respectfully, and offered up a jade ruyi scepter as large as an arm.

"Great-grandfather, may Qingsong's life be as enduring as the pines on Mount Tai."

Old Master Xiao's face beamed with a benevolent smile as he replied, "Very good, very good! Great-grandfather is quite pleased with your birthday gift. Here, this is for you."

He produced a pair of ice jade bracelets from his pocket.

Xiao Qingsong's face lit up with delight as he exclaimed, "Thank you, Great-grandfather."

The man in the blue robe's expression soured in an instant.

Both had brought gifts, yet why did the old master show such warmth to Xiao Qingsong, while he received nothing but coldness?

Outside Xiao Mansion, the bustle of the crowd was like a flowing river of carriages and horses. A middle-aged man in red greeted the arriving guests with a beaming smile, bowing with clasped fists.

A lavish carriage of redwood came to a halt, followed by several brawny men on horseback, their muscles straining against their clothes.

The man in red hastened to draw back the carriage's curtain, greeting the occupant with reverence, "Lord Zhang's presence graces my humble home, truly making it shine. If the old master knew of your arrival, he would surely have come to greet you in person."

Hearty laughter spilled from the carriage, "Manager Xiao, you flatter me. I, Zhang Ming, am here solely to celebrate Old Master Xiao's birthday. I wouldn't dream of overshadowing him."

With that, a spry figure leaped from the carriage.

This man, roughly forty, stood eight feet tall with sharp, eagle-like eyes and a face defined by strong, angular features. His neatly groomed beard and the crimson robe he wore only served to highlight his imposing stature.

The middle-aged man in red quickly turned to his servants, "Quickly, prepare the finest wine and dishes for Lord Zhang's companions, and ensure their horses and carriages are well attended to."

Then, turning to the man in purple, he bowed deeply, "Lord Zhang, please, come inside."

"After you," Zhang Ming replied with a polite nod, striding confidently toward the heart of Xiao Mansion.

The man in red kept pace, dutifully guiding him.

Approaching the main hall, Zhang Ming announced in a booming voice, "I, Zhang Ming, have come to extend my heartiest birthday wishes to Old Master Xiao, may his fortune be as vast as the Eastern Seas and his life as enduring as the Southern Mountains."

The assembled guests murmured in awe, "The Xiao family's prestige is truly immense, to have even Director Zhang in attendance."

After a moment, a venerable Old Master Xiao, his hair a snowy white, emerged in a rush, the Xiao family's elders and youngsters trailing behind him.

"Ah, it's Lord Zhang who graces us with his presence. My apologies for not greeting you sooner. I hope you'll forgive my oversight..." Old Master Xiao greeted Zhang Ming with a series of respectful bows.

Zhang Ming offered a gentle smile in response. "I've come unannounced, Old Master Xiao. I trust you won't hold it against me."

With a casual wave of his hand, he added, "Please accept this modest token of my esteem, and I hope you won't find it wanting."

A servant promptly presented the gift.

Old Master Xiao's smile broadened. "The mere fact that Lord Zhang has visited is a delight. How could I possibly find fault? Please, come inside."

The group proceeded to the main hall and took their seats in turn.

"Old Master Xiao, I've heard rumors that the Xiao family is considering abandoning the silk and grain trade?" inquired Zhang Ming.

Caught off guard, Old Master Xiao replied, "The Xiao family has acquired a number of shops recently, and our finances are somewhat strained. Relinquishing the silk and grain trade is a reluctant but necessary decision."

Zhang Ming chuckled. "Surely you jest, Old Master. The Xiao family's wealth is legendary. How could you possibly be short of funds?"

Xiao Qingsong, standing not too far off, wore a look of confusion. Since when was the Xiao family involved in the silk and grain trade?

Yet, with the Xiao family's heavyweights all present, he, a mere junior, had no place to interject.

Old Master Xiao laughed heartily. "Lord Zhang, you flatter us too much."

Zhang Ming continued, "I've also heard that the Xiao family intends to outsource the supply of meat and wine for the camp. Is there any truth to that?"

Old Master Xiao chuckled dismissively. "That must be the work of idle gossip. The camp's provisions have always been a priority for the Xiao family. Why would we hand it over to others? The only change is a shift from the main branch to the secondary; it remains within the Xiao family. There's no question of involving outsiders."

Zhang Ming stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I've had a longstanding collaboration with Boss Xiao, and we've developed a fine rapport. Introducing a new party could disrupt the harmony we've established with the camp's brothers."

Xiao Qingsong's face darkened, clearly seeing this as a move to support the main house.

Old Master Xiao asked calmly, "And what is it that Lord Zhang suggests?"

Zhang Ming chuckled, "I wouldn't presume to meddle in the Xiao family's internal matters, but I do believe a grace period for this transition would be wise. What are your thoughts, Old Master?"

Old Master Xiao's hand, concealed beneath his long sleeve, clenched until it turned white. If the earlier gifts of silk and grain had been subtle hints, this offering of meat and wine was unabashedly direct.

After a brief, three-second pause, he forced a laugh and said, "Since Lord Zhang has made his position clear, the Xiao family will delay the matter by half a year to prevent any unrest among our ranks."

"Excellent! The Xiao family truly sets the standard for Great Song's merchants. It's my privilege to collaborate with you! I have pressing matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now. Farewell!"

Zhang Ming rose, gave a respectful bow to Old Master Xiao and the others, and strode out with confidence.

A self-satisfied smile played on Xiao Mengde's lips.

He straightened his crimson sleeve and followed Zhang Ming out of the hall.

Old Master Xiao's complexion cycled through shades of anger and pallor, ultimately leading to a deep, inward sigh.

In the dead of night, within Old Master Xiao's chamber.

"Insolent fool! To think you'd wield Zhang Ming against me—do you wish to see me dead?" Old Master Xiao slammed his fist on the table.

Xiao Mengde replied with a smirk, "Father, I have the Xiao family's best interests at heart. Without Chief Eunuch Zhang's backing, how long can we hold out?"

Old Master Xiao's face turned a steely gray. "Zhang Ming is a ruthless predator, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Your alliance with him will be the downfall of the Xiao family."

Xiao Mengde retorted, "You're not serious, Father. I'm not a puppet to be controlled. Under my stewardship, the Xiao family's enterprises will only grow. Surely you don't intend to pass them on to that illegitimate son?"


Xiao Mengde cut in, "Ah, now I recall. You've always had a soft spot for that illegitimate son since his childhood. It's only natural you'd want to secure his future..."

"Imagine their reaction if they learned that their esteemed ancestor, held in such high regard, has breached moral decency and committed such a reprehensible act. What would they think then?"

Old Master Xiao's face twisted in horror. "Was it you? Did you harm her?!"

Xiao Mengde sneered darkly. "That lowly maid, even in death, is too filthy to set foot in the Xiao family's ancestral shrine. Seems your vision is failing you in your old age."

Old Master Xiao erupted into a fit of coughing. "Get out! Just get out!"

With a hearty laugh, Xiao Mengde retorted, "Please, take your rest..."

Nearby, Xiao Qingsong watched Xiao Mengde with a grave expression.

Back in his room, Old Master Xiao retrieved a rolled-up painting from beneath the bed and unfurled it slowly. A vibrant young woman in green attire came to life on the canvas, her smile and glance so natural it seemed she might step right out of the painting.


Xiao Mengde returned to his own quarters, where a still-attractive middle-aged woman quickly emerged to help him out of his clothes.

"What did the Old Master have to say?" she inquired.

Xiao Mengde responded coolly, "What could he say? He wouldn't—and dare not—jeopardize the Xiao family."

The woman chuckled. "At least he has some self-awareness."

"Since ancient times, whether it's the imperial throne or the family headship, it's always passed from the eldest to the youngest. If he's wise, all is well. If he's obstinate, he has only himself to blame..."

A chilling intensity flickered in Xiao Mengde's eyes.

A cold smirk played at the woman's lips.


At the marketplace.

"Did you hear? Prefect Liang will be judging at this year's Wine Appreciation Festival."

"Really? Are you serious?"

"Wasn't it always just the imperial supervisor before?"

"Who knows? Maybe the Prefect decided on a whim to attend this year. After all, Xu Zhou is his jurisdiction. Does he need anyone's approval to do what he wants?"

"Good point."

Lee Cha stroked his chin, absorbing the crowd's chatter.

The Wine Appreciation Festival, huh?

He was already pondering how to tackle the challenge of marketing his distilled spirits.

The passerby went on to say, "Hey, have you heard about the recent feud between the Xiao family's main and secondary branches?"

"Oh? What's going on?"

"Rumor has it that Old Master Xiao is considering redistributing a portion of the main branch's business to the secondary branch. Naturally, the main branch isn't pleased, and they've started to clash. But this has turned out to be a boon for us common folk. The Xiao family's main branch has slashed prices in their shops, drawing in customers from all around."

"That sounds promising. I'll have to check it out myself."

Lee Cha's expression shifted.

The ever-smiling Xiao Qingsong from Linying City, wasn't he the Young Master of the Xiao family's secondary branch?

When two tigers fight...

It seems that fate is in the hands of the heavens...


"The Xiao family?" Gao Shuai expressed his astonishment.

Lee Cha asked, surprised, "You're familiar with them?"

Gao Shuai nodded, "The Xiao family's wealth is immense, rivaling that of a nation, but the forces backing them are even more formidable. To say that the main and secondary branches are at odds is to overestimate the secondary branch."

He paused before continuing, "The main branch holds nearly eighty percent of the Xiao family's business, with the secondary branch managing less than ten percent, and those are mostly the less profitable ventures. The remaining business is split among the third, fourth, and fifth branches."

Lee Cha questioned, "What's there to fight over then? With eighty percent already in their grasp, why push for total annihilation? Aren't they worried about public opinion?"

Gao Shuai shook his head, "You're underestimating the greed of the Song Dynasty's elite. Even a mere ten percent stake for the secondary branch equates to assets worth a million taels."

Lee Cha gasped at the revelation.

A million taels of silver could translate to billions in future currency. This was, after all, a feudal society.

It's no surprise that some say the Song Dynasty saw the beginnings of capitalism.

If this trend continued, Huaxia might have emerged as the world's first capitalist nation. What a pity...

Gao Shuai added, "Moreover, it's rumored that the mother of the Xiao family's secondary branch was once a courtesan. Meanwhile, the wife of the main branch hails from a prestigious family within Kaifeng Prefecture."

"How do you know so much?" Lee Cha asked, his voice tinged with suspicion. "Who exactly is your nemesis? Why the secrecy?"

Gao Shuai replied, "The time isn't right for you to know. Once you're capable of defending yourself, then I'll fill you in. Telling you now could put you in danger."

Lee Cha bristled at the response.

"Just wait until I can fend for myself. I'll send you packing, and you can stop your charade of being Ximen Chuixue every day."

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