Martial God of the Galaxy/C11 Blood-fighting Python
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Martial God of the Galaxy/C11 Blood-fighting Python
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C11 Blood-fighting Python

The python's first attack target was naturally Feng Ge, who was closest to it.

Looking at the giant python that was pouncing towards him, Feng Ge was extremely frightened, he stood there in a daze, and almost fell to the ground, how could he dodge?

The giant python instantly closed in on Feng Ge. He really wanted to scream, but he couldn't.

It was not that Feng Ge was cowardly, anyone that suddenly encountered such a ferocious Magical Beast would be scared. The boss was the best example, because he was already scared senseless.

"Move out of the way." Immediately after, Feng Ge felt a blow on his back, and his body suddenly pounced forward. His tall and sturdy body and his bloodthirsty warblade had already intercepted the giant python.

Along with him were the two Martial Masters from before.

On one side was a Stage Four Magical Beast, and on the other side was a Great Martial Master.

Boom! Boom! Boom! In the end, before the three sabers could hit the python, the three of them were sent flying.

Since the Company Leader and the two Martial Masters had been sent flying with just one move, the other team members had no way of resisting.

For a moment, everyone was flustered.

"Don't mess around, form a group …" The Guild Leader ignored the pain in his body and shouted.

These mercenaries had a certain level of combat experience. At the captain's call, they quickly grouped together and raised their sabers to fight against the python.

Feng Ge, who was rescued at the first possible moment, was already a little awake. Only then did he realize that he was under the belly of the giant python, and the giant python had already ignored it because the target in front was too big, causing it to ignore Feng Ge.

But even so, Feng Ge was still scared, standing under this ferocious beast's body, let alone attacking you, even if it suppressed you, you would still be crushed to death.

The giant python began to launch an attack on the group of people. However, the first round of attacks was stopped by everyone's sabers. Because of this, the giant python suffered some superficial wounds.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The python was enraged. Its fist-sized eyes emitted a faint green light as it opened its huge mouth, releasing a bloody aura. At this moment, its body was swaying as its huge tail swept over.

Feng Ge was about to leave the belly of the giant python, but seeing that the giant tail was sweeping towards him, he hurriedly thought about rolling to the right of the giant python and avoided disaster. He went around the giant python's back, but the mercenaries weren't so lucky.

The giant tail's speed and brute strength was so outrageous that the mercenaries were unable to defend against it at all and were smashed to pieces by the giant python in an instant.

There were more than twenty people, and all of them were 9-star warriors and above. They were all disintegrated by the giant python's attack, which showed the ferocity of the Stage Four Magical Beast.

"Ah …" "No …" There was only a miserable scream, and the hearts of everyone were about to break.

After the giant python swept everyone away, it did not stop its attacks. It directly locked onto its closest target, stretched its head forward, and mercilessly tore a Martial Master apart with its large mouth. Fresh blood flowed out of the giant python's chin and splattered onto the ground.

The enormous python did not eat the food in its mouth. Instead, it gently swung its body and threw it away. The corpse collided with a large tree before falling …

When everyone saw this scene, the fear in their hearts surged.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The giant python lifted its head and flicked its tongue. Its body slightly twisted and moved three feet forward. A deathly aura enveloped the next miserable person.

"Phosphorescence." At this moment, the captain called out.

Everyone seemed to come to their senses as they hastily took out fist-sized white beads and threw them at the giant python without regard for their lives.

"Bang, bang, bang." When the white beads hit the python's body, there was an explosion. Bursts of dazzling flames and white smoke filled the air. At the same time, the wails of the python could be heard.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The giant python's thirty feet long body fell to the ground with a loud bang, before rolling around on the ground. A scorching smell came from the ground.

As Feng Ge saw this scene, he thought that this giant python had been blown to death by these so-called phosphorous flames. But in reality, this was not the case. The moment when the python would truly show its might had only just begun. Everyone welcomed the giant python's destructive counterattack.

The moment the giant python rolled to the end, the leader of Mercenary Army gathered everyone once again. They did not choose to slip away, but thought to skin the giant python alive, a fourth stage Magical Beast. A single Devil Core was worth at least ten thousand gold coins, not something those third stage Magical Beast could compare to.

In short, to the mercenaries, they would never let go of any opportunity to earn some money, not to mention that the total value of this python was at least thirty thousand gold coins.

"Everyone be careful! Hold the phosphorous fire and shoot it again!" At the command of the captain, the group walked towards the python that was no longer struggling.

However, just as they took two or three steps forward, the python's huge tail suddenly lashed out at everyone.

"Be careful." "Quick, disperse." The Company Leader cried out in surprise. Although many people on both sides fled the area the moment the huge tail came down, the few Martial Masters walking in the middle were instantly smashed into meat paste, red and white all over the ground.

Blood flowed along the ground towards the depressions on the ground. Those holes were soon filled with the blood of the Martial Masters and they could not bear to look at it.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The giant python displayed its might again, sweeping its tail to the left while spitting out a fierce gust of wind from its mouth.

The strong wind whistled, causing even the Martial Masters to stagger backwards due to the strong wind. Even the phosphorescent fire thrown out by the crowd was blown away by the wind.

This was undoubtedly a fatal counterattack. After the gale disappeared, another blood-curdling screech rang out.

Once again, a Martial Master was bitten by a giant python. Her intestines and brain matter fell to the ground, but this time, the giant python did not easily throw away his corpse. Instead, it tore his body into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Feng Ge, who had always been standing behind the python, watched the scene in front of him. Even though he was terrified, he was even more enraged, and really wanted to go up and fight it out with the python and do his best. He didn't know what to do either.

With Feng Ge's strength as a 4 star warrior, even scratching and scratching would not be effective against the giant python.

This was the first time he met a fourth stage Magical Beast after all, and this giant python was one of the fiercest fourth stage Magical Beast.

If this bloody battle continued, everyone here would most likely lose their lives here.

"Mo Da, Mo Er, you and I will hold the python back while the rest of you take the boss and leave." the Captain finally shouted.

"No, Captain, you go first. We'll cover for you." Some people objected.

"Let's go quickly. I'm the strongest here and only I can stall the python for a couple of rounds. If we exchange my life for everyone's safety, then I, Mu Feng, will be worth it." the Captain said firmly.

"Captain …"

"Enough nonsense, hurry up and leave!" After the Company Leader finished speaking, he raised his saber and stood a meter away from the giant python. The same was true for the two Martial Masters who had called out the name.

"I didn't expect this captain to be so loyal." Feng Ge sincerely admired this Mercenary Army Elder from the bottom of his heart.

However, in the face of this python, loyalty was useless, there was only death left.

Although the Mercenary Army was tall and sturdy, in front of the huge python, they were like ants.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The giant python stretched its head forward, and a nauseating fishy smell assaulted his nostrils.

"Evil creature, I'll kill you!" With a long roar, the Mercenary Army, along with Mo Da and Mo Er, attacked the giant python at the same time.

"Puchi puchi puchi …" The saber ruthlessly slashed at the python's body, but that was only scratching. The strength of a Martial Master was not enough to cause much damage to the python.

The giant python extended its head and bit one of the Martial Masters mercilessly. It flung the Martial Master into the air, screaming and screaming, and he landed outside the bamboo forest. It was unknown whether she was dead or alive.

"Big brother …" Mo Er cried.

The giant python didn't even pause as it continued to attack its next target.

At this moment, life and death between the Mercenary Army Elder and Mo Er happened in an instant. Seeing that the retreating crowd was about to withdraw from the bamboo forest, they could not retreat at the last moment.

"Ya!" The Mercenary Army Elder did not care about his safety as he brandished his battle blade and rushed forward. As long as he blocked the giant python's attack once more, the others would be able to safely retreat.

"Little brother, quickly leave!" The moment the Mercenary Army grew as it charged towards the giant python, it did not forget about the Feng Ge who was hiding behind the giant python.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" How could the python let go of the fellow that delivered himself to its doorstep? A cold glint flashed past its two giant, green eyes, and with a movement of its body, it opened its large, bloody mouth and bit at Mercenary Army.

"Captain, be careful …" Just as his Mercenary Army was at the edge of life and death, Mo Er rushed forward, pushed him away, and blocked the python's bite …

"Puchi …" Blood and brain matter shot out in all directions. White and yellow blood continuously flowed out from the giant python's mouth, sprinkling all over the Company Leader's body. This scene was extremely terrifying.

This scene moved Feng Ge's heart once again. This was a group of people, an unusually united group. This was a brother, a brother who could sacrifice his life for the enemy!

"Ah …" The Mercenary Army let out a long wail, watching as his brothers died one by one in the python's mouth while he himself was powerless. His heart was filled with grief, this was a tragic scene he had never seen before in his ten odd years as a mercenary.

He brandished his battle blade like a madman and wildly slashed at the giant python's body. The giant python's skin split open and its flesh fell to the ground.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss …" The giant python swung its head, throwing Mo Er's corpse to the side. Its huge tail swept over, and with a 'bang', it sent the head of Mercenary Army flying away and landed on the bamboo forest three meters away. Then, it was bounced back by the bamboo and landed heavily on the ground.

The giant python's body swam forward three feet, its terrifying large bloody mouth was only three meters away from the Mercenary Army. Its dense white, sharp, and poisonous teeth emitted traces of an unfeeling chill, and the blood that Mo Er left in its mouth dripped down bit by bit.

"Little brother, what are you daydreaming for? If you don't leave now, it'll be too late!" The Captain took a deep breath, stood up, and raised his saber again.

However, Feng Ge did not listen to him and left. Instead, when the giant python once again mercilessly attacked the Mercenary Army Elder, Feng Ge did something unexpected …

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