Magic Dragon Legend/C3 Refractory Pneumonia
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Magic Dragon Legend/C3 Refractory Pneumonia
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C3 Refractory Pneumonia

As Wei Zunlong was thinking, he unknowingly fell asleep. In his dream, Wei Zunlong felt a voice calling him, but he didn't know who the owner of the voice was. His surroundings were all grey as if he was inside a cloud.

Wei Zunlong said loudly: "Hello, is there anyone here?" However, no one answered him. The surroundings had fallen into a deathly silence, causing people to feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Wei Zunlong was sweating profusely. Wang Junjie and Aunt Zhang thought it was the effect of the drug and that they were relieving their sweat and fever. In the dream, Wei Zunlong heard someone calling for him.

To be exact, that voice was inhuman. Although Wei Zunlong had been bold since he was young, he felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart. Cold sweat trickled down his face.

Suddenly he felt a chill. When he looked up at the sky, a bizarre vortex had appeared in the sky.

Wei Zunlong could feel a faint attraction force from the whirlpool. Suddenly, the suction force of the whirlpool increased by several times as Wei Zun Long was sucked away by the whirlpool. Wei Zun Long resisted but was powerless and felt a sense of fear.

Feeling that his body had loosened up as if his feet were on the ground, Wei Zunlong looked around to make sure that he was fine before he heaved a huge sigh of relief.

He looked around and felt a sense of familiarity. When Wei Zun Long was about to take a good look at where he was, he suddenly woke up and snorted loudly.

Wei Zunlong felt extremely depressed. He looked over and saw a stupid, numb face with glasses. He didn't know what was going on and couldn't react in time. He was wondering why his face was so full of saliva.

It turned out that Aunt Zhang and Wang Junjie were happy to see Wei Zunlong sweating. But gradually, they discovered that something wasn't right. Why was it that even after an hour of sweating, they still couldn't stop.

Furthermore, the appearance of being a dragon was very painful, tossing and turning in bed. Aunt Zhang and Wang Junjie became anxious. Wang Junjie immediately ran to the side of the nurses' station and angrily told them about Wei Zunlong's situation.

Thinking that they were allergic to drugs, one of the nurses came to the ward where Zunlong was. The other nurse immediately ran to the doctor's office and called the doctor to run to Wei Zunlong's room. The nurse who arrived first had already unplugged the IV tube on the back of Wei Zunlong's hand.

The doctor was examining the skin of Zun Long, but there was nothing abnormal on the skin. He just couldn't wake up. The doctor saw the person who pinched Wei Zun Long and hoped he would wake up.

However, Wei Zunlong suddenly sneezed, spraying blood all over the doctor's face, and Wei Zunlong was completely oblivious to the slightly dazed look on the doctor's face. However, Wei Zunlong suddenly sneezed, spraying blood all over the doctor's face, and Wei Zunlong was completely unaware of the slightly dazed look on the doctor's face.

Wang Junjie immediately reacted and apologized to the doctor.

The doctor had pretty good quality, so he didn't say anything else. He just said, "I'm fine." Then, he wiped the saliva off his face with the corner of his shirt and continued to inspect Wei Zun Long's body.

After that, he asked Wei Zunlong if he was feeling well and left after answering his question. Wei Zunlong vaguely understood what had happened.

After Wang Junjie saw the doctor off, he asked, "Zunlong, what's going on here?" Wei Zunlong did not know how to answer nor did he know. Aunt Zhang then asked concernedly: "Xiaolong, what's wrong? "Why are you sweating so much, and you're not even waking up?"

Wei Zunlong could only speak the truth, "I had a weird and inexplicable dream just now, and I felt fear in my dreams."

Aunt Zhang said, "Perhaps it is because you have a high fever and you are in a weakened state?"

Wei Zunlong replied: "Yes, maybe so."

The next day, Wang Junjie went to class. Originally, that fellow didn't want to go to class because he didn't want to go to any other universities either. He only wanted to start a business with Wei Zunlong.

However, Wei Zunlong still forced him to go to class later on. Only Aunt Zhang was left in the hospital, taking care of Wei Zunlong.

Aunt Zhang's snack bar was also no longer open for business. That snack bar mainly had its own unique Herbal Tea Eggs and pastries, as well as the Soup Dumplings that Aunt Zhang was good at.

And the first two were both taught to his mother by Wei Zunlong, which was her mother's unique craftsmanship.

The owner of the snack bar was not Aunt Zhang, but Wei Zunlong and Wang Junjie. This was their first starting point for starting a business. When they were still in their first year of high school, the two of them spent money on their own summer jobs and part-time jobs.

After they planned it, they opened up at the entrance of Yulong II. Since there were no competitors and the market was big, the two of them could easily manage Yulong II on their own.

The snack bar business was really good. In just half a year, the two of them had already earned over 40,000 yuan. Half a year later, they met Aunt Zhang in the alley on a cold night. Aunt Zhang had been in dire straits, and she was also wounded.

Wei Zunlong recalled the time when Aunt Zhang was very beautiful, even though she was down and out. After they saved her, Aunt Zhang suddenly became the boss of the snack bar half a year later.

Although Aunt Zhang was not the real boss, Zun Long and Wang Junjie had never been serious about settling accounts with her. On the surface, Wei Zun Long and Wang Junjie were more like her workers and children.

This was because Aunt Zhang only talked and laughed when she was with Wei Zunlong and Wang Junjie.

Aunt Zhang came back with food after the door was opened. Wei Zunlong and Aunt Zhang started chatting after they finished eating. As they talked, Wei Zunlong fell asleep.

As Wei Zunlong's fever had not subsided and his appetite was getting smaller and smaller during the past two days, he was not in high spirits, so he fell asleep very quickly. Aunt Zhang stood up and walked to the bedside to worry.

With a pained gaze, he looked at Wei Zun Long's face, which had slimmed down over the past two days, and carefully pulled on the blanket to cover Wei Zun Long's face. A look of affection appeared on his face.

A few days later, Wei Zunlong's fever did not subside and his inflammation did not subside at all. Wang Junjie came over to accompany Wei Zunlong for the weekend and was chased back to class. Wang Junjie felt depressed.

Half a month later, Wei Zunlong's condition did not improve at all. On the contrary, Wei Zunlong felt that he was getting more and more serious. Now, he couldn't even take care of himself when he went to the toilet.

This time, Wang Junjie didn't chase Wang Junjie back to class. Wang Junjie took care of Wei Zunlong every day. Although he had Aunt Zhang, it wasn't too convenient for him.

Aunt Zhang then asked Wei Zunlong to call his parents at home. Even now, Wei Zunlong had not called because he was afraid his parents would worry and he would be sick for a few days because of the car.

Later on, the hospital staff also panicked. They invited the oldest qualified doctor, an assistant professor expert, to treat them, but in the end, the results were all the same — they were all tuberculosis pneumonia, and the medicine was also very well used!

The old doctor's expression kept changing, but in the end, he could not come up with anything.

After staying in the hospital for another seven or eight days, Wei Zunlong appeared unconscious twice and was saved after being rescued. Aunt Zhang's originally thin body and face became thin once again. Her face was full of worry all day.

Wang Junjie wasn't much better off. He had lost a lot of weight, and his eyes were as red as a rabbit's. The hospital also strongly requested for him to be transferred to another hospital. No matter what happened, he would not be held accountable.

Ten days later, this was Wei Zunlong's eighth time in a coma. Wei Zunlong is now in Guizhou Provincial Hospital. He has been in coma more and more frequently, and deeper and deeper.

The next time he woke up, Wei Zunlong had used his strength and the death god to pull him back out of bed. This time, he strongly demanded to be discharged. This time, he took the initiative to call home …

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