Manual of Romantic Affairs/C8 Expressive Heart Trace
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Manual of Romantic Affairs/C8 Expressive Heart Trace
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C8 Expressive Heart Trace

Xie Xiaoyu also came to the Phoenix Perching Forest? How could it be such a coincidence?

Ling Yun stepped forward to welcome him. "What a coincidence! How did you get here? "

A trace of surprise flashed across Xie Xiaoyu's eyes. "I …" I just heard someone shouting here, and it sounded like you, so I couldn't stop worrying, so I passed by …

"Come take a look."

Ling Yun's face quickly became red. That scream? Wasn't it me? Lingyun recalled that just now, when he punched into the wutong tree, it was because …

A lecherous howl of pain.

I didn't expect him to yell at me like that. What a pleasant surprise!

"You … What's the matter with you? Are you alright? " Xie Xiaoyu asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just that I accidentally fell. Haha, I made you worry, thank you …" Lingyun laughed. He spoke very politely, but …

The way she looked at Xie Xiaoyu started to get out of hand.

It was different from before. Because it wasn't even school time yet, there was basically no one else here apart from the two of them. The nearest person is about 150 meters away.

Like he was still focused on playing basketball. Even if they wanted to look, they wouldn't be able to see it clearly through the trees. The two of them spoke at such a close distance that …

Xie Xiaoyu was almost stuttering. His breathing had also clearly accelerated by quite a bit.

Lingyun's heart was pounding. This guy's attraction to the opposite sex was not that simple. Xie Xiaoyu looked like she was in a infatuation.

Xie Xiaoyu seemed to be relieved. She looked up and down at Ling Yun to make sure that he wasn't hurt, and then finally felt relieved.

"That... "That actually …" Lingyun also started to stutter. He knew what he was going to say, but for some reason, he just had to say it.

As he spoke, he became stammering.

Lingyun could not help but curse in his heart, why are you so nervous? [You are ten times more attractive than normal people. How come you only face the first woman?!]

People are like this?

What he didn't know was that a girl like Xie Xiaoyu was a lot more attractive than ordinary people. The Yellow Dragon just told him how attractive he was to the opposite sex

It increased by ten times, but he didn't tell him that his resistance to temptation had also increased by ten times? Thus, in this aspect, he was just an ordinary person.

It was normal for a perverted girl to become nervous in front of him.

"What?" Xie Xiaoyu smiled and tilted her head to the side as she looked at him. A light breeze caressed her hair, covering half of her face like a lake …

Xie Xiaoyu was extremely gentle under the contrast of her gaze.

Lingyun's heart skipped a beat as he saw this. He gathered up his courage and finally said what he wanted to say, "In fact, I've been doing this ever since I first saw you."

Meridian... I already like you. "It's just that I never told you, it's my fault for not having the courage …" After saying this sentence, Lingyun felt as if he had just experienced it …

After the exam, he felt a burst of relief in his heart, as if the huge weight that had been pressing down on his heart had finally been lifted off. Actually, what he said was the truth. He really did see it for the first time …

Xie Xiaoyu liked her.

Xie Xiaoyu's face turned red when she heard that. Her body trembled a little and her head drooped down. She said softly, "I finally did."

"..." When you say that, do you know that... "Me too …"

Lingyun was ecstatic. Although he knew that his allure for the opposite sex had increased tenfold, but from such a beautiful girl's mouth, this feeling …

It was not an ordinary feeling.

"It's true!" Xie Xiaoyu seemed to be afraid that Ling Yun wouldn't believe her, and even emphasized on that. And then she explained, "The first time I saw you, it was on the first day

"Yes." That day, you were in charge of receiving the bus for the school. Amongst the crowd, I saw you at first glance. You even helped me carry my luggage … "From that day onwards, I …"

Hearing this, Ling Yun was startled. Oh my god, it was actually "real". Lingyun definitely would not forget that in his second year of university, as an old student, he was given a lesson …

The school was sent to receive the new students.

That day, a peerless beauty flashed across his eyes. The suffocating feeling of her beauty made his heart pound. He hurriedly ran over to help.

He weighed things at home, and even after breaking up with her, he stared at her blankly for a long time.

Until she disappeared from his sight, and that beauty had smiled at him in return, which he could not forget for a long time. From then on, that smile had left an extreme feeling in his heart …

A beautiful shadow. That beauty was indeed Xie Xiaoyu.

After that day, Lingyun came to the Chinese department for a few days in an attempt to see her again, but unfortunately, he never succeeded.

When he saw Xie Xiaoyu again later on, he heard that she had already been caught up by someone, and he was ashamed of his own appearance as he gave up on this idea. But ever since that shadow had been left behind … …

After that, in Ling Yun's heart, it had never been erased again.

Unexpectedly, Xie Xiaoyu also …

"From that moment on, I..." I've started to like you! " Xie Xiaoyu finally mustered up the courage to finish her words.

The mosquitoes were small and almost inaudible. Even so, Xie Xiaoyu's face was as red as a piece of cloth. She hung low in front of her chest, not daring to raise her head to face Ling Yun for a long time. Hands

He fiddled with the corner of his clothes, looking helpless.

Lingyun could not suppress the excitement in his heart. He stepped forward and grabbed Xie Xiaoyu's shoulders.

Xie Xiaoyu's body trembled violently, as if she had been struck by an electric current. Her entire body was trembling. She did not even dare to raise her head, and just let Lingyun grab her.

Lingyun stared blankly at Xie Xiaoyu. Finally, he held Xie Xiaoyu tightly in his arms. The smooth and plump bosom of Xie Xiaoyu was pressed tightly against Ling Yun's chest.

Ling Yun could not help but feel an impulse.

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