Martial Magic Doctor/C5 To Lose Money or to Lose One's Life
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Martial Magic Doctor/C5 To Lose Money or to Lose One's Life
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C5 To Lose Money or to Lose One's Life

Zhang Kuang waved the note in his hand and the window rolled down. A young man sat inside the car with a cigarette in his mouth as he contemptuously threw two hundred yuan on the ground. He then waved his hand, "Give me the thing."

Taking the note from Zhang Kuang, the man opened it and took a look. He then closed the window and started the car. Then, he turned a corner and drove into an alley.

"He was fooled by just a slip of paper, you rich brainless fool!" Zhang Kuang smiled in satisfaction and then disappeared into the darkness as well.

This man was the leader of the group. Zhang Kuang saw the same aura in the car as the Beret Man. A man who could drive such a car was either rich or not. He didn't want to make a move in a crowded area, so he used a slip of paper to lure him away.

The man drove the car slowly into the alley and had just parked the car.

With a loud bang, a large fire axe hacked down onto the Ferrari's front window from top to bottom! The glass flew in all directions, forming a spiderweb of cracks in the front window, the ax almost touching the steering wheel.

The man in the car panicked. He opened the door to escape, but Zhang Kuang grabbed his collar and viciously said, "Kid, do you know why I came looking for you?"

"No, I don't know. It must be, it must be a misunderstanding." The man's legs hung in the air as he stammered.

"Misunderstanding?" Zhang Kuang sneered, "Brat, you touched someone you shouldn't have, but I'm easy to talk to, so tell me, how are you going to compensate me?"

The man said shakily, "I'll pay, I'll pay. Brother, don't be rash, don't be rash. Our family has plenty of money, so you should know about the city's Lee family, right? "

"I don't care if you, Zhang Wang and Li Zhao come here for real, how much are you going to lose?" Or, give up your life! " Zhang Kuang said fiercely.

"Pay up, I'll pay up. Is one hundred thousand enough?" The man was scared out of his wits. He no longer had the domineering look of a young master, not to mention that Zhang Kuang had the intention to kill him at any time.

"How can my woman be so cheap? 500,000 yuan, less than a cent, cut off a finger!" Zhang Kuang said.

"Alright, alright. I'll take five hundred thousand." The man took out a bank card, "The password is 88800, there's 500,000 inside. Big brother, can you let me go now?"

Zhang Kuang chuckled, "You should stay here for now."

After tossing and turning until midnight, even Zhang Kuang felt a little hungry after walking out from the alleyway. He might as well go out and find something to eat. At this time, Zhang Kuang would usually go to the stall at the entrance to buy his favorite jujube cake. Especially the jujube paste cake taste sweet and delicious, let Zhang Kuang never forget.

"Hey, Aunt Wang, give me a jujube cake." Zhang Kuang leaned close to the window and called out.

"Alright, Xiao Liang's luck is quite good. He just happens to be left with the last one." Madam Wang's wrinkled face squeezed out a smile. Because she often slept late, she looked a few years older than her actual age.

Zhang Kuang took the sweet jujube cake, but before he even had the chance to eat it, he turned around and heard a voice that was filled with energy and was clear and melodious, "Is there anything else? Give me one. Overtime has starved me to death so far. "

"So it's Officer Chen. I'm so sorry you came too late, the date mud cake has just been sold out." Sister Wang was stunned for a moment before she said, a little embarrassed, "Why don't you have a different taste? "Don't you have kumquat and red beans? Why don't you come over for a serving?"

"Gone?" Officer Chen let out a cry with a frown and a look of disappointment. She glanced at Zhang Kuang with her big eyes. Then, with a straight face, she asked, "Sir, can you give me your date cake?" I'll give you ten dollars. "

Zhang Kuang smiled as he sized her up a few times. Only then did he see that she was indeed a policewoman. Her figure was tall and her skin wasn't too white. It revealed the color of healthy wheat and was as pure and shiny as ivory. His eyes couldn't help but light up. Could this be Martial Uncle's daughter?

What's the matter?" The voluptuous policewoman had always been attractive, but what was even more amazing was that her straight black uniform couldn't stop her curvy front and long legs. Not only did he not lose the beauty that a woman should have, he even gained a bit of a valiant and valiant look.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Kuang, like most men, couldn't help but start daydreaming. Uniform control was always the most attractive thing. Although he saw many different kinds of beauties every day in the bar, Zhang Kuang had to admit that she was a rare beauty. She was a natural beauty who was absolutely unadorned. Even her cosmetics were useless.

If not for the jujube paste cake in his hand, which he loved the most. If it wasn't for her craving for a few days and having been unable to come over to buy it due to working overtime, Chen Yu definitely wouldn't have tolerated being stared at so arrogantly by this kind of gaze.

He suppressed the anger in his heart with all his might and glared at Zhang Kuang, asking, "Excuse me, can you transfer it to me?" The fiery Chen Yu, the tone of her voice, was no longer amiable.

Having his peeping mood interrupted, Zhang Kuang frowned and ignored her. He turned to Aunt Wang and said, "Thank you for the jujube cake. It's really fragrant. I will carefully taste it."

Just like that, he was treated as air, watching Zhang Kuang crazily turn around, and the sweet jujube cake was about to leave him. Chen Yu agilely moved to block Zhang Kuang's way. With a cold expression, she coldly said, "Halt!"

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