Maoshan Yin Yang Taoist/C49 Drop
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Maoshan Yin Yang Taoist/C49 Drop
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C49 Drop

Not long after, we drove up to the university.

I told Zhou Jingjing and the others to buy a lot of 'exclusive tools' and pack them into suitcases. Then, under the 'help' from Bighead, without disturbing the school leaders, I brought the tools into the campus.

Money makes the difference. I appeared in the women's room in broad daylight, but the auntie in the office took me for an invisible person, and didn't pay any attention to me at all.

Zhou Jingjing's ability to handle matters was indeed top-notch.

I easily made my way to the third floor of the women's dormitory.

After climbing and descending for a few hours, the girls' yin aura had been greatly suppressed by the sunlight and their vitality had increased. They all looked at me curiously. It was obvious that they were interested in my 'eyesore'.

After I arrived at the third floor, Lin Yanwei immediately came to my side, unhesitatingly pulled at my sleeves and followed me step by step, not afraid of being laughed at by these girls.

I didn't care much about that. Even though we investigated a bit last night, we still couldn't pinpoint the location of the array core. Because of the heavy rain last night, the yin aura was too heavy.

In fact, up until now, the few people who executed the formation did not notice that someone was trying to destroy it. It was clear that Xiao Yue and the others had a very tight mouth and did not leak any information, and those few people were only worried that there might not be any problems in activating the formation in advance. If they knew that I was thinking of a way to break through the formation, they would have probably jumped out to fight me!

Of course I don't want them to notice it in advance. Some of them are university principals, have actual power in this school, some are Yin Yang Master s with cultivation, and some are from famous sects, so I don't want to fight them right now. By the time they react, I have already done everything, and when the time comes, they won't be able to stop me even if they wanted to.

"I said, junior sister, you can let go now. I have something important to do."

I lowered my head to look at the little hand which had been holding onto my sleeve the entire time, and I helplessly looked at Lin Yanwei who was smiling coquettishly.

The girl blushed and withdrew her little hand. However, she didn't leave my side. She looked curiously at me using the compass to scan the surroundings. If it wasn't for the fact that she was afraid of disturbing me, she would have asked me about it long ago.

Using the compass left behind by my master, I once again went through the various rooms. The ladies didn't disturb me and knew that I was currently searching for the 'Formation Aperture'.

In the end, I reached Room 304 and looked down at the needle on the compass. I slowly raised my head and looked at the ceiling of my bedroom.

The girls followed me, following my gaze.

I faintly said, "It should be over there." He pointed.

Zhou Jingjing and the others looked at that spot with a pale face. Thinking about it, for the past half month, they didn't even know that they had come in close contact with this so-called Formation Eye everyday.

Zhou Jingjing's reaction was more intense. She suddenly shouted: "Oh right, when I first stayed here, I could hear strange sounds every night, sounding like a kitten scratching at the wall. My sisters and I searched for a few times with our lights turned on, but didn't discover anything.

Senior, from what you have said, I think that the voice should be coming from there, right? "

After Zhou Jingjing said this, her legs began to tremble like noodles.

It wasn't just her, 304 and the other female students were all the same. They had all heard the light, yet extremely strange, scratching sounds coming from the walls. Back then, they didn't think much of it, and some of them had even joked that it was all just a collective hallucination, but the senior student had pointed out that the eye of the formation was right above their heads …?

Thinking carefully, he was terrified!

The eight junior sisters couldn't hold on any longer and sat together on the bed. A few of them hugged each other, looking like they were about to cry from fright.

"Don't be afraid. No matter what that thing is, once you dig it out and burn it, it will no longer harm you."

I listened to the hair on my head, but it was all I could do to speak up for the girls.

The eight junior sisters in thirty four were terrified, so were the other girls in the dorm. Lin Yanwei didn't care about that as she grabbed onto one of my arms.

I caressed Lin Yanwei's head consolingly, then indicated for my junior sisters to help me set up the triangular ladder.

This is a folding triangular ladder, with two sides extending several meters. It is tall enough and sturdy enough, brought in by a large leather bag. That grandson helped me with the cover, otherwise, it would be easy to get inside.

After the triangular steps were set up, I motioned for all the girls to step back from 304. I took out the safety helmet for the laborers and put it on. At the same time, I put on a mask and a pair of sunglasses.

After plugging in the electrical source, I carried the electric drill and an axe as I climbed up the triangular ladder. Raising my head to look at the ceiling that was just inches away from me, I thought about how to set up the Ghost Drawing Array. The core of the array could be anything as long as it could guide the ghost of Longliu Village to this place.

I wasn't sure what they would use as an eye for the formation, so I could only open the ceiling to take a look. I hope it wasn't something too disgusting or terrifying.

He pressed the switch and the electric drill started up. The drill buzzed, but I didn't have to worry about the noise. There was a spell set up here, so the noise wouldn't be transmitted to the third floor.

Shards of wood and cement flew down, and in a few moments I had burrowed holes in the ceiling, smashed them with my axe, and...


With a loud bang, a long, plastic wrapped object fell out of the hole.

My reaction was quick. I hastily tilted my head to the side. This thing smashed into the triangular staircase and rolled before landing on the ground, making a 'boom' sound.


The shrieks of the girls came from outside the door, and I could tell from the beeping of the dolphins that something terrible had happened.

I subconsciously looked down, and then...


I felt such a sound in my head, because there was a dead woman lying on her back on the ground!

The torn part of the plastic sheet just happened to reveal her head. She was lying on her back, but her pale face strangely retained her looks from before her death. There were no maggots or anything like that.

The reason why I didn't fall from fright was because the female corpse remained intact and clean. The most important part was that her eyes were closed. If she were to maintain a posture of not being able to close her eyes in peace, I didn't know if I would fall from the sky all of a sudden.

"Your sister!"

I cursed loudly before controlling my hand not to tremble. I stopped the electric drill before climbing down, barely able to control myself from walking past the female corpse. Throwing the electric drill and axe to the side, I head out the door.

At this time, a figure immediately scurried into my embrace. It was the Lin Yanwei who was so frightened that she almost fainted.

I tightly held onto her trembling body and shouted to my junior sisters who were squeezing into a shriek, "Stop screaming. It's just a female corpse. It's not like she's going to devour you."


The juniors' screams became even louder. I could only extend my hand and pull the door shut, and then, continuously patted Lin Yanwei who was crying in my arms.

The girls gradually stopped screaming after the door was closed, but they didn't dare to get too close.

The eight girls living in 304 were in the most miserable state. Zhou Jingjing, Ma Rongting and Zhao Xiaoran were squatting in a corner vomiting while crying with an extremely miserable voice.

As for the others, they weren't much better off. I saw that two of them had fainted and were being held by the students. I thought that they would wake up soon.

"Big Brother Fang, I'm so scared."

Lin Yanwei hugged onto my waist with all her might, refusing to leave me even if she was beaten to death.

I saw a few of my junior sisters look at Lin Yanwei with envious eyes. Obviously, they also wanted to jump into my safe and warm embrace at this moment …

"Eh …" How could he still think about such things? Was there still any sense of public morality?

I spat at myself.

Lin Yanwei directly called him Big Brother, but I felt comfortable listening to him, so I naturally did not deliberately correct him.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's just a female corpse, she loves it much more than those female ghost s." I made a joke of myself.


When the girls heard me describe the female corpse as cute, they all looked at me with anger.

I felt my mouth was very dry. Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes felt like it was on my back.

I took out my cigarette and, ignoring the fact that the women's room could no longer smoke, lit one and took a long drag to calm my alarmed heart.

Your sister, that thing fell right from my side. What are you screaming for? Your father's heart is about to fly out of your mouth. You still have to pretend that you're a hero and not afraid.

Yin Yang Master's work isn't done by humans, damn Principal, damn Qin Huaran, you perverts, you hid a female corpse on the ceiling of the female bed, it is only people like you who can do such an outrageous thing, using an array eye like a small wood person as a substitute, why do you have to find a corpse to do an array eye? Could it be …?

I suddenly thought of a possibility. While smoking, I asked my female juniors, "In the last two months, has anyone gone missing? I mean the girls at school. "

When I asked this question, the frightened girls all opened their eyes wide and looked at me. One of them, who had a killer Matt hairstyle and a Gothic style, suddenly said, "I remember now. I heard that a year ago, a third year female student went missing, her name was Ren Xia, right? "Yes, it's this name. The police have come several times to investigate, but they were unable to find any clues. It was a strange disappearance, but after that, the matter gradually faded away."

My eyelids violently twitched as I desperately smoked. One cigarette was quickly finished.

I patted Lin Yanwei.

The girl had stopped crying and sensibly stood aside.

I walked up to the girls and looked at their pale faces. "Which one of you knows Ren Xia?"

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