A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C23 Immortal Wine Tavern Opened for Business(1)
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C23 Immortal Wine Tavern Opened for Business(1)
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C23 Immortal Wine Tavern Opened for Business(1)

After the wine tasting event concluded, Xiao Qingsong, beaming with gratitude, grasped Lee Cha's hand. "Mr. Lee, you've truly been a huge help to our branch of the family."

Orders for Immortal Wine were now backed up for six months.

For some inexplicable reason, every time Lee Cha saw that smile, he had the urge to punch it off his face. That smiling tiger...

With a look of distaste, Lee Cha withdrew his hand, recalling the stall owner he had left crippled. Mimicking the man's cheerful demeanor, he quipped, "Much appreciated. If you're feeling grateful, a few hundred thousand taels of silver would do nicely."

Xiao Qingsong's expression froze, his face turning bitter. "You're kidding, right, Mr. Lee? Our branch is scraping the bottom of the barrel. We can barely make ends meet, let alone have that kind of money."

Lee Cha glanced towards the Xiao family's main house in the distance and murmured, "Interested in a chance to make a fortune?"

Xiao Qingsong perked up. "What's your brilliant plan, Mr. Lee?"

"With a sly grin, Lee Cha suggested, "Sell your second branch's printing, paper, book, and cloth workshops to the main house at a premium."

Xiao Qingsong's eyes bulged in shock. "You can't be serious, Mr. Lee. Those businesses are our last resort. If the wine venture tanks, we'd still have those shops to fall back on, so we won't end up begging in the streets."

Lee Cha countered, "Those shops have such low profit margins and tie up too much capital. You'd be better off investing everything in the wine business. If it takes off, you could even start a new Xiao family dynasty. Why worry about those small-time earnings?"

After a pause, Xiao Qingsong replied, "I'll need to discuss this with my father first."

Lee Cha let out a soft laugh. "Sure, discuss it, but make it quick. I've already been approached by a number of local gentry. If you drag your feet, you might end up with a smaller stake, which means a smaller cut of the profits in the end."

"Stake? What do you mean?" Xiao Qingsong inquired.

Lee Cha explained, "Shares represent the ownership percentage a shareholder has. For instance, if you contribute 10% of the total capital, you hold a 10% stake and are entitled to 10% of the profits."

He paused, then added, "Oh, and if you're looking to sell those items, consider getting a few local gentry and the eldest son involved in the bidding..."

Xiao Qingsong's mind suddenly cleared, as if he'd had an epiphany.

In just a matter of hours, Lee Cha had seemingly opened a whole new window for him.

Shareholders, silent partners, equity, competitive bidding, net interest rates...

Forming alliances, navigating business operations, the corporate battlefield—this guy was a master of the game.

He was like the modern incarnation of the legendary Duke Tao Zhu.

Had he met him sooner, perhaps the Xiao family's second branch would be reaching new heights by now.

Back at home, Lee Cha resumed his intense training regimen.

Gao Shuai had advised, "First build muscle, then strengthen bones, consolidate your energy, and open the hundred meridians."

This was the essential journey for external martial arts, and the optimal bridge to the internal arts.

When will I be ready to strengthen my bones?

Lee Cha mulled over Gao Shuai's words, deep in thought.

Host: Lee Cha.

Fighting Power: 20.

Stage: Body Refining Stage.

Cultivation Techniques: Six Directions Stick Technique, Tiger Subduing Palm, Traceless...

His Fighting Power had ticked up a few notches, yet his lifespan and condition remained unchanged.

His appetite had grown considerably lately, and he seemed to have gotten a bit taller.

He hoisted up his pant legs and noticed his once well-fitting martial arts uniform had become too short.

He pressed on with his martial arts training.

After finishing his warm-up, he stripped off his shirt to reveal a faint outline of eight-pack abs, bulging arm muscles, and several centipede-like scars across his chest and back.

Snowflakes gently landed on his skin, melted into water, and then evaporated into a white mist.


A punch left an imprint on the sandbag.

Lee Cha advanced, stepping into the midst of the sandbags, and thump, thump, thump!

The sandbags began to sway chaotically.

Seconds later, Lee Cha was ejected from the formation, tumbling to the ground, his head spinning and his body aflame with pain.

On such a frigid day, a blow from a sandbag felt just like a strike from a stone.

"If that were an enemy, I'd be dead by now!"

Lee Cha took several deep breaths, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to settle into a state of calm.

A second later, his eyes snapped open, and he dove back into the midst of the sandbags.

Bang, bang, bang!

The dull thuds of his strikes and muffled groans reverberated throughout the courtyard...

Two weeks later, in the bustling heart of Yingchang Prefecture, Lee Cha and Xiao Qingsong stood resplendent in festive robes before a gleaming three-story building, its red lacquer shining brightly. Nearby, onlookers pointed and murmured; the building resembled a tavern, yet the sign above the main door was still veiled in red cloth, suggesting it had yet to welcome its first patrons.

But what really drew the eye were the rows of maids in red qipaos, their figures svelte and poised. With hands artfully placed on their waists in an unusual yet striking pose, their suggestive glances and smiles sent more than a few passersby colliding into one another.

A procession of carriages approached from the distance. Lee Cha and Xiao Qingsong greeted them with smiles. The first to alight was Prefect Liang, followed by Sect Master Chen and several other dignitaries.

Prefect Liang offered a beaming smile and a respectful bow, "Boss Lee, Boss Xiao, may your establishment be as prosperous as the ocean is vast, and your doors always thronged with guests."

Lee Cha and Xiao Qingsong bowed in return, expressing their gratitude, "Thank you, Lord Prefect."


"Thank you, esteemed lords."

As the group reached the tavern's entrance, the sight of the maids caused Prefect Liang and his companions to hesitate, a sudden warmth kindling within them.

Lee Cha chuckled, "Lord Prefect, if you could please wait a moment."

He turned to address the crowd with a loud voice, "Today marks the grand opening of our establishment. We are honored to have Lord Prefect and these distinguished lords here to offer their guidance—a true fortune for our humble tavern."

"In celebration of our opening, all food and beverages will be offered at half price today."

Ignoring the bustle of passersby, he addressed Prefect Liang, "Sir, in my hometown, it's customary to invite the most respected local figure to unveil the signboard of a new establishment. It bestows an air of prestige upon the shop."

Prefect Liang's eyes crinkled with amusement. "And what are you suggesting, Boss Lee?"

At a wave from Lee Cha, a maid approached, bearing a round tray. Draped over it was a red cloth, the other end of which was attached to a signboard, effectively concealing it.

"I would be honored if Prefect Liang would do us the favor of unveiling our tavern's signboard."

Prefect Liang stroked his beard thoughtfully.

The most prestigious person?

Boss Lee certainly knows how to play his cards, with an eye for the big picture...

"Well, if Boss Lee insists, I shall be bold enough to oblige," he said.

Guided by the maid, Prefect Liang grasped the red cloth and gave a gentle tug. The cloth slipped away, revealing the gilded characters — Immortal Wine Tavern.

"Please," Lee Cha gestured invitingly.

Then, the crackle of firecrackers erupted outside, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of drums and the lively dance of lions — a scene of joyous celebration.

Guests poured in, quickly filling the tavern's first and second floors. The menu left them agape with astonishment. The exclusive Honey-flavored Char Siu and Drunkard's Soybeans were priced at two taels of silver per dish, while the Sand Boat Treading on Jade, Pipa Shrimp, and Dragon and Phoenix Tender Love demanded a hefty ten taels per plate.

Could these dishes truly be worth their weight in gold?

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