Martial Star Sovereign/C9 Yesterday
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Martial Star Sovereign/C9 Yesterday
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C9 Yesterday

He saw Gu Yu raise his head and pat Gu Fann on the back. Gu Fann only felt his vision go black as his body collapsed limply, as if he had lost control of it.

Early in the morning, a drop of cold liquid dripped onto the youth's childish face. Gu Fann felt that his face was cold and wet, and unconsciously rubbed his face. He covered his head and sat up. When he tried to turn his neck, he found that he was suffering from a splitting headache. He hastily covered his forehead with one hand, grimaced, and staggered to his feet while supporting a nearby peach tree.

He stood up and realized that this was the peach forest beside the clearing where he had practiced martial arts that night. Unknowingly, he had fallen asleep under the peach forest. This matter was truly strange.

"Last night …" Gu Fann frowned and mumbled to himself: "What happened last night? "Gu Yu …" Gu Fann felt cold sweat dripping down his forehead, "Didn't Gu Yu teach me 72 Fallen Star Swords last night? Then... "Then I can't remember anymore …"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly dusted off the dirt on his body and jogged over to the butler, Uncle Xu.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Gu Fann knocked on Uncle Xu's door. He waited until Uncle Xu, who was yawning, opened the door and was about to reprimand him, but when he saw Gu Fann, he quickly put on a smiling face: "Young Master Fan, what's the matter this early?"

"Uncle Xu …" Did Big Brother come back yesterday? " Gu Fann hurriedly asked, "When did he come back? Does Mother know? "

Uncle Xu looked at Gu Fann strangely and said after a long time, "Master Fan, young master hasn't appeared since he disappeared and hasn't returned to Pingyuan Marquis Manor. Don't tell me young master missed young master so much that he had a nightmare?"

Seeing that Xu Bo was calm and didn't seem to be lying, and that there was no need for him to hide it from him, Wu Tie ran to Madam Yu Jue to ask her about it. But who knew that Madam Yu Jue would also say that Gu Yu had never come back from such a long time ago … Gu Fann had originally wanted to go to the Imperial Guards Army Camp to look for Gu Yu, but seeing that the date of the Imperial Ceremony was approaching and the date of the duel with Tantai Ao was about to arrive, he had no choice but to put this matter aside.

As for the location of the duel between Gu Fann and Tantai Ao, it was taught by the court officials that Confucianism, filial piety, loyalty, righteousness, etiquette, and letter were to be taught only in writing and not in martial arts. The entire Imperial College would be overseen by a doctor appointed by the Imperial Tutor.

The three officials of Dipper Dynasty were the Imperial Tutor, Prime Minister and Imperial Physician. The Tutor was usually the current teacher of Star Emperor or the old emperor. If Star Emperor was young, they could manage the country for him, and also be in charge of the formulation and promulgation of the law.

The setting of the military officials was relatively simple. They were led by Grand Commandant, followed by Military Marquis, the general, the commander, and the vice commander.

Gu Fann rode in a horse carriage and left the room. An hour later, he arrived at the school. The grand Supreme Education Palace was located in the northwest of the Tianjing City. It was separated from the residential areas and the Royal Territory, symbolizing the unique characteristics of the Confucian school.

Gu Fann sat in the carriage and opened a corner of the curtain. He saw countless carriages waving the flags of all the families, blocking the way to the learned horses.

"Let the carriage stop here." Gu Fann greeted the coachman and walked down from the carriage.

"Heh, it's been a long time since I've been here. I wonder what I've turned into." Gu Fann's past and present lives intertwined at this moment, which made him suddenly feel like he was far, far away from learning anything, so he suddenly missed this place.

"Young Marquis!" When the descendants of officials saw Gu Fann, fear flashed across their faces. They lowered their heads and called out to him, obediently standing at the side of the road. Gu Fann knew what they wanted to say, so he returned a faint smile and continued to walk inside.

The news of the duel between Gu Fann and Tantai Ao had already spread. Almost everyone was very surprised, while some people seemed to have guessed something behind the scenes. It was widely accepted that people with Gu Family would be gifted in martial arts. If there was a second Gu Yu in the Gu Family after Tantai Ao's provocation, it would truly be incredible.

The Dipper Dynasty had been flourishing for more than five hundred years. The nobles and nobles had to study too much to learn the Confucian classics and to be enlightened on etiquette. That was why there were many people who studied too hard every day.

Suddenly, Gu Fann said to himself in his heart: "Gu Fann, you have studied all your life of Confucianism, and in the end you somehow got poisoned to death at home. If you had followed Rong a little earlier, you wouldn't have fallen to such a state.

Gu Fann shook his head and calmed his emotions. Just as he was about to head to the study hall, he heard an angry laugh.

"How dare you, you actually dare to resist me!"

Gu Fann remembered the voice. It was the second son of the Huyan Family, the Marquis of Ying Mu. His name was Huyan Lia.

From the sound of it, Gu Fann was also able to determine that Huyan Lia must be bullying the lowly Scholar. This sort of thing had always happened and could not be stopped. If it was the old Gu Fann, he would definitely lower his head and let the matter go as it had nothing to do with him. On the other hand, Gu Yun was not the same; it was not because he could not stand the sand in his eyes, but because a popinjay like Huyan Lia had beaten up Gu Fann.

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