Martial Tao's World/C11 Lolita
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Martial Tao's World/C11 Lolita
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C11 Lolita

The moment the probing wave spread out, Li Daxin's worry was finally lifted. He could actually still use tomorrow's spirit when he called for strength, could it? That conjecture made Li Daoyi feel better.

The radius of the exploration of the sky spirit was only about five thousand meters, and Li Da Yin could only explore to the upper level of the main hall. Recycling was a form of faith, and Li Da Yin was really worried about whether people from outside would be able to get there. Not to mention that there were many traps inside the passage, but the five tunnels were also sealed by the big stone. Could it be that there was gunpowder inside the passage as well?

He thought about it for a moment. He couldn't get out now anyways. Wouldn't it be better if there was someone to help him clear the tunnel? After thinking through all of this, Li Da Yin began to continue cooking. If the people outside saw that the tomb had been stolen, there would definitely be a huge battle going on.

Outside the cemetery, two shadows stared at the dust cloud created by the explosion, as if they couldn't wait to see the situation inside the dust cloud.

The man was about forty years old and wore a dark red suit. In his hand was a piece of yellow beast skin, on which were drawn some curving lines and symbols. From the looks of it, it seemed to be a landmark.

The woman was a young woman wearing a tight suit made from pure beast skin. Her pink face was unbearable to look at. Her little nose was straight. Her red lips were slightly open. Her long eyebrows hid her bright eyes!

These eyeballs were big and bright. They were as deep and profound as autumn water and as bright as the stars. When paired with this quivering long eyebrow, those eyes could be said to be able to speak!

However, the young woman's left eye was also covered by a piece of beast skin!

If the young woman were to appear by the man's side, she would definitely be considered a bandit, but she was also a young woman, an even younger woman of sixteen years of age.

Lifting her fair hands to fan the dust in front of her, the young woman said to the man beside her, "Third Uncle, you're not mistaken, right?"

"No!" Third Uncle shook his head, looking at the beast skin in his hand and said, "The entrance marked on the landmark is there. It can't be wrong!"

"Let me take a look!" The young woman snatched the landmark in Third Uncle's hand, her right hand holding it while her left hand removed the beast skin cover from her left eye. Immediately, the other bright eye was exposed to the wind.

Holding the landmark in her hand and carefully inspecting it, the young woman turned her head to look at the surroundings. She used the fingers of her left hand to think for a moment and firmly said, "It is indeed there. It looks like it still needs to continue!"

After throwing the landmarks to Third Uncle, the young woman suddenly closed her left eye patch and put her hands together in front of her chest. A golden fog suddenly appeared around her body; looking at the huge rock in front of her, the young woman clenched her teeth and puffed out her originally pink cheeks.

That's right, it was a drill bit!

The young woman's long eyebrows twitched, and the drill in front of her immediately began twisting on the stone. Compared to the real drill bit, the drill bit was cold without water, and was formed by the gathering of metal-type spiritual energy.

In other words, the young woman was a metal element caster. However, judging from the fact that she needed to form seals with her hands to cast spells, she was at the Spirit Cultivating Stage.

The shaman's method of cultivation focused on cultivating the soul. The way to cultivate was to use one's own power to match the spiritual energy of the world. That level was called Soul Cultivator!

Soul cultivation uses the spiritual energy of the world to cultivate its own force. Starting from the force of one's attribute, it cultivates five types of force according to the order of each of the five elements. When all five types of force reach a critical point, it will naturally move on to the next step, revealing one's spirit!

The Seven Souls were Gold Souls, Wood Souls, Water Souls, Fire Souls, Earth Souls, Spirit Souls; the Three Souls were Yin Souls, Yang Souls, and Soul Souls! Among them, the one who used Specter 2 was a Magus.

Soul cultivation, spirit manifestation, true essence, soul expansion, true essence! Those were the five ranks of a Cursemancer.

The basic power of magic was spiritual force, and spiritual force was entirely dependent on the strength of the spell. Although a Spirit Cultivating Stage Cursemancer could use magic, because the spiritual force was too little and the force was too weak, they had to use hand seals to increase their blooming speed.

Hand seals are only one way to increase the power of a mage's spell. During release, the user's right hand was responsible for supplying the magic power while his left hand was responsible for the spiritual energy. That way, the magic power and spiritual energy would be combined to form the magic power and increase the speed of blooming. However, a Cursemancer with an ability to reach the Illustrious Soul Realm could no longer be bothered with hand seals, because the soul of an Illustrious Soul Realm Cursemancer was already quite powerful. They could release magic as they pleased.

The young woman drilled a large hole in the stone with the drill, loosened her hands to wipe the sweat from her brow, and turned around. "Third Uncle, it's your turn!"

Third Uncle nodded. Suddenly, a cloud of red fog appeared around him and a mass of burning flames appeared. The flame was slowly pushed back into a ball. Third Uncle then put the fireball into the cave on top of the big rock. His eyes flashed with a bright light and he said, "Explode!"

"Bam!" With an explosive sound, another large piece of rock was blasted into smithereens.

In the cemetery...

Li Da Yin heard the explosion and felt a little disappointed. Although he didn't know what methods were used to create the explosion, it was still a long distance between each other. Didn't he know that even stealing requires a lot of speed?

After throwing away the roasted prawns in his hand, Li Da Zong stretched lazily and lay down with a puff of air. For the sake of a possible battle, he would need to rest up and nurture his mind.

After being frightened awake once again, Li Da found out with a thought that it was already a day later. It took them a whole day to get to the main hall.

"Heavenly Spirit?" Li Da Yin called out to her, but there was no response. It's been two days, what happened to the Sky Spirit?

Once again, Li Da Yin used his power to call for help. As the waves of exploration spread, Li Da Yin felt slightly more at ease. He could actually still use that kind of strength to say that tomorrow's spirit is fine, that's a good thing!

Exploring waves rippled as Li Daoyi finally saw his peers, but he never thought that there were only two people.

Although the ability of the Sky Spirit to explore was very crazy, it had its limits. Compared to the people Fang Li and Great Concealed Light saw, they only had a blurry appearance. Otherwise, why would they be able to peek through their clothes? It had to be known, probing and perspective were two different concepts. The strength of a sky spirit was probing, not probing!

Are you talking about two groups of people? Why did he only see two people? Could it be that Patriarch Rippling Water was wrong in his exploration?

The two people outside the hall didn't feel a single peep from Li Daoyi. The young woman was still gathering her drill. After she exited the cave, her third uncle even used fire-type magic to blast rocks apart. That large stone was the last barrier in the main hall, and the rest of the troubles were dealt with by Li Dajian.

Seeing the young woman using magic as a drill, Li Da Yin couldn't help but exclaim, "Amazing! Why didn't I think of that before?" There were many magic of the five elements that could be used to steal, such as the metal and earth elements. If those two types of magic were used to steal, wouldn't it save on digging and robbing items?

An expert!

Li Da Yin was a bit jealous. If he could cultivate magic, that would be great. With the exploration of the Holy Spirit and metal or earth magic, isn't stealing a perfect match?

In that instant, Li Daya Yin no longer cared about their progress, but started to plan on how to obtain the magic.

The big rock was finally blown to pieces. Third Uncle and the young woman couldn't help but smile at each other when they saw the vast hall.

"Ohoho, I'm coming in!" The young woman took off the eye patch on her left eye excitedly, looked at Third Uncle and said, "How is it? Listen to Xiao Hong, right? I knew that landmark must be real! "

"Don't be too pretentious, I don't see any treasures here either!" Although Third Uncle said that, he looked at the landmark in his hand. He then pressed it against a stone wall.

"Bang, bang, bang …" The large stone moved, and another entrance appeared.

After changing their expressions, they slowly walked into the passageway. To their surprise, there weren't any traps in the passageway, but it was getting hotter and hotter. The wind carried a wave of fragrance with it.

How could there be fragrance? Could it be that there was some miracle medicine hidden in the tomb?

Arriving at the end of the tunnel, the two finally saw the surging lava in the hall. They knew where the heat came from, but what about the fragrance?

Looking at it, Xiao Hong gestured and carefully placed her back against the stone wall. The gold mist around her body started to dance, gradually covering her body in a layer of gold. After doing that, Xiao Hong slowly stuck its head out to take a look at the living room's environment.

What would happen?

Red took a deep breath and slowly stuck his head out. He also found a shadow sitting on the other side, rolling around on the barbecue in his hands. Don't say it, the scent must have come from there.

A living person?

Xiao Hong was shocked and quickly took off the left eye patch to have a closer look!

That's right, he was alive!

Even if there was a ghost inside, Lil 'Red still felt that it was very ordinary. However, how could it be a living person?

Li Da Yin turned his head and saw that Xiao Hong was trying to take off her blindfold. Her panicked expression combined with her bright big eyes could be said to be too interesting. This was especially true for Xiao Hong's rosy cheeks, which made Li Da Yin want to pinch her!

What an interesting Lori!

The moment their eyes met, Li Da Yin smiled and said, "Beautiful girl, how are you?"

"Good my ass!" Xiao Hong was confused. She thought that there were treasures there. She didn't think that other than a big live person, there was nothing there. How could she explain it to her old father when she returned home?

Half a year ago, Xiao Hong stole a land marker from a group of merchants. As she dreamt of making a fortune, she immediately stuck to her doting Third Uncle as he snuck down the mountain in search of treasure. In the end, the two of them had gone through many hardships and only saw a living person in the end. How could they bear it?

He could understand Xiao Hong's current state of mind. If he were to go through so much trouble to enter a tomb and suddenly discover that there was a living person inside, he would have probably slashed through it long ago!

After all, having someone here meant that the treasure was gone!

Hearing Li Da Yin's voice, Third Uncle, who was behind him, shook slightly. Following that, he looked up and down the hall and asked, "That little brother, you …"

"I've been here for a long time!" Li Da Yin smiled, rolled the barbecue in his hand, and said, "We can be considered colleagues, why don't we sit down and talk while we eat?" After going through the tunnel and arriving there, are you all exhausted? " As he spoke, he handed over the barbecue in his hand.

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