Maoshan Yin Yang Taoist/C21 Million remuneration
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Maoshan Yin Yang Taoist/C21 Million remuneration
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C21 Million remuneration

The big guy's fingers were trembling as he replied in a trembling voice, "Xiao Xin, you're awake … "Great, your body is weak, so don't say too much." Let your mother stew some chicken soup for you. Your dad is fine. "

Tears rolled down Old White's face as he hurriedly wiped them away with his sleeve.

If he could hear his daughter's normal voice, he wouldn't hesitate to die.

I looked out the window with a bit of tears in my eyes. Suddenly, I thought of my master …

"Where's Brother Xiao Gang?"

Xiao Xin's weak voice continued to sound.

"Ah, he's by my side, I'll give him the phone."

Old White put the phone in my hand.

I subconsciously took it, and understood immediately. Sister Blue must have been quick to tell her the whole story, for this kind of thing, Xiao Xin was the victim. After she was possessed, although I couldn't control her body, she still had some memories, so hiding it from me, it's good for me to tell her.

As I thought about this, I said in a low voice, "Xiao Xin, you're fine, I'm relieved now."

Suddenly, heard a low sound of sobbing. Xiao Xin said in a choked voice, "Brother Steel, thank you …"

She only said five words before she could not continue.

I understand that she was very scared and excited, and comforted her like this: "Xiao Xin, listen to me. I have always treated you as my little sister. If you are well, then I am at peace. "

Xiao Xin sobbed even louder than before, the phone call was sent to the Sister Blue.

"Xiao Gang, there is no need to thank me for this great favor. Sister Blue remembers you. " she said to me gratefully.

"Sister Blue, no need to be like this, even I feel embarrassed." I could only laugh awkwardly and pass the phone over to Bai Yanlang.

Bai Yanlang and Sister Blue whispered a few more sentences to each other before the call ended.

"Xiao Gang, today, we really escaped death. Let's go, let's go eat something first, then we'll go to Sauna and have a good bath, to the misfortune of others." Old Bai suggested.

I nodded silently.

Old Bai started up the car and drove through the brightly lit streets. Soon, they arrived at the most bustling area. He found an upscale restaurant, got a private room, and ordered a bunch of dishes.

I didn't hold back. I exchanged cups of wine with Old Bai for a big feast and even went to the bathroom to fill my cup with water a few times. My head felt dizzy from drinking so much.

Only lucky people like us who climbed out of ghost town would be able to feel how blissful it is to be able to eat and drink to our heart's content.

Life, ah, there are not many happy things, each one is worth cherishing.

He spent a few thousand to settle the bill, but Ol 'White didn't care about it at all.

After dinner, Lao Bai took me to the most high-end bathing center, a set of bath massage was not infrequent.

There was a small episode in the middle, and a few charmingly dressed girls came up to me and asked if I wanted special services.

I don't know what I mean.

Old Bai sent those women away with a few words. I noticed that those cool pretentious girls were even flirting with me before they left, so I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

He whispered a few words to me, and I understood, and cursed the evil ways of the world, and stopped thinking about it.

Coming out of the bathroom, we bought new clothes and shoes and socks and changed them from head to toe. Except for my robe, we threw everything else in the trash.

I was still drawing incantations on top of my clothes to suppress the evil aura, to prevent any scavengers from putting it back on me.

After all of this, it was already late at night. Old Bai and I found an upscale hotel to stay in, which meant that we would have two rooms, but Old Bai was still in the stage where his vulgar eyes would open. He wouldn't leave my side even if I beat him to death, so I had no choice but to open a bigger room with quite a few beds.

The girl who handed us the keys had a weird look in her eyes. I felt uncomfortable all over and I really wanted to tell her that I only like little beauties like you in Jiangnan.

In the end, he was too thick-skinned to say it out loud. Thus, he could only bring Old Bai, whose face was full of wounds, upstairs.

We stayed in room 208, and after putting everything away, Ol 'White said he wanted to buy a cigarette, so he went out.

I had nothing better to do than to turn on the TV for a while, which was filled with soap operas about love and love.

Not long later, Old White returned with a large bag.

I saw that the bag he was carrying was quite heavy, so I joked, "Old Bai, how many cigarettes did you get back?"

Old Bai locked the door and did not say anything else. He opened his bag and collapsed onto the bed.

Crash! *

A bundle of money was tied up and piled on the bed.

It was all money!

I opened my eyes wide. To tell the truth, I had never seen so much money in my life before.

"Old Bai, you …?"

After a long while, I regained my senses and looked at Lao Bai, who had a solemn expression on his face.

"Xiao Gang, there's a million here, and it contains my one hundred thousand. There's also the nine hundred thousand that your Sister Blue sent to my account. She left a few hundred thousand to work, these are the gratitude we, husband and wife, give you.

You risked your life and saved the life of our family. This is 3 lives, your Sister Blue and I only have a little more than 1.1 million, the rest you have invested into the delivery company, don't think that it's not enough. It's a gift from our husband and wife, you have to accept it. "

I was stunned, one million yuan, this is really a huge sum!

Actually, I've heard my master say in previous years that in our line of work, if one really wants to make a fortune and change the fortune of those rich and powerful individuals, then no matter how much money they send over, it's like flowing water.

The problem is, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

This was a great cause and effect, so no one dared to come into contact with it carelessly. Therefore, there were not many Yin Yang Master that dared to do such a thing.

The world needed to be balanced. Those who dared to break the balance would definitely be severely punished by the rules.

There's still a way to avoid the karmic retribution. For example, I helped Old Bai's family get rid of their fate of death, so it's only right that they accept the money.

But how much? There was a rule in the Mao Mountain's Ghost sect, that it could not exceed 10% of the sect's total wealth, if not, they would be too greedy, and that would drag in an even deeper Karma, making it unwise to do so.

Old White's company wasn't that big, with a market value of over a million. Adding his wife's savings, his family's total assets were only around 2.4 million, one tenth being 240,000.

According to the sect rules, I can only get 240,000 at most. Any more and I'll pass.

"Old White, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't accept this money. The reason is this …"

I patted Old White's shoulders, telling him the rules of my school. In the end, I said: "If you were a rich man with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets, it would be normal for me to charge you tens of millions, but if your company were to add this deposit, it would only be worth 2 million. I will just charge you 200 thousand, but if you are willing to pay 100 thousand, the Sister Blue is willing to pay 100 thousand, this matter can be considered as over.

According to my master's principles, Junior Sister and I can only use one-tenth of this money. That is to say, the twenty thousand of it is something we can spend. The remaining one hundred and eighty thousand is to be given to those who need it in the future. Only by doing this can I make my five evils and three evils less violent. "

I explained to Old Bai very patiently.

"You're saying that you risked your life to complete this matter, but in the end, you only earned twenty thousand dollars for yourself?"

Old Bai was shocked.

I shrugged and sighed. "Exactly."

Old White looked at me blankly with sympathy in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, you don't have to pity me. Let me tell you, I've already entered the business, from now on I'm going to use this business as a meal. You know so many people and you also have a lot of unorthodox methods outside.

You can even buy Yellow Talisman s to keep you safe. I'm opening the coffin shop, and those coffins are all handmade, so whoever uses them can get introduced to them, and my junior sister and I will not be able to die from hunger. "

I said this very seriously to Old Bai.

"Sigh, Xiao Gang, your life... In the future, this kind of business will never stop, because you are a truly capable person. "

Old Bai's words made my heart warm.

"Ten percent? "Then two hundred forty thousand, you and your junior will have more money."

Ol 'White helped me pack a bag full of money, exactly 240,000 yuan, so I could spend 24,000 yuan, enough to keep me and my junior sister together for a while.

I didn't decline. This is what I deserve, what's there to be embarrassed about?

Old Bai didn't store the money, but looked at me and said, "I want to order the Yellow Talisman s from you, Young Master. I want to buy the talismans that will ensure the safety of the family, shock the evil, and expand the business.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. However, this was my first talisman business since I had entered the industry. For the sake of luck, there was no reason for me to reject guests.

I thought for a moment and said to Old Bai, "There are a lot of different kinds of talismans. Most of them are left behind by my master, so I can't sell them.

Based on your family's current situation, you should be able to buy enough Yellow Talisman s.

Three Yin Demon Body Protection Talismans, each of you carry one in your bag or in your bag.

He could place two Calm Talismans at a high location in the house. He didn't need to pay tribute to them as it would allow the house to be safe.

Six Talisman-Dollars, placed in six locations of the delivery company, could help the fortune. However, this was only an auxiliary method. If one did not work hard, everything would be useless.

So that's it, you don't need to use anything else, these Yellow Talisman s follow the rules, each one is 1000 fast, a total of 11 of them, after wiping off the portion, you will only have to spend 10,000. "I need to pay three thousand in advance. I will draw it and send it over within a month."

"Since it's only this little, I'll buy more. I'll buy 100,000 …" No, we need two hundred thousand Yellow Talisman to spare. " Old White's intention to give away the money was really obvious.

I sighed and said, "Seller's Talisman must ensure that every piece is useful, or else it would be deceiving the customer. That is not allowed by our sect's rules."

"Then why are there so many masters who can purchase tens of thousands of talismans in one go?" Old Bai asked in confusion.

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