Luo God Valley/C3 A Demon Beast from the Sky(part Ii)
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Luo God Valley/C3 A Demon Beast from the Sky(part Ii)
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C3 A Demon Beast from the Sky(part Ii)


The golden-eyed tyrannosaur let out a low roar. Facing the oppressive might of the golden-eyed tyrannosaur, the unicorn beside it hissed and trembled.

Did you see a Azure Sky Demon Beast? Suddenly, a cold voice came out of the golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon's mouth.

"Lord Baolong, I am the steward of the Heavenly Dragon Prefecture, on the way here, I did not see any Azure Sky Beasts. I hope Sir Baolong can make things easy for me as soon as I opened my mouth and the moment I opened it, my family was exposed. Although I said that the Golden Eye Tyrant Dragon is a Spirit Gathering Greater Demon, it is not enough to compete with a major power.

Hearing Qing Sui's voice, the two children seemed to have found their backbone, waking up from their fear in an instant. But Gu Lin and Yan Lei still didn't dare to make a sound, afraid of angering the demon beasts in front of them and ripping them apart.

Oh, from the Heavenly Dragon Prefecture? You're threatening me.

The expression in her eyes changed as she said, Of course not, I'm just answering your question.

Even you wouldn't dare to. After speaking, the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus immediately flew forward.

Senior Brother, this golden-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex seems to take himself too seriously, Jing You said with a trace of anger.

The young man waved his hand. No problem, I'm afraid the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus had bad intentions. I'll go take a look and see if Jingyou can protect them. Then, he activated his spiritual energy and gave chase.


Uncle Qingcun's green dragon energy had already reached the Spirit Gathering realm. That pair of green dragon wings were so beautiful. Gu Lin seemed to have forgotten this moment as he spoke with a hint of excitement from the fear in his eyes.

Senior Brother Qing is already at the Spirit Gathering level, but this golden-eyed tyrannosaur is also a Spirit Gathering level demon. Demonic beasts have a natural advantage, so if they start fighting later, we'll leave first.

Golden-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Gu Lin had already memorized this name in his heart. It was too shocking, that body that was over fifty meters long, the sharp claws should not even think about his sharpness, the dragon scales that faintly glowed, and those pair of golden dragon eyes were especially terrifying.

The golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon not only had strong dragon scales, it also had a terrifying body and was proficient in area-of-effect magic. If it was not for the fact that it could not defend itself against the beast tide back then, the town would probably have already ceased to exist, and if you were to face the golden-eyed tyrannosaur in the future, you would have directly run away. Even if you had four bodies, you wouldn't have been able to hear it, and you wouldn't have been able to.

Gu Lin's heart trembled.

From the Form Condensation stage to the Spirit Gathering stage, the two levels could be considered two different levels, one being the sky and the other being the earth. After entering the Spirit Gathering stage, the difference should not be too big and the spirit energy would not leak out.

For instance, 30% of us humans can cultivate the power of four spirits after inheriting the divine beast's bloodline, and 10% of us humans can also enter the Spirit Gathering level. As for the demon beasts, other than some of the most talented individuals in the ancient times, who are able to reach the Spirit Gathering or Saint Transformation realm, it is already pretty good for the rest of us to be able to reach the Spirit Condensation realm, which is even less than 5% of us are able to reach the Spirit Gathering realm.

With such harsh conditions, Gu Lin felt slightly shocked in his heart. 'Then why is the demonic beast still able to survive until now?'

There aren't many Spirit Gathering beasts among us, but there are two more known Saints than us humans. And Gu Lin, don't forget that the four spirits that we believe in are technically beasts as well!

Ah!" "I forgot, I forgot. Grandpa Four Spirit, you have to forgive me," Gu Lin said as he faced the sky and bowed.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

"Azure Sky Demon Beast, I know you're here, don't even think about escaping this time."

Eh, there really is a Azure Sky Demon Beast. Jing You said in surprise.

Aunt Jing, what is the background of this Azure Sky Demon Beast? Yan Lei asked curiously when he felt that there was some deep hatred between him and this golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon.

The Azure Sky Demon Beast, an ancient prehistoric species, was unique to the Slope of the God-down Peak. It was even rarer than the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus. One could tell from this name that it was a Spirit Gathering Demon, and also! Even without cultivation, the Azure Sky Demon Beast could still grow to become a Spirit Gathering Demon. If the Azure Sky Demon Beast was talented, it would have a high chance of becoming a Saint. There was a Azure Sky Demon Beast at the Deity Stage that was already at the Saint Soul Realm.

If that was the case, then who would win against the Azure Sky Demon Beast?

I don't know how to explain, but you guys just wait here. I'll go take a look as well. After speaking, I urged the power of the Vermillion Bird to fly forward.

"Yan Lei, let's go over and take a look as well. We've never seen that Azure Sky Demon Beast before," Gu Lin said to Yan Lei.

After all, they were two Greater Demons of the Spirit Gathering Realm. Yan Lei said with a bit of hesitation.

Didn't you see that Auntie Jingyou was also a Spirit Gathering expert? Coupled with Uncle Qingjin, if the two Spirit Gathering experts can't protect us, then they can just run into each other and kill us. Gu Lin said to Yan Lei with a smile.

That's right, let's go. After he finished speaking, Gu Lin Yan Lei sneakily arrived beside Qing Jin and the others.

"Why are you guys here?" Qing Sui asked angrily.

Uncle Qing Jin, we've never seen a fight between demon beasts in our lives. We want to see it, Gu Lin said with a hint of coquettishness.

Qing Yin couldn't help but frown as he spoke. Gu Lin, Yan Lei, this place is too dangerous.

Uncle Qing Jin, even you and Aunt Jing You, these two Spirit Gathering experts, cannot protect us. We guarantee that we will always stay by your side.

Qing Chi shook his head helplessly. He knew that even if these two kids sent them away, they would still peek at other people's places. It would be better to put them by his side. You two don't want to be too far away from me and Quiet And Steadfast. If you were too far away from us, you wouldn't even know how you were eaten.

"Thank you, Uncle Qingcun, we will definitely not run around." Gu Lin happily said.

At this time, they were about two hundred feet away from the golden-eyed tyrannosaur and were quietly looking into the distance. In front of the golden-eyed tyrannosaur, there was an incomparably beautiful huge green snake. However, there was a pair of enormous wings flapping near the snake's head.

"Senior Martial Brother, how was the previous situation?" Quiet And Steadfast whispered to Qing Yin.

"It seems like this Azure Sky Demonic Beast must have stolen something from this golden-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex. Let's hide and watch from here and see if we can get anything after they fight to the point where both sides are injured." The corner of Qing Ding's mouth revealed an evil smile.

The golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon naturally noticed the situation over here. However, the Azure Sky Demonic Beast in front of it was far more dangerous than the humans.

Furthermore, this Azure Sky Demon Beast's specialty was speed and poison. If the Golden Eye Tyrant Dragon did not concentrate on fighting this Azure Sky Demon Beast, then when the Azure Sky Demon Beast ran away, who knows how long this Gold Eye Tyrant Dragon would be able to search for it.

"Qingkong, put the egg down now or I'll let you go." The golden-eyed tyrannosaur's cold voice sounded again.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex", you and I haven't known each other for one or two days. Don't think that just because you're at the great circle of the Spirit Gathering Realm, I'm afraid of you. But if I want to leave, will you be able to keep me here? As for this egg, if you can exchange it for the Spirit Calming Grass in your hand, I'll give it to you. A hollow voice rang out, forming a sharp contrast with the voice from before.

After reaching the 'small success' stage, there would be four small realms: 'large success', 'large perfection', 'large perfection', and 'small realm'.

Qing Ding and the others who were far away finally understood that this Sky Demon Beast had stolen someone's egg. No wonder this golden-eyed tyrannosaur was going to fight it to the death. They just didn't know if this golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon was a male or a female.

What level of cultivation did the demonic beast have to reach before it could speak? Gu Lin curiously asked Qing Jin.

You don't know? This is one of the five realms of the human race, the demon race also has a corresponding realm, but as long as they can reach our Spirit Gathering realm, then it will be fine. The source of their power is different from us, we worship the power of the four spirits, but the demon race worship the four saints.

So it's like that! The golden-eyed tyrannosaurus was rather pitiful. Its egg had already been stolen by someone, no wonder it was asking for someone, oh, it was natural for it to not fight for its life with the beasts.

"Humph!" The golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon snorted coldly.

Are you sure I wouldn't dare to come looking for you without some preparation? I'm just afraid of the man from the Slope District, that's why I'm blabbering so much with you. You're actually thinking of the God Slaying Grass in my hands? I have it, I'm just afraid that you'll lose your life and enjoy it!

Haha, what do you have, Golden Eye Tyrant Dragon? Eat that Spirit Calming Grass? You don't have the guts to say so much, so let's start! Let me see if our master, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, is as good as you speak.

"Jingyou, you are the fastest, take Gu Lin and Yan Lei and return to the academy first. It is also convenient for teacher to invite you over, perhaps you will have a great harvest today." Qingcun turned his head and smiled at Jingyou.

Uncle Qing Jin, we're not going back, Gu Lin stubbornly said.

Qing Yin shook his head helplessly. He knew what he was going to say right now, Gu Lin and the others wouldn't go back. Okay, Jingyou, you go back first, remember to be quick.

"Okay." Senior brother, I will be coming over soon. Once I finish speaking, Jing You quietly walked back. If I were to use the power of the four spirits around here, I think I'll be targeted by the two beasts very soon.

Even if I killed you here today, so what? I have endured you for a long time, but this is not the Slope of the Desolation, if it were the Slope of the Desolation, I would still be afraid of you. "You are only at the great circle of the Spirit Gathering Realm, what right do you have to fight me?"

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

The golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon opened its mouth, and an enormous fireball shot out, smashing straight towards the Azure Skies demonic beast in front of it.

That fireball was extremely huge, and even Qing Yin could feel its intense heat.

"Roar!" ~

A layer of jade-green armor suddenly appeared around its entire body, while at the same time, it swept its enormous, azure-scaled tail towards the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus.


The golden-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex was sent flying backwards. Whoosh! A faint smell of blood pervaded the air. However, the blood flow soon slowed down and the wound became smaller. Although it was sent flying by the Azure Sky Demon Beast, it was still not a big threat to a monster like the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon.

On the other side, the fireballs posed a greater threat to the Azure Sky Demon Beast. After all, the Azure Sky Demon Beast was on the same level as the Golden Eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex.


With a deep roar, the golden-eyed Tyrant Dragon's body swelled up like a balloon.

Roar ~ ~" Another low roar echoed out as an even larger fireball erupted from the Gold Eye Tyrant Dragon. Wherever the fireball went, stone slabs on the ground were swelled up by the scorching fireball, and large cracks even appeared on them.

Not only did the Azure Sky Demon Beast not dodge, it also charged towards the golden-eyed tyrannosaur. With a loud roar, the Guardian of the Wind covered its body with an even stronger energy shield than before. The huge snake tail struck the fireball in front of it.

Bang!" ~

Sparks everywhere!"

The Azure Sky Beast blocked this attack with a crackling sound. Clearly, it would not be able to withstand this attack that easily.

Crack! Crack! Crack!


This time, the Azure Sky Demon Beast did not choose to face it head on, but its huge body rapidly shrank. Before, it was twenty meters long, but in a flash, it became seven to eight meters long. The snake's body was as thin as a baby's calf.

Qingkong, don't run if you have the ability. The golden-eyed tyrannosaurus roared.

The Azure Sky Beast wanted to escape …


Instantly, the Azure Skysnake transformed into a streak of azure lightning, flying off into the distance.

Qing Kong, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will kill you! The golden-eyed tyrannosaur roared as it chased after him.

Swoosh! Whoosh! Swish ~

One after another, fireballs continuously flew towards the Azure Sky Demon Beast. A huge crater appeared on the road and the entire road was scorched black.

Gu Lin, who was watching from afar, was trembling with fear. He clenched his fists tightly.

That golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon doesn't seem to need money even if it spits fire balls. After we arrive at the Spirit Gathering realm, is it that powerful? Gu Lin looked at the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon that was spitting fireballs nonstop, but it seemed like this Azure Sky Beast was even more powerful. This golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon was completely unable to harm it.

Swoosh! Whoosh! Swish ~

In the blink of an eye, the Azure Sky Beast changed direction more than ten times, turning into a phantom.

The Azure Sky Demon Beast was originally a wind attributed Demon Beast. Adding on its small body, it was like adding wings to a tiger.

Roar ~ ~" "The golden-eyed tyrannosaurus dragon spat out another mouthful of flames, burning hundreds of meters of the surrounding area. The sea of fire that was called this place was no exaggeration.

The Azure Skies Demon Beast was finally hit, and with a loud bang, the Azure Skies Demon Beast was hit to the ground. The snake raised its snake head and looked indifferently at the golden-eyed tyrannosaurus, the anger in its eyes gradually grew bigger, as if it had made a decision.

Suddenly, a strong stream of air appeared on the snake's head. The Azure Sky Demonic Beast raised its wings and approached it. That stream of air seemed to have attracted something as the air was trembling crazily.

What was he trying to do? Looking at the strange actions of the Azure Sky Beast, Gu Lin was stunned for a moment before a blank look appeared on his face.

After the Azure Sky Demon Beast entered the airflow, the airflow started to become more and more violent.

Bang, bang, bang.

The airflow grew stronger and stronger.

Qing Dong was astonished as he looked at the increasing amount of air flow. He opened his mouth and immediately felt the violent power. Then, his eyes narrowed.

"Gather Wind Dragon!"

The Azure Sky Demon Beast's voice suddenly rang out! It flew towards the golden-eyed tyrannosaur. This wind dragon seemed real, and the Deer Horned Dragon had four claws on its head, especially those four claws that made people tremble in fear.

When Gu Lin saw this, he was stunned.

Was this the battle between the Spirit Gathering Realms?

The sacred art of the Azure Skies' demon beast, the Windformed Dragon.

The wind and fire elemental spiritual energy were the strongest attacking methods of the demon beasts, and this Green Sky Demon Beast was also a prehistoric and unusual wind type demon beast. Therefore, the attack power of this wind gathering dragon, needless to say, was likely to heavily injure this golden-eyed tyrannosaur if it were to face it head on.

Not good. Just as this wind dragon was about to collide with the golden-eyed tyrannosaur, the golden-eyed tyrannosaur growled and flew upwards with all its might.

Now that you want to run, it's too late. The Azure Sky Beast's cold voice rang out again. Since you've chased me like this, it's time for you to have a taste of being chased.

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