Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens/C34 Pain
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Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens/C34 Pain
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C34 Pain

In the depths of the boundless mountain, ancient trees towered up into the heaven and jagged rocks were silhouetted against the sky. Powerful demonic beasts appeared from time to time, and some of the weaker wild beasts were scared and fled in all directions.

However, there was a clearing in the forest that any demonic beasts did not dare to approach. This was a huge pit with a diameter of over five kilometers. Although several days had passed, this large pit still emitted the might of the Emperor Stage, causing the hearts of the magical beasts nearby to tremble.

At the bottom of the pit, a beautiful and snow-white figure was sitting cross-legged on the top of a huge rock, using her cultivation to recover from her injuries. The surrounding air was constantly twisting, looking holy and demonic.

A delicious smell of meat came. Chu Yanran opened her eyes slightly and saw Ye Yang passing a roasted and appetizing bird leg to her.

Chu Yanran's beautiful face reddened slightly as she reached out her hand that was like a spring onion and gently took the roasted bird leg from Ye Yang.

"Thank you!"

Ye Yang laughed mischievously, "It's as easy as pie. Hurry up and eat it. If it's cold, the taste will be terrible!"

With a light hum, an exquisite knife appeared in Chu Yanran's hand. She cut off a piece of meat, slightly opened her cherry-like lips, placed it in her mouth and chewed slowly. Every action of her was so elegant and charming.

Ye Yang looked at Chu Yanran blankly. Gosh, she could actually eat so gracefully. The one who would marry her must be happy to death.

Seeing Ye Yang blankly staring at her, Chu Yanran’s face reddened a little. Chu Yanran reprimanded him with a glance, "Why are you looking at me all the time?"

"Cough, I wanted to ask how it tasted. Do you need more seasonings?" Ye Yang coughed awkwardly, and was a little speechless.

"Yeah, it's very tasty. I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good." After carefully tasting it, Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

"Hehe, it's good as long as it's delicious. I've made a lot!" While talking, he went to the bonfire and brought over two grilled fish.

After passing them to Chu Yanran, Ye Yang returned to the bonfire. There was still a huge cow leg there, and it had almost been roasted to its perfection.

Ye Yang happened to sit with his back facing Chu Yanran, and he directly picked up an cow leg that was around his size and started gnawing.

Seeing Ye Yang's undisguised way of eating, a faint smile appeared on Chu Yanran's beautiful face. This youth was truly special. Seven days had passed since the last battle.

During this period, Ye Yang rarely spoke, and would prepare abundant delicacies for Chu Yanran every day. When night fell, he would go into his tent to cultivate, and never asked about her background. As for the reason why she fought with Poison Hearted Evil Emperor, he did not even ask a single word.

This made Chu Yanran extremely curious about the youngster in front of him. She slowly walked next to the fire, and in such a short period of time, the cow leg in Ye Yang's hands was only a pile of bones left now.

His mouth was still chewing ravenously, and his hand had already picked up the other cow leg . Just as he was about to gnaw it, he suddenly realized that Chu Yanran had arrived and immediately wanted to pretend to eat politely.

Maybe it was because he was acting too hastily that he kept burping, making Ye Yang's face flush red.

Breaching the etiquette in front of a beauty, even cheeky Ye Yang couldn't help feeling a little awkward.

Seeing Ye Yang who was in such an awkward state, even taciturn Chu Yanran could not help bursting out laughing. She considered herself disrespectful soon, so she quickly stopped herself from laughing. However, her eyes were already full of smiles.

This smile was like a blossoming peach flower. Ye Yang felt that the entire world had become much brighter because of her smile, and he looked at Chu Yanran in a daze, forgetting to burp.

Seeing Ye Yang staring at her in a daze, she knew that Ye Yang was captivated by her beauty. However, she was the proud daughter of heaven. In the sect, there were countless men who admired her, and she had already been used to it.

However, when normal men looked at her, she would only feel disgusted. However, when Ye Yang looked at her in a daze, Chu Yanran felt happy instead. Because Ye Yang's clear eyes did not contain the slightest bit of lust.

"How did you appear here? It's very dangerous for you to be here alone, and any one of those Third Ranked Demonic Beasts could take your life away at any time." she said, tucking the hair that had fallen behind her ears with her jade-like hand, as she looked at Ye Yang.

This was also a question that she had not figured out in the past few days. As a Martial Cultivator, he dared run into the range of Third Ranked and Fourth Ranked Demonic Beasts' activities, which was simply courting death.

"I was originally here to gain experience, but I didn’t expect that I would forget about this matter after the fights and killings all the way. A few days ago, you guys were fighting here, which drew me here, but you guys are really too amazing." Ye Yang said as he thought of the scene when they were fighting and the power that even could make mountains collapse and make rocks crack, which heated Ye Yang’s heart up.

"There's nothing to be envious of. When you reach the Emperor Stage, your combat power might be even higher than ours." Chu Yanran said in admiration.

Being able to unleash a fighting strength that was comparable to a Martial Master’s just as a Martial Cultivator, and even being able to resist the possession of a Poison Hearted Evil Emperor, made her have no choice but to regard him with special respect.

"By the way, I've known you for so long, but I still don't know your name." Chu Yanran said a little embarrassedly.

"Ye Yang. Ye means the leaves and Yang means flying."

The two of them chatted while eating like two ordinary people without any tricks.

"Oh right, Ye Yang, thank you for saving me. No words can express my thanks to your great kindness. This is an Earth Ranked Cultivation Method called Diamond Body. It’s a Cultivation Method to refine one’s body, and it is very suitable for you. I hope you won't decline." She spread her jade-like hands, and a book of Secret Scriptures appeared in her hands.

Ye Yang stared blankly for a moment. He did not pick up the book of Secret Scriptures, but kept silent for a while instead. He sighed and said, "Are you going to leave here?"

Seeing Ye Yang not having the happiness of getting the Earth Ranked Cultivation Method but instead carrying a deep sense of loss, unknowingly, her heart hurt. She gently bit her lips and said softly, "Yes, in three days, I will go back!"


Ye Yang no longer said anything, and he picked up the cow leg on the ground and started gnawing it hard.

Chu Yanran stealthily placed the book of Secret Scriptures beside Ye Yang, and turned to leave.

Ye Yang grabbed the book of Secret Scriptures, and threw it directly to Chu Yanran: "I don't want your Secret Scriptures. You’d better take it back."

Chu Yanran said a little angrily: "Why? It is so obvious that you need it so much. In your Tianwu Empire, there aren't many powers that can take out Earth Ranked Cultivation Methods, right?"

Ye Yang shouted, "I saved your life. Do you think this book of Secret Scriptures is even to what I have done?"

"Then what do you want?" Chu Yanran was annoyed. Why did this usually gentle youth suddenly become so unreasonable?

"I don't want to do anything. I'm not a businessman and I don't do business with anyone. If I take your things, we will be quits. I don't want your things. I just want you to remember me forever." Ye Yang's voice was a little hoarse because of agitation.

Hearing Ye Yang's words, Chu Yanran who were a little angry originally stood blankly in place, with her heart aching. After a while, she sighed: "Ye Yang, be more realistic. We are from two different worlds after all."

Chu Yanran returned to her original spot and continued to meditate. Ye Yang did not say anything, but continued to gnaw on the cow leg with all his might.

The fire gradually turned from strong to weak and was extinguished, turning into a pile of ashes finally. A gust of wind blew by and blew away the smoke, leaving behind a trail of burning marks on the ground.

After three days, Chu Yanran had already recovered her strength. Her entire body was releasing a powerful aura, and with her pure and holy temperament, she was like a fairy that never ate the smoke and fire of the mortal world.

Now she looked at Ye Yang with a complicated look. Her cherry-like lips moved a few times, but she was still unable to say a single word in the end.

"Are you really leaving?" Ye Yang asked.

Chu Yanran nodded.

He laughed helplessly and walked up to Chu Yanran. He suddenly opened his arms, and hugged Chu Yanran tightly.

Chu Yanran had never thought that Ye Yang would be so crazy. In the sect, no one would dare to go overboard even if a man adored her, not to mention hugging her.

If it were(虚拟语气) another person, Chu Yanran would have already killed him with her sword. But facing Ye Yang, she couldn't do anything.

She was just about to use her internal force to push Ye Yang away. However, seeing that Ye Yang's eyes that were as clear as water were filled with sorrow, she felt painful in her heart, and allowed Ye Yang to hug herself.

An aura that only men could have filled Chu Yanran's heart. It was very warm, and very safe, and it was something she had never experienced before in her life.

Not knowing how much time that it had passed, the two slowly separated. Ye Yang solemnly said, "I don't admit that we are people from two different worlds, and I will prove it for you."

The words that Ye Yang said were exceptionally firm and powerful, and each word smashed right into Chu Yanran's heart.

Chu Yanran hesitated for a while, as if she was facing some difficult decision. In the end, she gritted her white teeth and took out an item from her jade-like neck.

Ye Yang took a closer look and saw that it was a jade pendant in the shape of a phoenix. It had a noble appearance and an aura was slowly flowing within it, as if this jade pendant were alive(虚拟).

As Chu Yanran looked at this jade pendant, her gaze gradually became firm and she gently hung the jade pendant around Ye Yang's neck.

Her jade-like hand lightly brushed across Ye Yang's face and said gently, "Since you are so determined, and then I'll bet with you as well. Let's see if you can create another miracle. If you are able to promote to the Emperor Stage within three years, you can come find me at the Yu Prefecture."

"If you can't, don't force yourself. Surviving well is the most important thing. Remember my words. If your strength is not over the Emperor Stage, don't come looking for me. Otherwise, it will only bring you to death!"

A trace of sadness flashed across Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes. She looked deeply at Ye Yang for a moment, turned around, and a Formation Disk appeared in her hands. Following the infusion of the Genuine Qi, the space fluctuated, and a beam of light enveloped Chu Yanran. The space twisted, and Chu Yanran's figure immediately disappeared.

Ye Yang seemed to have lost all of his power in an instant and looked at the place where Chu Yanran had disappeared in a daze. There were marks of two drops of water impressively.

Ye Yang could no longer hold it back, and he howled like an injured beast.

In the sky, there was a large pit in the middle of a dilapidated forest. There was a small black dot in the shape of a person in the middle of the pit. It looked so lonely and powerless.

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