Marry A Coffin/C20 Knock on the door at midnight
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Marry A Coffin/C20 Knock on the door at midnight
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C20 Knock on the door at midnight

Yue Xiu didn't say anything else. She walked to the bedside of Auntie Liu and extended her hand. His hand was covered with a silver halo, and she waved it a few times. Auntie Gu's thin and pale body immediately turned red and plump.

Auntie Gu really recovered. I looked at him excitedly with gratitude in my eyes.

"It's Yue Xiu, right? Thank you!"

At this moment, I am sincerely grateful to him. After all, he saved a life.

He seemed to have returned to his slovenly way of kissing my cheek when I wasn't paying attention, and then disappearing before I could react and scold him.

Forget it, since he saved Auntie Gu, I'll just admit that he took advantage of her. But he also said he was going to rescue my family...

Right now, it was 2 in the morning. Gu Xiangqing was still frowning when she slept, and she was tired. When she found out tomorrow that Auntie Gu was fine, she would definitely be very happy.

"Dong Dong Dong …" It was already very late. Just as he was about to lie down on the bed to rest, he heard someone knocking on the door.

I looked at the white door. The night was so quiet that I couldn't hear anything. In the middle of the night, there was a knock on the door and my little heart leaped into my throat.

"Who is it?" I asked.

After a while, I could see that nothing had happened. Perhaps I had been too nervous recently to listen.

Just as he was about to lie down to sleep, there was another knock on the door, a total of three knocks, neither fast nor slow …

I snapped out of my daze, my body covered in a layer of white perspiration.

"Dong Dong Dong …"

Another three rings!

The little heart in his chest was beating rapidly. This hospital had the most dead people. There was a lot of yin energy, could it be …

"Is anyone there?"

It was an old man's voice.

No matter what, I'll go out and take a look.

The door opened. It was a hunchbacked old man with white hair. To be honest, it was quite scary at night.

When his wrinkled face saw me, he smiled benignly. I found it strange that an old man would not be able to sleep in the middle of the night and knock on another ward door.

But seeing that it was a person, I was relieved and asked, "Grandma, what's the matter?"

The old granny was very old, she had lost only a few teeth, and even if she spoke, she did not know what to say.

"Little girl, I just remembered that when I was walking downstairs during the day, I left my grandson's photo on a bench by the fountain. That photo is very important, can you accompany me to get it?"


After going through so much, I'm pretty thoughtful, thinking, could this be another trap set for me? While she was hesitating, the old granny said something else.

"I don't know where the nurse on duty went, but I live in the ward opposite. When I saw you with another girl during the day, I wanted to ask you to help me."

Perhaps it really was something very important, to be able to make this old granny go and get it even if she didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

But it must be inconvenient for this grandma to go down like this. What if the black cloth fell on her? I told her to wait here, but she insisted on coming down with me. She said she had to get it herself.

There was an elevator anyway, so I agreed.

She gently closed the door before helping the old granny out.

When he passed the nurses station, he didn't see the nurse on duty.

The hospital was newly built and had been open for only a few years.

In the empty path, the old granny's walking stick touched the ground again and again. It made a sound and still echoed. It's just that I feel that something is different, but I can't find it.

Indeed, we did find a stack of photographs on a bench by the fountain downstairs.

The old granny happily held the photo in her hand.

"Look, my grandson isn't cute."

She handed me the photo.

On top of it was a handsome little boy, his jade-carved little appearance was indeed not bad.

I said grandma your grandson is really cute, but she looked at me with her eyes glowing, and said I like it? I nodded. This child was indeed pleasing to look at.

"Hehehe …" As long as you like it.

After saying those words, a gust of cold wind blew from nowhere and I shivered a few times. However, that old granny smiled at me as if nothing had happened.

"Granny, let's hurry back. You better be careful or you might catch a cold tonight." I said, concerned.

I did not press the button for the staircase this time, but it was Grandma who pressed it. I didn't pay much attention to it, but after the elevator went up to the second floor, it suddenly started to descend. I suddenly took a step back while the old granny stood in front of me.

Nestled to the elevator, Grandma's back bumped into me. Her body was very hard, and I felt as if a stone had struck my body.

I instinctively tried to support her, but when my fingers touched her body, they would immediately stop.

Her body was as cold as if I'd just taken it out of the freezer. I pulled my hand away.

"Pa Da …" "Pata …"

The sound was like water dripping onto the ground. The old granny did not turn around, but froze in place. I looked down and saw bright red blood staining the floor, drop by drop.

And I saw, too, that I was the only one on the wall, not the grandmother's.

The elevator suddenly descended very quickly. I unsteadily leaned against the wall, while the old granny seemed to be frozen there. Her figure was completely different from her previous stooped appearance.

She turned slowly, and I held my breath against the wall.

That face was incomplete. There was no skin on the right side and his eyeballs had been dug out. It was pitch black. Blood trickled down his face from his eye sockets. Red blood seeped out of the leatherless part of his face. A snow-white, fat maggot slowly crawled out and then rolled down.

The incandescent lights in the elevator began to flicker and emit 'zizizi.' The sound.

"Hehehe …" "Uhh …" She suddenly laughed. Maggots quickly rolled down, rolling on the gray ground. There were dark holes on his face, caused by maggots crawling out of it.

I covered my mouth and cursed myself in my heart, Su Xiao Bing, can you find anyone more stupid than you in this world? I've been fooled again, you've been fooled again!

In this kind of situation, I still pretended that I didn't understand anything. Other than that, I felt like chuckling …

"Granny, you're really too boastful. You're still playing cosplay. You can stay here and enjoy yourself for now. I'll be leaving first." I reached for the crack in the elevator door, but I couldn't. My hands were wet and slippery with sweat.

Was the heavens really so cruel? Behind me, there was a heavy atmosphere. An ice-cold atmosphere instantly enveloped me. It was as though I was still in my thoughts as I desperately tried to drill into the pores on my body. I could clearly feel a chill in my body.

"Turn around." Her voice was suppressed by her, sinister and cold.

This old woman really knows how to pretend. She said that she was going out in the middle of the night to find something for me to help her with, and I actually fell for it. I really admire myself.

When he looked back, all he saw was his badly mutilated face.

She reached for my wrist as the elevator door opened...

Without blinking, my eyes landed on the elevator's floor, '- 18th floor'.

The 18th floor!

When the elevator door opened, a cold wind blew into the elevator.

It was a mourning hall, filled with paper wreaths and funeral garlands, horses and houses and so on. In the middle of the room, there was a small black wooden table. On the wooden table, there was a black-and-white photo of a young boy. That little boy seemed to be the boy in the photo.

I was pushed forward. His face almost fell into the gray basin on the floor.

I pushed myself up and saw a pair of black shoes, children's shoes.

Looking up, I saw a grey-faced boy with very dark circles under his eyes. He was looking at me with a slight smile. He actually extended his hand to help me up.

"Good grandson, this is the daughter-in-law that granny found for you!" That bloody face actually smiled benevolently, but its appearance was as terrifying as it could possibly be.

The boy nodded. "Alright!"


"Hey, I helped you out of the kindness of my heart, and yet you want to harm me!"

"You're still arguing with ghosts, how laughable."

Yeah, I'm funny, arguing with them is bullshit.

That old woman smiled sinisterly as she grabbed my hand and walked towards the table in front. There was a piece of black paper on it, a marriage contract for both of them.

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