Martial Soul: Rising of the War God/C8 Blood Eye
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Martial Soul: Rising of the War God/C8 Blood Eye
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C8 Blood Eye

In Tianzong City, Lin Xi felt a sudden pain in her chest. It was as if something important had disappeared. Her slender face was full of worry. She unconsciously called out, "Mo. . . "

At this moment, Lin Mo was lying in a pool of blood. The black spear had pierced through his body. Not only that, but it had also shattered part of his soul. The butterfly stared at him blankly. Until now, it had yet to react. Why was Lin Mo standing in front of it, but his words. . . Like a clear spring flowing into her dried up heart. This was the first time that the butterfly felt like it wanted to live.

She squatted down and looked at the black spear in front of her. There was still inauspicious soul power lingering on it. Because it absorbed soul power from the abyss all year round, the soul power on the spear was constantly corroding Lin Mo's soul. From the position of his heart, hidden black lines were spreading to every part of his body.

A trace of determination flashed in the butterfly's eyes. It stretched out its slender hand, wanting to pull the black spear out, but the black light flashed. The butterfly was surprised to find that the spear was consciously resisting her! The butterfly only touched the edge of the spear and countless tiny cracks appeared on its hand. Wet and hot blood squeezed out of the wounds and dripped onto Lin Mo's pale face.

She looked at Lin Mo and reached out her hand to touch his side profile. The ice and snow in her eyes gradually melted and there was sadness and joy in her eyes.

If the spear was not pulled out, Lin Mo would die without a doubt. The butterfly never thought that Lin Mo would die. She didn't know why, but when she thought that Lin Mo would die alone here, she was a hundred times unwilling.

A fierce look flashed across her pretty face. Who cares what you are? Return Lin Mo's life to me. This is a slave that I picked up. No one can snatch it from me!

She circulated her soul power, and a faint pink glow enveloped her jade-like hand. However, the moment it came into contact with the black gas, it dissipated into nothingness. The difference in quality and quantity between the two was too great. The butterfly gritted its teeth. Enduring the intense pain, it relied on the strength of its body to resist. Fresh blood flowed down the bottom of the spear. A layer of fine sweat appeared on the butterfly's tender neck. It was obvious that it was bearing a great amount of pain.

However, the soul power contained within the Long Sword was truly unreasonable. No matter how hard she tried, The soul force remained unmoved, but she was sent flying by the Strong Wind. She got up and her dark hair scattered on her forehead. Fresh blood flowed down from her forehead and down the corner of her eye. Like blood tears, suddenly. . . An old sigh sounded and the butterfly arched its back. It was on guard like a wild cat, and there was actually a third person in this place?

In between, a spiritual body floated out from Lin Mo's eyes. The old man looked at Lin Mo and said with a complicated expression, "Since ancient times, you have been sentimental and young. "

He turned his head and looked at the butterfly. He shook his head and said, "Don't try anymore. According to the ancient books, the soul power of the abyss is the most unknown. Lin Mo's body has been corroded too badly. It's not something that you and I can save. "

The butterfly wiped her face and wiped away the blood tears at the corners of her eyes. She said to the old man, "I don't know what relationship you have with him. You can save him if you don't want to, but don't get in my way. "

After saying that, she took a long step forward and resolutely walked towards the black spear.

The old man moved his lips and wanted to say something. However, there was a sudden wail from outside the cave. Both of their attention was drawn towards it. They looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise. The sound was familiar to both of them. It came from the Brutal Whale. However, the cry clearly sounded like a plea, what exactly was going on outside. . . To make such a ferocious beast beg for mercy?

Before he could think about it, the Savage Whale's voice became softer and softer until it finally disappeared. At the same time, a red line suddenly extended from the entrance of the cave. It looked inconspicuous.

The butterfly, on the other hand, seemed as if it was facing a great enemy. Although she could no longer remember the teachings of her ancestors, she knew that if she ran into this red line, she had to run, and the faster she ran, the better.

However. . . Her beautiful eyes swept across Lin Mo's body. She gritted her teeth and adopted a defensive posture. However, her legs were trembling and her teeth were chattering. Fear came from the deepest part of her soul.

After a long time, the old man finally said with an ugly expression, "This is the Blood Pupil. "

Those red lines were densely packed and they covered the entire cave wall at an extremely fast speed. They slowly condensed and formed a huge eyeball with no pupils. It attached itself to the stone wall and kept wriggling, bringing with it a disgusting smell of blood.

Its size was much smaller than that of the Brutal Whale. However, the Savage Whale was powerless in front of it. It was a famous Lord of the Abyss. It was rumored that there was a peerless expert who wanted to kill the Blood Pupil. Although he managed to get out alive, his cultivation base was completely crippled and he was in a state of insanity. He had become a fool.

The old man smiled bitterly and sighed. His eyes were filled with unwillingness. It seemed like his fate had come to an end. Could it be that he really couldn't get his revenge? However, he immediately realized that something wasn't right. The Blood Pupil's attention passed a few people and stopped on that rock!

So this was its true purpose! It seemed like it had been attracted by the Sword in the Stone's immense soul power. At this moment, it was carefully sizing up that stone. Then, it stretched out countless fine red blood vessels towards the stone sword.

Just as it was about to touch the stone, something strange happened. The bright red flowers suddenly bloomed. The crystalline pollen moved without wind, and the red lines touched the pollen. Like a corpse dissolved by Wang Shui, it produced a sound that made people's teeth sore and quickly dissolved into a pool of blood.

The Blood Pupil let out a screeching sound, and then even more red lines extended out from the huge eye, as if it wanted to rely on its quantity to win. The number of flowers was limited, and although the pollen seemed to be endless, there were still a large number of red lines that were getting closer and closer to the stone.

At this moment, the butterfly noticed that because the Sword in the Stone had sent out a large amount of soul power to resist the Blood Pupil, the black soul power lingering on the spear seemed to be growing dimmer and dimmer. The old man also noticed this and said, "Lin Mo's luck is not bad. If these two giants fight, we might be able to fight for a chance at survival!"

The butterfly faintly nodded its head. At this time, the red lines had already completely swallowed the flowers. Just as they were about to touch the stone, a large amount of black soul power seeped out from the stone and turned into countless spears. Without any hesitation, they flew towards the Blood Pupil's main body with a piercing sound.

There was a violent explosion. The cave could not withstand the impact and began to collapse. Rocks fell down and butterflies dodged to the left and right. Finally, the dust settled and the Blood Pupil's figure appeared once more. It seemed to be completely unharmed!

The butterfly's heart sank. However, the old man beside her saw through it. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Did you notice that the Blood Pupil seems to have become a little smaller?"

The butterfly was taken aback. It narrowed its beautiful eyes and sized it up. It realized that the old man was right. The size of the Blood Pupil was indeed smaller than before. Could it be that it was at a disadvantage in its fight with the Sword in the Stone?

Something was not right! The butterfly keenly sensed that the Blood Pupil's size had decreased. It was not because of its injuries, but because it had split into even more red lines that densely surrounded the Sword in the Stone. The black soul power seeped out and was crushed by the red lines before it could even form its spear. For a moment, the Sword in the Stone seemed to have fallen into an extremely disadvantageous position. It could be devoured at any moment.

This was the worst-case scenario. The Blood Pupil had succeeded in devouring the Sword in the Stone. The few of them would not be able to escape from the evil clutches of the sword. The old man sized it up. The black soul force of the long spear on Lin Mo's chest had almost faded away. It revealed its original blue color. This should be the form of the Sword in the Stone's soul power. It was relatively stable as it stabbed into Lin Mo's chest. It did not dissipate. The old man's heart sank. He had thought that the hat would slowly disappear with time, but now it seemed like. . . The soul force of the stone sword itself seemed to have some sort of rule power, but it still couldn't save Lin Mo. Now, he could only hope that the battle between the two colossi would reach its climax as soon as possible. This way, Lin Mo might still have a chance to live.

The old man watched their battle nervously. The Blood Pupil's mind had reached an unimaginable level. Its grasp of the battle had already exceeded half of the powerhouses'. Although the Sword in the Stone had accumulated a large amount of soul power, it seemed like it did not know how to use it. It seemed like it would not be able to hold on for much longer.

However, the black soul power continued to flow out. It was as if it wanted to rely on the number of soul power to win. The red line of the Blood Pupil slowly failed to completely destroy the soul power, forming a long spear. Although it wasn't large, it was extremely fast. It struck the true body of the Blood Pupil, causing a scalp-numbing wriggling sound to ring out. A lot of sticky fluid flowed out of the Blood Pupil's main body because it had dispersed too much of its mind to operate the red line. The Blood Pupil actually failed to dodge this attack.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Blood Pupil was in pain, the black soul power in the Sword in the Stone suddenly gushed out. In the end, the black soul power converged into a huge humanoid shape and the stone suddenly opened. A plain looking Long Sword revealed its true form. Looking closely, There were complex engravings on it, and it gave off an imposing aura. The black giant let out a long roar. The Long Sword suddenly flew into the air, carrying with it an unstoppable sword energy. It rushed towards the Blood Pupil.

With a loud bang, a crack appeared in the cave. The crack began to spread, becoming bigger and bigger. Finally, he fell to the ground. As a spiritual body, the old man. . . He was not buried. His eyes were filled with amazement. With just a single sword strike, he had knocked down a huge mountain range. Rocks rolled down and the butterfly ran to Lin Mo's side. Without any hesitation, it pounced on his body, and the breast on his chest was somewhat deformed. However, she completely ignored it and blocked the tumbling huge stones.

After an unknown period of time, the boulder was lifted up. The butterfly's face was covered in dust and looked a little embarrassed. The blood under Lin Mo's body increased. His body slowly became stiff and cold.

The butterfly wanted to touch Lin Mo's face, but its vision was a little blurry. Suddenly, a punch landed on his face. He said loudly, "Didn't you say that you still have a lot of things to do? Then don't die here!"

The butterfly wiped her eyes and looked up at the sky. Her beautiful eyes suddenly widened and her throat unconsciously made sounds. At this moment, she finally understood why there were so few huge rocks covering the two of them.

The sky was densely covered with red lines, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. The huge rocks were crazily thrown at the black giant. It turned out that the giant had entered the cave. Only a small portion of the Blood Pupil's true form, the true Blood Pupil, covered the sky. In front of the black giant, it was like a child.

This was the Lord of the Abyss? Was such a huge monster really something that could be defeated by human strength?

At this time, Lin Mo's finger suddenly moved. A black coat of arms suddenly appeared on his blood-stained eyelids. It was extremely similar to the coat of arms in the depths of his pupils.

The black giant seemed to have sensed something. He turned his head and looked in Lin Mo's direction. He seemed to be deep in thought.

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