Marry A Coffin/C18 Dream
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Marry A Coffin/C18 Dream
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C18 Dream

"Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing …"

That voice was really nice, like a gentle stream, it slowly flowed into my heart, warming my heart, and the corner of my mouth unconsciously curled up into a sweet arc.

"Xiao Bing, open your eyes."

I opened my eyes at his words. They were blurred, and when I opened them again, I could see his face.

It was that Yue Xiu! From the looks of it, he probably saved me again.

For some reason, my gaze never left his handsome face. I can't move, not only is my eyes on him, but my heart is also …

It was a deja vu!

My heart throbbed in pain. I lowered my head to cover my chest, frowning …

Yue Xiu didn't say anything else. He took away my hand that was covering his heart and placed it against his heart while his other hand tightly clenched his waist. I was only a few centimeters away from him.

Yue Xiu's thin and cold breath gushed onto my face. My mind was blank. Two unnatural blush appeared on my face, unexpectedly becoming a little nervous.

The next second, my lips go cold, he asked me!

I reacted by pushing him to resist, but Yue Xiu didn't have the time to do so. He tightly hugged me to his chest, deepening that lingering kiss. All of my breath was taken away by him. Many ancient scenes appeared in his mind. A long haired woman dressed in black and a handsome man dressed in green. The scenes were beautiful and they seemed to fuse together.

His heart began to hurt even more, even his eyelashes started to tremble, and his eyes started to fill with tears. The pair of eyes that were originally tightly shut suddenly opened, and they met. He was in my eyes, and his was in mine. My body and mind were trembling. Somehow, at that instant, I was very happy and touched …

At this critical moment, Yue Xiu let go of me and stretched out her slender white jade fingers, stroking my messy long hair as she looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was selfish. I shouldn't have let you remember your past. But I want us to feel the same heartache at this moment, so I know that you have me in your heart! I love you so much, Tsui Ming! " When he said it, his eyes lit up, and I could tell he meant it.

At this moment, I no longer felt like I was the complete me. His words made my tears fall, as if there was someone else in my body who was moved, who was heartbroken, who was crying, and that person, was not me.

I stared fixedly at the Yue Xiu before me. My heart suddenly hurt, and I couldn't bear to part with the man in front of me. The feelings in my heart were indescribable, and it was hard to put into words what I felt.

"Yue Xiu, you …" I was about to say something when he put a finger to my lips, meaning he didn't want me to talk anymore...

"Xiao Bing, I don't want you to forget about me, but I have to …"

This place was like a paradise. Thin white clouds surrounded the emerald green mountain forest. In the distance, there seemed to be the sound of flowing spring water. At the top of the mountain stood a dignified Taoist temple.

Where is this place? I'm not... I think I'm at the bus stop... Where was this?

Several cries of a crane rang out from the sky. The white head of the Pill Head Crane was crowned with a bright red crown of flesh, like a platinum crown embedded with a dazzling ruby. The size of this crane was astonishing. Its snow-white feathers, under the illumination of the sun, were lustrous and extremely beautiful.

"Hahaha ~ ~ ~"

An experienced and candid laughter rang out. Following which, an old man with white hair appeared in front of me. He held a buddha's dust in his hand and had a golden dot on his forehead.

"Good child, it has been a thousand years since we last met. You have finally come." He spoke with a smile in his eyes.


"You are?" I'm a bit confused, who is this old man, and why am I here, is he dreaming? However, my mind was extremely clear.

"It's time! It's time for you to find that kid Li Tian and take him as your master! " He looked down at me, his voice echoing.

Acknowledged a master? Why can't I understand what this white-bearded old man is saying?

Seeing that my head was full of fog, he laughed. "Actually, it isn't difficult for you to find your parents!"

When he mentioned my parents, I immediately tensed up. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be full of righteousness and was surrounded by immortal energy. Furthermore, he was living in such a beautiful place. It seemed that he was a real immortal.

"Immortal, please give me some pointers!" I was like an old man — and I cupped my fists at his luggage, and my eyes were full of sincerity.

He nodded, produced a roll of paintings from his hand, and handed it to me so I could open it. It was a woman wearing a red robe, standing at the very top of the hall.

"Immortal, this is?" What does he mean by showing me this painting?

The immortal elder told me that if I want to know everything, I must experience many things. Grandma had told me before that I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand it now, because I don't know what the cause and effect of all this were.

Seeing that I was puzzled, the immortal elder said, "In this world, there's another you, and you …" He laughed twice, "Both of you are yin and yang, righteous and evil, both good and evil. If it was before, when she died, you would also die, but now, you are no longer the you of the past. So now, you have to carry out your mission! It is also to avenge yourself! "

"Mission? Revenge? "

He nodded.

"Your master has been waiting for you. Quickly go and find him!"

The immortal's figure in front of me is getting more and more blurry, and my head is getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, I heard an important keyword. He said, 'The light that leads to the truth is in your backpack...'

I suddenly opened my eyes. Everything that happened just now was real, and that deity's words were still lingering in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I had fallen asleep on a bench at the bus stop. It was already dark. I rubbed my dizzy head. It was just that I felt that something had happened to me before this. I couldn't remember what it was.

In the distance, the sound of a bus horn could be heard. It was the 32nd bus.

I got in the car and went back to school. My mind was full of what the white-haired deity had told me. What he said didn't sound fake, and he seemed to know everything about my life. If I could find out and find my family, I'd give it a try.

'The beacon of truth? ' In my backpack? ' I was really interested and a little impatient.

When I returned to the school, I was startled. There were quite a few parents surrounding the school gates, some of them already camped out. I've already thought about it. They are the parents of the dead students. Thinking of this, my heart felt a bit heavier. The front door is closed, so I'll go in through the back.

'A light to the truth! '

I walked faster. I couldn't wait to see what was in my backpack.

The dorm was truly empty this time. Most of the students had probably moved out. After such a huge incident had occurred, it was still a question whether or not the school could still be run.

After opening my dorm room, I found that Yang Peiyan and Li Qiqi's things had all been taken away. Even Gu Xiangqing's things were gone, and I was the only one left in the dorm.

I am sour nose, the heart really is not very tasty, also very emotional, the world is fickle. Before, this dorm room was filled with laughter and the scent of youth, but now, it was so cold and deathly still …

I shook my head and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes. I think what I need more now is to be strong and find the backpack I left at the head of my bed.

He pulled out everything that was inside and outside the bag that contained the Gu curse, as well as the book that I usually used to remember the number, as well as some small bread and paper towels, and everything was gone …

"..." How can there be a light! That old man must have been playing with me. I was distressed and a little disappointed.

I slapped my head and cursed myself. What a fool! Can you believe what you dream? Stupid …

When I was disappointed, there was a card under all this.

I picked it up. It was a business card.

Could it be that the immortal in the dream was referring to this?

I vaguely remember the last time I came out of the coffin, I met the man who gave me the card on the side of the road, and he said that I would be his disciple, and that we would meet again. I always felt that man should have a few tricks up his sleeve. Maybe he could really help me!

Is that right? I hope so.

I put my business card away, packed everything in, and left the school. From the looks of it, the school didn't have the time to care about me.

However, I still want to take a look at the matter of 'taking a master', because I have no other choice now, and this is the only choice.

I didn't want to be alone either. I bought some nutrition products to visit Gu Xiangqing's mother in the hospital and helped look after her to let her rest.

When she saw Auntie Gu, she had practically become another person. She was so thin that only skin and bones remained, her skin was deathly pale without a single trace of blood.

Auntie Gu currently has specialized nurses to take care of her. Furthermore, she lives in a single ward, so the medical fees must be quite high. When I thought that I still had over a million on my card and wanted to lend it to her, she rejected me. It turned out that the doctor had already given her the final notice. Auntie Gu only had half a month left. Tomorrow, she would be discharged from the hospital and return home to spend her final days.

Gu Xiangqing started crying as she spoke, and so did I. The people close to us left us one by one. My grandmother and parents were also missing. This kind of feeling was very helpless and at a loss …

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