Marry A Coffin/C16 Weird little gnome
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Marry A Coffin/C16 Weird little gnome
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C16 Weird little gnome

Actually, I had seen Gu Xiangqing ever since I woke up and asked her about what had happened. However, after meeting her, I was a little afraid that I would hear bad news from her.

I grit my teeth and sat up. During the process, I pulled on my wound, causing me to gasp in pain.

My actions startled Gu Xiangqing. She opened her eyes and slowly raised her head.

Her face was as pale as snow. Gu Xiangqing's most beautiful pair of eyes were the ones she had. At this moment, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, and the whites of her eyes were completely bloodshot. With her black dress on, I had a bad feeling.

Gu Xiangqing rubbed her eyes and stood up, revealing a smile to me, "Xiao Bing, you've woken up. Gu Xiangqing rubbed her eyes and stood up, revealing a smile to me," Xiao Bing, you've woken up.

In just a few days, Gu Xiangqing had become even thinner than before. She stood there with her skin pale and transparent, and her clothes were a bit fat on her body. Gu Xiangqing's entire being seemed to be completely empty.

I grabbed Gu Xiangqing's hand. Her hand was cold, and it was shaking.

"Sang Qing, where's Qi Qi? "What about the praises?"

Xiang Qing sniffed and smiled. "They're at home. Very good."

Gu Xiangqing's eyes flashed with a hint of sadness as she said this, but I still caught it. After being together with her for so long, Gu Xiangqing was a very honest girl. She would never lie, but this time, I felt that she was lying to me.

"Really? "Then why did I call them and turn off their phones?" I grabbed Gu Xiangqing's arm and asked.

Gu Xiangqing stood there speechlessly for a long time before she finally said, "Xiao Bing, you're thinking too much. Lie down first. You should take care of your wounds right now."

"What am I thinking too much about?"

"They're dead, aren't they!" My voice choked, asking if I believed it, but reality told me it was true.

Gu Xiangqing's eyes immediately reddened. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. She looked at me for a few seconds and then hugged me.

"Wuu, Xiao Bing, dead, dead!" They are all dead! " Gu Xiangqing sobbed silently.

Hearing Gu Xiangqing's sorrowful words, it was as if I was struck by lightning. My entire body stiffened in her embrace. Originally, I still had some hope, but now that Gu Xiangqing personally told me that they've died …

As if I had lost my soul, I wrapped my arms around Gu Xiangqing, and my body trembled. Tears had already begun streaming down my face.

"It's all my fault. Gu Xiangqing, it's all my fault. I caused Qi Qi's death and the words of praise. It's all my fault!" Finally, unable to suppress the guilt and sorrow in my heart, I burst into tears in her arms. I was the one who killed my good friend.

Gu Xiangqing patted my back, "It's all my fault. You just had an operation, so I shouldn't have told you this."

"It's not your fault at all," Gu Xiangqing let go of me and looked at me seriously, "Xiao Bing, don't blame yourself." It's not your fault at all, "Gu Xiangqing let go of me and looked at me seriously," Xiao Bing, don't blame yourself.

I shook my head sorrowfully as my hand tightly gripped the white bed sheet.

"No, Gu Xiangqing, you don't understand, I should be the one to die!" "Those scoundrels came for me. In short, I implicated my classmates, praising me, and Qiqi. It was all my fault …" My voice trailed off, and I dropped my head to my chest.

"But the one who was wrong wasn't you, you're innocent too!"

Innocent? Is that so? Their deaths, indirectly, are my responsibility.

Gu Xiangqing helped me wipe away my tears and helped me lie down. She looked at me seriously with her red and swollen eyes: "Su Xiao Bing, you're very strong, right? You better not try to find fault because of your guilt. If you're really that weak, then die! "If that's the case, then Xiyan and Qiqi will really die in vain!"

Then she turned away and said she would buy me dinner.

Gu Xiangqing's words really struck my heart. I was indeed feeling guilty earlier and wanted to commit suicide. If I committed suicide, then Yang Pingyan and Li Qiqi would have died in vain! They were implicated by me. I must live well and avenge them! And the disappearance of my grandmother and father and mother, maybe it was also because of that old witch!

Why did they do this? What exactly was their hatred? They could cause so many people's lives to be dyed in blood?

Huge hatred rose in my heart as I tightly clenched my teeth. One day, I'm going to avenge Pins and Kiki and those innocent students. I'm going to rescue my family from the clutches of the Demon Claw.

I felt that I had grown a lot in a short time, and my heart felt heavy.

Gu Xiangqing brought back the dinner. Seeing my calm appearance, she heaved a sigh of relief. I ate my dinner before I left in a hurry.

But she forgot her cell phone.

'Ding... ' A loud sound was heard.

I picked up the phone on the table next to me. It was a text message. I didn't like to look at other people's phone, but when I looked at it, I saw that it was a text message from the hospital.

It turned out that Gu Xiangqing's mother had reached the advanced stage of cancer and was currently in the process of rescue. It was obvious that Gu Xiangqing had left in such a hurry. She knew about it, but she didn't tell me.

No wonder Gu Xiangqing was so emaciated. She had to take care of her mother's cancer and even came to visit me. Her two good friends were dead. She must be very tired and in pain from all the grief and pressure these days …

I put the phone down and stared at the ceiling of white plaster for who knows how long.

It was late in the night, and the lights of the distant houses outside were all out, and a cold wind blew in from the windows.

I shivered from the cold and got out of bed to close the window.

Turning around, I saw a lump of black fog. I didn't have the time to react before that lump of black fog instantly moved to my side. Its movements were extremely fast as it surrounded my body. My neck turned cold, as though something had been removed from my neck.

Then the black mist left me and became a gnome in front of my eyes. He had a small pinch on his head, and his skin was dark. He looked at me and twirled the purple jade gourd he had taken from my neck. His vulgar face had an evil smile, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth. He chuckled twice, then ran out like a wisp of smoke.

"Hey!" I cried out and chased after it. I had put it on my grandma, so I couldn't lose it.

Why did such a mess suddenly appear?

"Damn you, stop right there!" I dragged my aching body after him.

It was late at night and the hospital was quiet. The corridor was empty, devoid of people, and there was no sign of the nurse on duty. The lights were turned off quite a bit as well. It was a bit scary when one walked to the end of the corridor.

The thing moved so fast that when I ran out of the room, I saw only his shadow around the corner. I gritted my teeth and chased after him with all my might, ignoring the wounds and the pain in my body.

There were so many turns around this hospital, and I was in hot pursuit of the gnome, but I didn't want to trip over something when I turned the corner.


I cried out in pain, forcibly making contact with the white tiled floor.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The surgical wound must have split open. With much difficulty, I raised my head to look at the small Dwarf. However, he still looked at me with a gleeful smile.

I was so angry that the root of my teeth itched, but my lung, which I had just finished an operation on, could not bear my torment. It hurt so much. My whole body was covered in a layer of restless sweat. In addition to the intense movements from before, I lay on the ground, feeling that it was difficult to breathe.

As if he saw that I was injured and couldn't get up, he proudly squatted in front of me and placed my purple jade gourd before my eyes. With a grin on his face, there was no need to mention how much he needed to be beaten up!

Damn it! Stupid shorty! Where did this guy come from?! Is it a ghost?

The next second, I saw his face, which was originally smiling shamelessly, suddenly stiffen. He was staring at me with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open! It was as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Wahh, little beauty, your soul is so strange, I've never seen it before." He rested his hand on his cheek as he thought about something. "The 'Yin-Yang Harmony' is a soul like you, right?"

He bared his teeth as he looked at me maliciously. "Originally, your purple jade gourd was an item of extreme yin. But now, it seems that your soul is pretty good. I wonder if you will help me cultivate ghosts!" Greed could be seen in his eyes, and he was also excited.

Cultivating ghosts? What was a ghost cultivator? From the looks of it, he didn't seem to be a good person.

I saw that his eyes were glowing green, his right hand was raised, and his fingernails were long and sharp, and his claws would be disfigured if they came down. However, my internal injuries have already recur, and my whole body is sore. I can't even stand up.

"Hehe, I'm going to use the Art of Soul Sucking to suck out your soul!"

Then the small black hand fell on top of my head. I felt a strong suction force coming from my head, causing me to twitch a few times. My head felt numb, as well as a burning pain. At that time, I felt that my soul had already been concentrated on the top of his head, but my soul couldn't get out. The feeling of not being able to go up and down was simply torture for me.

He suddenly let go of my head and complained, "What's going on? This soul-sucking technique has been tried and tested every single time, so why can't I draw it out this time?"

Then, before the numbness on the top of his head could dissipate, the hand came back.

I could feel that he was just about to activate his technique, and I was about to face the feeling of being inferior to death.

But there was a cry of pain, and the hand was lifted from my head.

My body collapsed onto the cold floor.

There was a little breeze by my side. I raised my head with my mind to look, and that little dwarf was grimacing in pain on the ground. I saw that his skin had turned very red, as red as the iron that was just taken out from the fire.

What happened to him?

My body lightened and I landed in a cold embrace.

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