A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C3 Voting
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A Mere Pawn's Evolution/C3 Voting
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C3 Voting

Outside the coffee shop, Lee Cha was utterly bewildered.

He didn't recognize the woman before him in the slightest!

He tried to speak, but found his mouth wouldn't even open.

Walking seemed beyond his control.

His legs were his own, moving beneath him, yet why did it feel like he wasn't the one in command?

Was he possessed by a ghost?

A cold sweat broke out deep within Lee Cha's chest.

Could ghosts really be this brazen in broad daylight?

The woman in the white dress clung to his arm, but her touch was icy, her presence distant.

Just then, a strikingly handsome man with a buzz cut approached them.

If Senior Brother Gao was considered handsome, this buzz-cut guy was in a league of his own, a heartthrob for all ages.

The buzz-cut man said, "Kai Sha, are you free tonight? I've reserved a rooftop suite at the Rista Hotel in the Inner City."

The woman replied coolly, "Can't you see I'm out with my boyfriend?"

The buzz-cut man chuckled, "Since when do you have a boyfriend? How come I didn't know about it?"

"Do I need to report to you?" she retorted.

The buzz-cut man turned to Lee Cha, "Brother, what Stage are you at? What's your high calling?"

Lee Cha felt a chill run through him.

The man's stare seemed to materialize, stripping him bare, marking him as prey.

He had only ever felt this way once before, in the presence of a giant purple python.

The woman frowned, "Chen Ziwen, retract your Spirit Sense, or I won't be so courteous."

The man laughed lightly, "Ah, so he's just a mortal... Kai Sha, at least make it convincing. Picking up just anyone off the street to play boyfriend? Be careful not to harm the poor guy..."

With a huff, the woman planted a kiss on Lee Cha's cheek and declared, "Who's pretending?"

The man's eyes sharpened instantly.

A surge of killing intent!

Lee Cha was startled.

He had no time to savor the kiss; all he wanted was to escape.

Thankfully, after a penetrating glance, the man simply turned and walked away.

Moments later, the woman released Lee Cha's hand with a calm voice, "There, I've helped you get even, and you've been my cover. We're square now."

Lee Cha found he could move again, though his legs felt somewhat shaky.

The woman's striking silhouette quickly vanished around the corner of the street.

Rubbing his cheek, Lee Cha murmured, "Kai Sha? Chen Ziwen? An Evolver?"

Such a formidable Evolver, capable of overriding his control over his own body.

And that Spirit Sense, an outward projection of will, had left him with an inexplicable sense of dread.

Evolver... A flicker of envy passed through Lee Cha's eyes.

After scanning his surroundings and noting nothing amiss, he slipped into a nearby alley.

Atop a nearby skyscraper, Chen Ziwen stood with his arms folded, gazing down at Lee Cha, deep in thought.

The following morning, January 1st, 2031, the Technology College group chat burst into life.

A flurry of New Year's greetings filled the screen.

Lee Cha, absorbed in his phone, found a rare warmth in the otherwise cold world.

In the group, status and talent didn't matter; every heartfelt wish represented humanity's collective longing for a brighter future.

When the group finally settled down, a message from the class teacher appeared:

"Last year, Technology College sent many talents to Evolution College, where they have excelled. To encourage more to apply for the assessment, Evolution College is offering rewards to the top ten students."

"First place will receive an Ambergris Fruit, second and third places a bottle of Evolution Potion, fourth and fifth places a bottle of Intermediate Ability Enhancement Potion, and fifth to tenth places a bottle of Primary Ability Enhancement Potion."

The chat erupted in excitement.

"Holy cow! Ambergris Fruit? Am I reading this right?"

"What's an Ambergris Fruit?"

"You don't know? It's not just a huge boost to evolution chances; it improves fitness too! It's the stuff of dreams for the gifted!"

A flood of drooling emojis followed.

Someone tagged the teacher in haste, "How are the rankings determined? By results or fitness?"

The teacher announced, "Top ten in Fitness!"

Mo Yiwei, a student, couldn't contain his joy and sent an ecstatic dog emoji.

"Fantastic! Just the other day, the teacher told me my Fitness was the highest in the whole academy!"

While some classmates looked on with envy, others offered their congratulations.

"Way to go, Mo!"

"Congrats, congrats..."

"Mr. Mo, when you make it big, don't forget about us."

Mo Yiwei chuckled. "Wherever I end up, you're all my brothers and sisters!"

The teacher then added, "Being in the top ten for Fitness is just one of the criteria for evaluation."

The room buzzed with renewed excitement.

The top ten students, in particular, were abuzz with anticipation.

If the rankings were based solely on Fitness, the outcome would be set in stone.

But if not, the competition was wide open!

Mo Yiwei's half-finished thank-you essay stalled as his smile stiffened.

What's this mean?

I'm number one in Fitness; shouldn't I get the reward straight away?

I'm meant to be a mainstay at Evolution College!

What right do these nobodies have to challenge me?

He asked urgently, "Teacher, why not reward based on Fitness ranking?"

The teacher replied with a chuckle, "The Evolution College leaders think ranking by Fitness alone is dull. They prefer a bit of mystery..."

Mo Yiwei was speechless.

The students chimed in, "Evolution College really understands us!"

The teacher went on, "Just kidding. The college leaders say initial Fitness isn't everything. Don't put too much stock in it. Fitness can be improved with training after evolution and mutation."

A student inquired, "So, teacher, how will we decide?"

The teacher explained, "We'll vote! Evolution College values a strong community, so we favor the most popular among us."

"There are 500 of us here, each with one vote. Both teachers and students can cast their vote, and we'll have the results by this afternoon."

Mo Yiwei appealed to his peers, "Dear classmates, I'd appreciate your vote. As a small token of gratitude, I'll send a red packet your way!"

He followed up with a string of 200-yuan red packets.

Lee Cha watched the scene unfold with a sense of irony. Despite being an independent institution, the Technology College seemed preoccupied with funneling its lifeblood to the Evolution College. Gaining admission to the Evolution College was a matter of pride for everyone. The Technology College's total enrollment for undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students was a mere 500, while the Evolution College boasted a staggering 100,000+ students. What was the point of maintaining such a college? Was it merely a retirement home for the so-called Lowly Persons?

Despite his inner contempt, Lee Cha's fingers flew across his phone, snatching up every red packet with precision. He managed to collect around 50 yuan, enough to cover a month's worth of breakfast. His peers quickly mimicked his actions.

"Votes, please! I need votes to stay motivated..."

"Kneeling for votes here! If I become an Evolver, I promise to come back to our college every week, not just every month, to share what I've learned about evolution."

"Dear sirs and ladies, I'm on my knees! I'm just asking for one vote!"

"Mountains and rivers may separate us, but can't you spare a single vote out of affection?"

Lee Cha's fingers danced over his phone screen, fiercely competing for red packets. To his astonishment, Xu Meiting was among the top ten. He even managed to grab her red packet, earning the title of 'Luck King.'

Xu Meiting seethed as she stared at her screen. That jerk Lee Cha had not only humiliated her but also snatched her red packet. What did it matter if he had an Evolver girlfriend? She vowed to one day crush him beneath her heel once more. Yet, she was baffled to find Lee Cha absent from the top ten. Could the rumors be true? Was he really just a Lowly Person?

The tension mounted as the voting commenced. Once the students cast their votes, they could immediately see the tally. The process was transparent, with real names and no room for manipulation.

Mo Yiwei's rise was meteoric, shooting up to first place with 59 votes. Xu Meiting was hot on his heels with 50 votes. The others lingered around the teens. After Mo Yiwei released a few more generous red packets, his vote count surged to 85. He bombarded the chat with GIFs of himself bowing in gratitude, smug with satisfaction.

But what did the vote matter in the end? The crowd's discerning eyes knew the truth. Only by voting for me would they truly honor the value of the divine item.

Xu Meiting was quietly panicking when she impulsively shared a selfie. Beneath her flowing dress, her long legs played a game of peek-a-boo, sending the boys into a drooling frenzy. Lee Cha, however, scrunched his brow, a flash of revulsion crossing his gaze. A realization hit him—perhaps not pursuing her was the wisest decision of his life.

Her vote count soared. Mo Yiwei nearly choked on his own outrage. Undeterred, he kept doling out digital red envelopes, but to little avail. Xu Meiting's tally steadily rose, inching closer to his: 90:83, 93:88, 98:95... At 105 votes, she pulled ahead. Mo Yiwei's complexion turned ashen, his phone nearly becoming a casualty of his temper.

"What the hell, a bunch of leeches! They take my red packets and don't bother to vote? This is infuriating!" he raged. After a deep breath, he composed a message: "Kudos to Xu Meiting for leading the pack. Regardless of the outcome, I'll accept it with grace, striving to better myself and secure more perks for our college comrades."

His sportsmanship won unexpected admiration from his peers, and the vote count flipped yet again. 111:110. Xu Meiting responded with a forlorn emoji. "Two votes left!" announced the teacher. Xu Meiting sent her heartfelt words: "I'm grateful for your support, no matter the result. Technology College will always be my home, a place I'll forever hold dear... Today marks not only my birthday but also the day I take the evolution potion. First or second place, my resolve to press on remains unshaken."

With her message sent, she pressed her palms together, eyes shut in silent prayer. Lee Cha could only feel his disgust intensify. What had he ever seen in her?

The teacher interjected, "Today's a special day for Meiting. In light of her birthday, let's add a little more joy." With that, Xu Meiting's vote count ticked up by one. 111:111. "Meiting! It's a draw! A draw!" her roommate shrieked. Xu Meiting leaped up, elated by the turn of events.

"Despicable!" Mo Yiwei bellowed, hurling his phone to the ground in a fit of rage.

The teacher spoke up once more, "One person left. Time is of the essence."

Seconds ticked by relentlessly.


Still, no one cast their vote.

At the stroke of 12:00, voting would cease.

"Who the hell is it?" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

"Could they have forgotten?"

"What happens if it's a draw? Can we do a revote?"

Mo Yiwei and Xu Meiting nearly let slip a curse. A revote? Impossible.

Both were on edge, their heartbeats thundering in their ears.

The Ambergris Fruit was a divine rarity, a stroke of fortune.

To consume one meant a solid foundation, sparing countless future hassles and overcoming numerous hurdles.

It was also a testament to being the most favored Evolver...

Others buzzed with anticipation, "Can't wait! This is thrilling!"

"The final vote! It all comes down to this!"

"If it were me, who would I choose? It's such a tough call..."

"Is that person struggling to decide?"

Lee Cha watched the screen, a sly smile creeping across his face.

Difficult? Indecisive? Hardly...

He tapped the screen, casting his vote.


Mo Yiwei's tally jumped by one, clinching the victory at 112 to 111.

With a roar, Mo Yiwei slammed his fist onto the dormitory bed.

"I'm the champion!"

"To Evolution College, Evolvers! I have arrived! A king descends!"

He gripped his fist tightly; despite the pain, sheer jubilation shone in his eyes.

Xu Meiting crumbled, tears flooding like a deluge.

"Why?!" she wailed, her voice laced with agony.

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