Male Jailer in Women’s Prison/C26 Tacit Understanding
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Male Jailer in Women’s Prison/C26 Tacit Understanding
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C26 Tacit Understanding

After finishing my snacks, I smirked and asked Li Yangyang if he had opened a room for me at all.

Li Yangyang blinked his eyes and asked what an hour room was.

F * ck.

To explain to you what an hour room is, I'm going to open one for you.

I took out my ID, walked to a hotel and entered. I paid Front Desk a hundred yuan in deposit and opened a room for two hours.

"Oh, I know." He spoke in a jubilant manner.

"Follow me, what do you know?"

"A room at the hour is a room that can be opened for an hour."

I used my key to open the door, and asked her: Yeah, clock rooms are usually couples' rooms. In the past, when we were in Universities, there were often Student and Student that opened rooms for two hours, so why do you think they came?

"I don't know."

"Haha, could it be that your roommate and your roommate are dating inside the dormitory?" I laughed and teased her.

She hit me. "Scoundrel, who's as bad as you? My roommate s are not like you. "

"Then they are not in love? "Introduce it to me."

"Ah!" You're dead, you're dead. " She raised her little fist.

The Telephone by the head of the bed rang, picked it up, and as expected, it was from Front Desk, reminding me that it was time.

I woke him up.

Message from the Wang Gun: I don't have time today, give me the Telephone when you leave prison next week.

I replied with a single word: * * *.

After a simple wash, I told Sui Xiong that I would return to the Prison to sleep at night.

Slightly disappointed, he asked me why I hadn't stayed out for the night. She missed me a lot these days.

I said it was because I had something to do in the morning. Actually, I wanted to go to that smoking hotel to buy Cigarette tickets.

He was a little disappointed, but in a moment he was out of the hotel and she was happy again.

She took out a bag of socks and gloves from her Package s, saying that she was afraid that I would be cold at work in Prison and had specially bought them for me.

I feel guilty.

Passing a shopping mall, I pulled him in and picked out an eight-hundred-dollar band of light green jade in the shape of a rabbit.

I said I would give it to you.

He said he couldn't ask me to pay. It was quite expensive.

Without a word, I bought the bill and asked the salesperson to help me tie it up. It's really pretty.

He embraced my hand happily and kissed me on the cheek twice.

It was difficult to get a taxi at this time of the afternoon, so I took her to the subway first. After parting reluctantly, I went to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

On the way to the bus stop, I passed by a pet shop for a while. After all, I had worked in a pet shop before, so I felt a sense of familiarity with it.

Inadvertently these two eyes, let me see a strange and familiar figure.

The mysterious and beautiful woman who was beaten up by me after I became stronger.

The reason why she was unfamiliar was because she didn't know her name. She only knew that other people called her Xiao He. I knew her because I had already done it with her.

She had her back to me as she chatted with the doctor in the pet shop. I walked over and leaned against the glass door of the shop, listening to what she was doing.

So it turned out that her Pomerine was sick. She carried it out to treat doctor.

Didn't they say that ex-boyfriend's dog was not wanted? It seems that I still have some love.

Looking at her rosy face, it didn't look like she had been pregnant at all.

The sudden ringing of the mobile's bell also scared me.

She looked over at me, and when she saw me, her expression changed to one of anger. I immediately ran away.

I stopped after I'd run around the corner. Fuck, why would I run? Laozi was not a thief.

He called me and asked if I had gone back to my car.

When I said I was in the car, I asked her if she had returned. She told me that she had, and told me to think of her, and to take care of myself, and to hunt Telephone for her as soon as I came out next week.

This little girl had really invested.

After hanging up the Telephone, I looked at the pet store for a while but didn't see her. She was a mysterious woman with a sexy and fiery temper.

It was really hard to understand. Such a mysterious figure like her did not have any legends about her in the Prison.

In that hotel, I also bought twenty Chinese cigarettes of the Cigarette tickets.

Either not, or more.

By the time he returned to the Prison, it was already dark.

There was nothing to do at night but read. The door creaked open.

Who? I asked.

It's me.

It's Xiao Zhu, what's she doing here? After being so awesome for so many days, he ignored me. Could it be that he couldn't bear the loneliness and missed me?

Thinking about Xiao Zhu's good chest, my heart was moved. I pretended to be cold as I opened the door for her.

When I opened the door, she asked if I could come in.

Come in. "No," I said.

She habitually sat on my bed, then perhaps she felt that something wasn't right, so she stood up and sat on the stool.

She was used to sitting on the bed when we were together.

She was probably struggling in her heart.

I poured myself a glass of water and asked her to drink it. She shook her head and I drank it and asked her what she wanted.

She looked at my bed, then looked down at the floor in disappointment. "We can't go on like that," she said.

"How is it going?" I asked.

"I went out the day before yesterday, and after looking for her, I gave her a set of my dresses that she had always liked." Xiao Zhu seemed to say calmly.

"Oh," I said.

Weird, Li Yangyang didn't tell me about him finding her when we went out today.

"She seems to know about me and you."

I closed my eyes. "How do you know?"

"She said, let me take good care of you here."

"What does that mean? Maybe she really just wants you and me to take care of each other here. " Even though I said this, my heart was pounding.

Even though Xiao Zhu and I spend most of our time waiting for someone to fall asleep before we reunite, it's hard to say whether or not these two tiny dormitory s would hear our conversation loudly, so it's hard to say whether or not she would notice. In addition, when I normally met Xiao Zhu, walked, ate, and other times, I would also feel moved and lose control over my thoughts. Girl is so meticulous, if she really sees through it, then it's really over for his.

"He might know something about us." Xiao Zhu lowered his head, and said softly with guilt.

I sighed, "Don't spout nonsense. You don't have any evidence s."

"We cannot continue like this." Xiao Zhu pinched the corner of his clothes, as if he had made a great decision.

This means that Xiao Zhu is going to cut me in half. In the future, I won't be able to mess with her anymore, and I won't be able to mess with her anymore.

"So you've decided, haven't you?" I tried to see her shake her head.

Xiao Zhu raised his head, tears flowing: "I'm so sorry. She treats me so well, and I still did such a thing behind her back."

When I saw her crying, I was annoyed. "Don't cry anymore. What's there to cry about? Let's decide. We can just break off this relationship in the future."

I am really a scum, not only do I not feel much regret towards her, I also do not have many emotions towards Xiao Zhu. To put it bluntly, whether it is for Xiao Zhu or for Li Yangyang, I only have the majority of the time that I want to vent my desires on her. Including me to the Instructor Kang, Xue Mingmei, Ding Ling, but I believe that the majority of the men have their own thoughts.

Xiao Zhu was sobbing.

I waved my hand. "You can go back. I'm going to sleep."

She stood up and turned around to leave, but she couldn't bear to look at me.

I waved her away from me.

She bit her lip. "Aren't you upset at all?"

"I don't feel anything." "No," I said. This girl is really despicable. The more I pretend, the more she'll love me, right?

"How did you do it?" She was still crying.

"Because I never liked you," I said. You go back, I'm going to sleep. "

She shot me a resentful glance before she ran away. Yes, I ran back. I heard her crying loudly.

Sigh, to ask what is love in this world, to directly teach people how to compel life and death.

The next day, I was reading a book in the Office, with twenty pieces of Chinese Cigarette tickets in my pocket.

A Telephone attacked. It was Instructor Kang.

I knew that if I didn't go looking for her, she would. Her fire must be burning, waiting for me to put it out.

But come to think of it, in this Prison, in this department, only I consult her personally. I don't have any subordinates, only my superior Instructor Kang, and only she would look for me frequently.

After going to her Office, she would pick a time to look for me. She would choose a time when everyone else was busy, because then, no one would bother her and me.

After arriving at Office, I closed the door and greeted her. She leisurely took a sip of tea and said, "Little Zhang ah, these past two days have been very obedient, and performed quite well."

"Are you looking for me to praise me for this?" I asked her.

She didn't answer my question. She stood up and walked over to my side. She stretched out her hand and touched me. "What have you been up to these past few days? You look a lot more haggard."

"Are you unhappy that your Girlfriend has left? It's okay, she's gone and I'm still here. Just come find me from now on. "

"You're thinking it through. How good it was to cooperate like this. It's for everyone. "

I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to her.

"What is this?" She took it and understood immediately. "What do you mean?"

"I hope the instructor will cultivate you more."

"Wait!" "If you don't explain it, I won't accept it." She thrust it back at me. "Do you want me to do something?" I said, "I am here, and have let the Leadership, especially you, take the trouble. This is just a small matter of mine, I do not respect you at all, I hope that the instructor will accept it with a smile. With regards to the matter that I asked randomly, it's only because of instructor's care and concern that I can continue to stay here. If you do not know what is good for you, instructor, please forgive me. "

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Then thank you. I will accept this." However, I still have to say one more sentence. In this place, there are many things that you have to learn and pretend to be ignorant about. For some people, it's because they are too smart and want to know everything. She put the Cigarette tickets in her pocket, her eyes shining.

Who doesn't like money?

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