Marry A Coffin/C7 Red burning ghost
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Marry A Coffin/C7 Red burning ghost
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C7 Red burning ghost

Because the red flower in front of my forehead is called the Phoenix Yin Flower. In the Underworld, only the wife of the King of Underworld is qualified to have it. However, he also said that the great character that married me was not the Underworld Emperor.

I pushed back my messy hair. "No matter who it is, isn't it a ghost? Disgusting!"

I can tell by my knees who it is that I'm going to be married to! His heart became even angrier! I am a living person, and dressed like this for a ghost to marry!

Seeing me go crazy, the man in white smiled and walked to the fortune-telling table. He shook the ancient divination turtle shell a bit before tossing the copper coin onto the table. The copper coin was already stained with green rust. He looked at the rumour and smiled.

"What did you see?" I asked curiously. I thought it had something to do with me, but he was laughing so hard for me.

Silently, he put the coin back into the turtle shell. He shook his head a few times and frowned as he looked at the image. Then, he put it back into his bag and shook it again. This time, the copper coin did not fall flat but instead stood up. He wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Looking at the upright copper coin, I also felt strange!

"It looks like the heavens don't want me to know about the secret hidden on your body! Miss, you will definitely be extraordinary in the future! " He sighed.

The universe on me? Unordinary? Damn, these people with some ability all liked to beat up the dark net! I was also drunk, but it seemed like they all knew that I was the only one who didn't know anything, foolishly wandering around in this place.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving!" I'm in a really bad mood right now. I have to get home and change my clothes.

"Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

He handed me a business card with the words "Psyche Detective Agency." He said I would meet him again, and that I would be his apprentice.

The corner of my mouth twitched, but I didn't take his words to heart. Even if what he said was true, my grandma forbade me to trust anyone. I also didn't want to be toyed with by these people. He turned around and left. Just as he took a few steps, the man's voice came from behind. "We will meet again."

I didn't look back. I covered my face with the sleeves of my red dress, afraid that anyone would see me as a ghost.

The moment I reached home, I hastily took off my red clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my body. I forcefully washed my face to remove the dead body's makeup. In my mind, I suddenly thought of the guy in the coffin intimately approaching me.

I felt that something was wrong. I didn't die, didn't that silver-haired man want to kill me last night? Why would I …

I still can't figure it out.

After I took a bath and changed into a set of clean clothes, I realized that the originally red clothes had actually turned into a piece of paper. I was so angry that my teeth itched, and I was about to burn it, but my reason told me that this clothes couldn't be burned, because after all, this clothes was prepared for me. If I were to burn this clothes, it would mean that I was burning it to myself.

As the sky gradually darkened, I stood up and tightly shut all the doors and windows. After all, my parents aren't home, and I'm afraid of living in a girl's house. I seem to be very popular recently, so I'm afraid to sleep at night. Afraid that if I were to be killed by a ghost without knowing about it, I thought about how I could tightly hold the protective suit that my grandfather gave me and the purple jade gourd that my grandmother gave me in my hands.

"Dong, dong, dong!" There was a knock on the glass and I woke up in a daze.

"Dong, dong, dong!" It was the sound of the glass again, and I was suddenly frightened, not daring to look at the window, but I turned my head and was startled when I saw a pale face pressed against the window, and her eyes were looking at me, then away from my face, looking around my room as if looking for something.

She was a ghost! It must be, I'm on the sixth floor!

She tightly held onto the blanket, not daring to look at her. Her ghastly face seemed to be filled with grievance, causing my hair to stand on end and I to feel the hairs on my arms stand on end.

She knocked on the window again, and her melodious voice came through the glass, "Sister Xiao Bing, open the window, open the window!"

She spoke very slowly and her voice was very desolate. Especially in this dark night, it made my scalp tingle, but she actually knew my name was Xiao Bing?!

But she is a ghost ah, I want to pretend that I can't see, to cover myself, luckily think that if you can't see me, she will leave.

Before I could react, the sound of glass shattering could be heard and the glass window was smashed by her head. She got up just like that, and I couldn't control myself on the bed and stood up angrily. I was bullied by ghosts to come to my house, I can't just sit there and wait for death, I also want to resist, even though my heart is filled with fear.

"Brat, you dare trespass into the Yang Residence!" I jumped up from the bed boldly, with my amulet in my hand.

But instead of coming for me, she picked up on the table the ancient wedding dress I had worn in the coffin.

She happily held onto her clothes as she turned around, revealing a smile. That smile, that face, it was so familiar! She is! She was Aunt Zhang's daughter, Xu Hui! I remember she was hit by a car three years ago when she came home from school! No wonder she knew my name was Xiao Bing.

"Sister Xiao Bing, this dress looks really good. Can you give it to me?" She suddenly spoke, and I immediately came back to my senses. Looking at her innocent and adorable face, the difference was like heaven and earth between her and that terrible face just now. It turns out that she only came to my house for that piece of clothing, not to harm me.

"Can you? "Sister Xiao Bing?" she asked me again, blinking at me piteously.

Forced by helplessness and compassion, I nodded my head in agreement. Before she died, she was a very sensible and obedient child. Every time she saw me, she would call me 'big sister Xiao Bing' affectionately. I was sad when she died.

She looked very happy as she hugged her clothes and walked in circles before impatiently putting them on. She smiled happily and even said thank you.

However, after putting on her clothes for a few minutes, she started wailing in pain, as if she was in great pain.

"Xiao Bing, Sister Xiao Bing, save me!"

I saw her body start to burn as she looked at me with her eyes wide open. I didn't even have the time to react before it only took a few seconds.

With a cool sob, she was burnt into a wisp of smoke and disappeared from my room!

"Xu Hui!" I called out her name. Just now, I saw her ghost burning. Was it burned by that fire?

I lowered my head to look at the red dress. There weren't any burn marks on it, and it was still lying on the ground perfectly intact. His fingers trembled as he stroked the clothes. Other than the fact that they were somewhat cold, they weren't any different from ordinary clothes. It was just that, wasn't they paper clothes from before?

I can't look down on these clothes. It seems that I can't even try to destroy these clothes. I looked down and saw red blood seeping out from the white floor. The red blood condensed into a line of words. "You'd better keep this clothes properly. Otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

I fell to the floor, the feeling of being threatened, of being watched, of being controlled, of being unable to resist, and I wanted to find out who was plotting against me. Is it fun to tease me like this, a girl in her twenties? I suddenly began to doubt my own life! When I was born, I was plotted against. That trip to the Goddess Sacrifice of the Mountain was all part of the trap set by them, allowing me to marry a dead person. And my grandmother told me that after I had to go through so many fateful things in the future, I felt so lost that I couldn't see anything clearly. But it seems like this is just the beginning. This is probably just a drop in the bucket, I can't mess around, I need to calm down.

I didn't sleep all night, and when it was dawn, I only managed to sleep two or three hours.

When I woke up, my whole body was extremely uncomfortable, and I felt as if I had no strength left in me. After sweeping up the house with my uncomfortable body and confirming that it was clean and comfortable, I sat down to rest. My eyes couldn't help but look towards the red lotus flower on the table. I took light steps and sniffed. My body didn't seem to be feeling that uncomfortable anymore.

I fiddled with the petals of the red lotus, my mood was a lot better, and I also loved the lotus very much.

Actually, I didn't know at that time that this flower, called the Hell's Lotus, was a kind of lotus blooming on the rocks of hell's cliffs.

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