Marry A Coffin/C10 Siyuyan
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Marry A Coffin/C10 Siyuyan
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C10 Siyuyan

He just silently looked at me for a while, making me feel embarrassed. In my mind, I suddenly recalled the scene where I was together with him in my dreams. My face turned hot, and two blush stains appeared on it.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and extended his hand towards me. He coldly said, "Give it back to me!"

"AHH!" I looked at his hand. "What?"

"My flower!"

"What flowers?"

He looked at me helplessly. "Flowers that appeared in your house and were brought to school by you!"

I suddenly realized that the lotus flower was his! But why did he appear at my house?

However, when I mentioned that the lotus flower was going to be taken away by him, I felt a little reluctant in my heart. After all, those flowers were so beautiful, it seemed that every time I smelled them, I would feel much better, even more effective than taking medicine.

Besides, wasn't it just a flower? Could it be that he came specifically to ask me for it?

As if he saw what I was thinking, he said coldly, "This flower was originally stolen by someone to your side. Now it should be returned to its original owner."

These words were really heartless. I nodded, "Alright, come with me."

After all, the flower was his, so he could still return it, but I was still reluctant to part with it.

When I left, I even turned around to look at the bun house. My whole body was shivering. How could that be a bun house? It was an old and dilapidated clothing shop … In other words, those two man-eating things from before might have been ghosts!

When he arrived at the school, he had turned translucent.

"How did you become like this?" I asked.

However, he leisurely said, "I've become invisible. This way, it'll be easier for me to enter your place."

Heh, he also knew that boys in girls' dormitories couldn't enter. What sort of background did this guy have, but he didn't seem like a bad guy.

I didn't feel good about going up to the fifth floor in one breath. I stood there for a while before I opened the door. He was fine, and if I wasn't here, he'd probably be able to fly.

Opening the dormitory door, he returned to his original form.

I put down my bag, walked over, took the vase in my hand, and handed it to him. "What's your name?"

He took it and looked at it in the water. Suddenly, his expression became somewhat gloomy and complicated. He said in a dispirited and soft voice, "SiYuyan."

I nodded, looking at Hong'er in his hands, full of reluctance. But I was curious why his expression suddenly turned so bad. Could there be something wrong with this lotus flower?

However, the vase hadn't even been in his hand for half a minute, yet my body felt like it was being sucked in, sticking onto that man's body.

He only felt a cold sensation on his mouth and the fragrance of the lotus flower on the tip of his nose. Stunned, a pair of eyes stares me in the eye. Looking at each other, I stare at him in disbelief. The dream has happened. How rude. Am I dreaming?

There was a cold vase between me and his chest.

Even though he's a handsome guy, I still can't accept that I actually kissed a stranger. I reached out to push him, but I couldn't get rid of him. It was as if 502 had stuck between his lips.

Was … was this really a chicken feather situation? Could it be that this man used some kind of strange magic and purposely kissed me? What a dignified looking fellow! What a hooligan!

My lips automatically parted the next instant. I quickly pushed him away and wiped my lips with force. I looked at him with shame and indignation. "You're still a hooligan! "You look like a virtuous person!"

He also wiped his lips, his actions calmer than mine, and then lightly said, "You're thinking too much, your appearance isn't enough to make me take the initiative." Then, as if he thought of something, he looked at me boldly and confidently, "Hmph, so what if I kiss you, don't forget, you and I are already married, you are my wife."

"You..." What does that mean? Does he mean I'm ugly? Also, who married him, I'm going crazy!

"That's just your wishful thinking. It's illegal to go along with the law, I won't admit it!"

Before I could finish, he walked out with the lotus flower in his hand, but his hand stayed on the doorknob for a moment, then he turned and looked at me, then back at the backpack on my bed.

When I saw him turn his head, I thought to myself, This is so annoying, let's go quickly!

He walked up to my window and placed the lotus on the table. He reached out to unzip it, but I took it away first.

"What are you doing?" rummaging through other people's things like that is very rude! " I speak fiercely.

He looked at me and said in a voice as calm as water, "This demonic thing in your bag, it will kill people, quickly give it to me!"

Evil being? Did he mean the purse?

I was about to open the bag and hand it to him, but then I thought of my grandma's words, 'Except me.' "We can't let anyone touch it, or else we'll die!"

But he wasn't a human at all. He wondered if anything would happen to him if he took it.

After thinking for a while, I refused, "Hurry up and leave. This thing can't be casually shown to others. Hurry up and leave, I don't want to see you!"

He didn't try to force me, but picked up the lotus and prepared to leave. But this time, he looked at the lotus with a profound gaze, then looked at me, and stuffed the lotus into my hands, "Raise the flower well, this flower can suppress the evil being in your bag. "You've already been poisoned …"

With that, he turned and disappeared, leaving only the fresh scent of his body in the air.

I just stood there, and he just came and went without a trace right under my nose? Who is he, if he really is a ghost, why can he appear under the sunlight? Also, his words' you are already poisoned ', is saying that I have already been hit by the Gu curse in my pocket.

The lotus flower in his hand emitted a radiance even more dazzling than usual, it looked extremely similar to a celestial object. Moreover, I saw that man knowing how to draw that lotus flower picture previously, it showed that he and the lotus flower in my hand are inextricably linked, what is he trying to do?

Putting the flowers in their original vase, I said to myself, "There are so many incredible things in this world."

The next day was already Monday, and Gu Xiangqing and the others were all glowing. It seemed that they had rested quite well at home during the past two days. After cleaning ourselves up, we went to the classroom for class. It was just that the professor who had been teaching us all this time suddenly stopped teaching us and switched us to the new teacher.

Looking at the new teacher, I was taken aback. It's her!

I watched with my mouth agape as Professor Li walked out. The one left on stage was that vixen, how could it be her? An animal to teach us economics? This is a joke.

Trembling, he opened the textbook. After class, everything was no longer as peaceful as it was before, because Professor Li was a very strict professor. The moment he entered his classroom, he had to listen to his lecture.

What was important was not the restlessness of the male students, but rather the restlessness of the teacher onstage.

I shook my head as I looked at the textbook, but it turned out that the lecture was actually not bad.

As soon as the class started, a few boys rushed in front of the teacher, saying that they didn't know either, and that they didn't understand either. In the end, all of them happily followed the fox spirit teacher into the office.

I stood in the hallway and wondered, watching them, if this woman was a goblin? Her behavior was like a normal human, how could she have the appearance of an animal! Well, the goblin wouldn't tell you she was a goblin, would she?

"What are you looking at? Why are you so engrossed in it?" Suddenly, Li Qiqi's voice came from behind me.

She took a step forward and pointed to the front of me. "This new teacher is definitely not someone who is easy to deal with."

I nodded.

"Let me tell you, she is Shen laoshi's girlfriend. She also came here because of Shen laoshi."

"Shen laoshi?" I thought about it, "Is that the legendary Shen Xiangnan? The one with the hard background? "

"Yes, that's him."

That Shen Xiangnan is a second-generation official, his family has power and influence. When he first arrived at this school, I had heard of him. He had played with quite a few female students in school. It's just that when I came here, he had already gone abroad to study.

Now, he had returned with another fox spirit that he had hooked up with god knows where.

"What does their business have to do with us? Come, let's go eat in the cafeteria."

Afterwards, the four of us majestically went to the cafeteria. When I met Lou Yue in the cafeteria, the four of them looked at me in confusion. They probably didn't expect me to know her. The five of us sat together, and Lou Yue was much more cheerful than before.

This reassured me a lot.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I saw that it was a text message from the bank. There were 1.5 million on my bank account. I put down my chopsticks and counted it carefully. It was really 1.5 million.

It couldn't be like the news reports, where someone made a mistake and the bank took the money back, but for safety's sake I went to the Industrial and Commercial Bank.

The bank staff checked. The name of the person who transferred the money was' Soviet Army Company '. When I heard that, wasn't that my father's name? It was my father who called me, but why didn't my father inform me in advance, and why did he call me with the money?

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