Martial God of the Galaxy/C18 Counter-snatch
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Martial God of the Galaxy/C18 Counter-snatch
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C18 Counter-snatch

In the academy's three days of time, Feng Ge learned quite a bit about the matters of the academy. At the same time, he also understood that the academy had a very large power of students — — Purple Cloud Society.

According to his cousin, Purple Cloud Society was an organization formed by the older batch of students. This organization's power was strong, and its influence had once extended to the inner courtyard. What's more, it was rumored that the experts on the inner courtyard's strong rankings were the members of Purple Cloud Society.

Of course, in addition to Purple Cloud Society, there were also a few other student influences, such as the World Congregation, the Azure Dragon Association, You An Zu, and so on. The only one who dared to take the lead and fight against Purple Cloud Society was the Heaven and Earth Society.

Within the academy, the strength of the Church of Heaven and Earth could be ranked second, below the power of Purple Cloud Society. However, I heard that the Heaven and Earth Society used to be the strongest power among the student powers.

In the end, because of the help of the experts on the strong rankings in the inner court, it caused the entire world to suffer a crushing defeat. These past few years, Purple Cloud Society had already become an unsurpassable force among the student forces in the academy.

Even if the Heaven and Earth would often join hands with other small powers to challenge the Purple Cloud Society, in the end, they would all end in failure.

The academy didn't care about such things. On the other hand, the higher ups of the academy allowed their students to develop their own power. Firstly, it was a test for their students, but rather it was to nurture them.

So, inside the academy, it was not harmonious. Qiu Ruo Shui had warned Feng Ge that the academy was not harmonious, which meant that the academy was the same as the outside world, a place where the strong preyed on the weak.

Today, because his dorm room was too noisy, Feng Ge left his room and arrived at the large plaza outside the academy.

"Hmm? What kind of mountain was that? Why does it look a little similar to the Floating Cloud Peak? " Feng Ge saw a towering mountain that pierced the clouds in the southwest direction. He remembered that he did not notice it when he first arrived at Floating Cloud Peak.

"Kid, you don't even know about that Purple Cloud Peak? Are you a citizen of Tianxuan Empire? " At this time, a contemptuous voice came from behind Feng Ge.

Feng Ge turned around and saw a young man wearing a blue academy uniform walking towards him.

The blue uniform meant the older students, while the younger students all wore yellow uniforms.

The youth slowly walked towards Feng Ge and smiled maliciously. "This junior here, seeing that senior has come, shouldn't you express your opinion?"

Feng Ge's sword-like eyebrows slightly knitted, and then lightly smiled. "Greetings senior, greetings junior."

"Ahahahaha …" The youngster laughed loudly. He walked in front of Feng Ge, placed his hands on Feng Ge's shoulders, and raised the corner of his mouth. "Junior, you don't have that kind of expression."

"En..." "Then how should I express myself to my senior?" Feng Ge asked.

"I know that new students can pass the forest trials, so they must have snatched a lot of Yellow Card. Since they stole a lot of Yellow Card, then shouldn't they show respect to their seniors?" Speaking of Yellow Card, this senior's eyes already revealed a hint of greed.

"So senior wants the Yellow Card? Unfortunately, my luck was good, and I did not meet any senior in the forest to block me. I successfully passed the test, and only one Yellow Card was given to the instructor when I was hospitalized. Therefore, if senior wants the Yellow Card, you should find someone else. " Feng Ge gently pushed away the other party's hands, then turned around with the intention to leave.

"Wait!" "Do you really want to just leave like this?" From behind him, he heard the gloomy voice of his senior. It seemed that senior was unhappy.

How could he not be happy? When Feng Ge turned around again, he saw that his senior's face was ashen.

"Senior, what other advice do you have?" Feng Ge already had a bad premonition, but this was what he wanted! He also wanted to know how strong he was after breaking through to 5-star.

"Don't think about leaving easily if you don't hand over the Yellow Card!" The senior raised his right fist and made a pose in front of Feng Ge.

"Oh? Senior, are you trying to rob me?" Instructors will be coming in and out of here anytime. " Feng Ge reminded her with goodwill.

"Instructor? "Oh, you might not know this, but there's a special rule in the academy. A student who cannot protect himself is not an outstanding student, so …" When the senior finished speaking, he clenched his fist and made gurgling sounds. He had already stepped forward towards Feng Ge.

Feng Ge retreated two steps back subconsciously. From his senior's words, he had already confirmed this special rule of the Academy. That is to say, if you did not even have the ability to protect yourself, then it would be useless for you to be robbed.

"Although I might not be able to protect myself, I won't let you take away my things so easily. "Sorry, senior." Without waiting for the opponent to make a move, Feng Ge had already done something that he did not expect.

Feng Ge had already rushed forward ahead of everyone, his right hand formed a palm, unleashing the Dragon Subduing Palm. A faint light suffused from the palm of his hand, bringing along a thread of Strength of Star with it as it struck at the senior in front of him with lightning speed.

Feng Ge's actions surprised the student, who would have thought that a new student would actually dare to assault a senior? In these two days, he had stolen at least ten or so new Yellow Card s, and those new students all handed over their Yellow Card s and slipped away immediately.

BOOM! The senior didn't have time to block this palm and firmly hit his left shoulder. His body was sent flying by the force.

The miserable cries of the senior made Feng Ge unable to show mercy, because he knew that treating his enemies with kindness was equivalent to treating him cruelly. As a result, when the senior flew backwards, Feng Ge followed suit.

"Falling Dragon Palm." Exerting the Subduing Dragon Palm once more, he sent it straight at the upperclassman who had yet to stabilize his body.

It was possible that this senior's strength was not much higher than Feng Ge's, and was only able to get through Feng Ge when he was caught off guard.

BOOM! Another palm struck the senior's chest. "Puchi!" The senior spat out a mouthful of blood and widened his eyes. His body didn't even have the slightest chance to stop. After suffering the second blow, he was no longer able to control his own body.

"Ah …" A blood-curdling screech was followed by a series of explosions. The senior was finally forced five to six steps backwards before he fell to the ground.

However, Feng Ge did not stop just because of this. His figure was as fast as the wind, and with a stride, he rushed forward. When he arrived in front of his senior, his fist had already been raised.

"Don't …" The senior looked at the fist that was about to hit him and finally cried out in alarm. He already had no strength to fight back. If this fist continued, he would be bedridden for half a month.

"Senior, are you begging for mercy?" I don't deserve it. " Feng Ge stopped when he was only three inches away from the senior's head, and said with a sly smile.

"I won't snatch your Yellow Card, don't act recklessly."

"Oh, senior doesn't want to snatch my Yellow Card, but, I do want my senior's card now!" Feng Ge stared at the senior in front of him that made him want to laugh.

"You want my card? Don't you want to stay? I am a member of the Purple Cloud Society, so even if I give you a card, you won't be able to survive in the academy! " When the senior said that he was someone from Purple Cloud Society, he immediately became confident, as if he had already forgotten the scene of him being beaten to the ground.

"Oh, Purple Cloud Society. I heard that Purple Cloud Society has special treatment, so senior must be a bit rich, right? "In that case, please grant me a black card." The corner of Feng Ge's mouth rose slightly.

"Are you crazy? Black card? Do you know how difficult it is to get a black card? " Hearing Feng Ge saying he wanted his black card, senior had already gone mad.

"Then... "Alright, many new students are coming this way. If senior doesn't want to lose face …" After Feng Ge finished speaking, his fists were already slightly raised.

Feng Ge's meaning was very obvious. If he did not hand over the black card, he would lose all face in front of the new students.

A senior was actually being abused by a freshman like this …

"I only have Purple Card, truly, only one set of Purple Card!" The senior glanced at the entrance of the academy and confirmed that quite a few new and older students had walked out. Furthermore, they were walking towards here due to hunger, thus he took out a piece of Purple Card and handed it over to Feng Ge.

"One black card can exchange for ten Purple Card. Don't you think that giving me one Purple Card is too little?" Feng Ge was not satisfied, he thought that senior definitely has a black card.

"There aren't many students in the Earth class with a black card. Do you think I would have one? I only have three Purple Card in my body, if you are still not satisfied, you can continue! " When the senior took out two more Purple Card s, he had already closed his eyes, looking like he was about to be beaten up.

This proved that he really did not have any more.

"Alright, thank you senior." Feng Ge's hand took away his Purple Card, causing his opponent's heart to feel as if it was being cut by knives. Then, his right hand turned into a palm, as he helped him up: "Thank you, senior, for your Purple Card, goodbye."

After Feng Ge finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind his senior who was gnashing his teeth in anger. At this moment, he couldn't wait to tear Feng Ge into ten thousand pieces.

"I'll wait and see. I'll make it so that you won't be able to get a foothold in the academy!" The senior looked at Feng Ge's back and scolded.

But, while Feng Ge was gasping for air for the three Purple Card s, he was feeling extremely happy in his heart.

He never thought that when he was robbed, he would steal someone else and earn three Purple Card.

When Feng Ge reached the door, he coincidentally met Lu Yao.

"Lu Yao, we meet again." Seeing Lu Yao, Feng Ge called out with a trace of excitement.

"Please call me senior sister." Lu Yao smiled sweetly. "What? "I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?"

"That's true. Senior is so beautiful and enchanting, it's hard to make people miss you." Feng Ge also said with a smile.

"Come on, how are you these few days?" Was he bullied? Didn't I tell you to come find me? Why did they all disappear? " Lu Yao asked.

"En..." So many questions, which one should I answer? " Feng Ge frowned slightly: "I was bullied by senior."

"What is it? Someone stole your card? " Lu Yao's beautiful face instantly froze.

"Sigh …" Feng Ge pretended to sigh, and then he retrieved a piece of Purple Card s from his body and passed it to Lu Yao with a grin: "That senior was bullied by me. This Purple Card is yours. "

Lu Yao took the Purple Card and followed Feng Ge's gaze. When she saw the senior, she frowned: "It's him?"

"Him? "You know him?" Feng Ge asked doubtfully.

"It's over, you're finished. You better take care of yourself in the future when I'm not in the outer court …" Lu Yao patted Feng Ge's shoulder, and said seemingly consolingly.

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