Martial Tao's World/C15 Goal
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Martial Tao's World/C15 Goal
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C15 Goal

"Don't get too excited, I am the main target of the forbidden race!"

"I curse you to rest without a bed!"

"When I am resting, my bed will be covered!" …

No matter how much trouble they had, the loot was very big!

Putting aside this《 Heavenly Mystery》, just the conversion of the Heavenly Spirit already brought a certain amount of benefits to Li Da Yin and increased his conviction!

No matter what, Li Daoyi's years of cultivation had been used to nurture the Sky Spirit. After that time, his faith would also increase. Correspondingly, the power of time stopping would increase by twofold, which could be divided into several levels!

In terms of usage time, the time it stopped increased from three seconds to four seconds. In the surroundings, it increased from two feet to four feet. In the reply, it changed from three days of sleep to two days. In addition, after absorbing the dragon, the Sky Spirit had also obtained a very crazy move, the Swallowing Swallow Faith.

Swallowing Concealment, that technique was even crazier. Along the way, Li Da Yin and the Celestial Spirit tested it a few times, but other than a limited number of times they could use it, there was no limit to how many times they could use it. It was said that the moment the Heavenly Spirit Claw appeared, all living beings within a hundred feet of it would die as well!

However, he didn't know if that move would have any effect on someone who surpassed the will of the heavens!

After some discussion, Li Da Yin and the Sky Spirit named that move Water Dragon Claw. Not only did the water dragon claw have a strong physical attack, it was also devouring faith. Furthermore, that move could be called by strength. In other words, Li Da Yin could use the water dragon claw!

With the conversion of the sky spirit, Li Daoyi could put the sword into the stomach of the sky spirit now, but he was used to carrying the sword everywhere; since Li Tianqi was his father, what was there to be afraid of? He also said that those were all gifts that Li Tianzhi had left for Li Daoyi. Every day, when he saw Heng Jian, he would feel as if he was seeing a treasure trove of thought.

He was not at ease with the cultivation of the world's power. He had already completely adapted to the oppressive force of the world's power around him, and was calculating whether he should strengthen it a few days later and guide the two feet of world's power into his body.

It turned out that Li Da Yin thought that Deng Yu Ting would lead him back, but she wanted to cross the wild ridge to return home! Who's afraid of anyone? Didn't I make my way through mountains and valleys? He even said that with the Water Dragon's Claw, Li Da Yin really wished he could meet a few monsters or something like that!

Soon after, the two of them became more familiar with each other. Li Da Yin learned about her from Deng Yuting.

Originally, Deng Yuting was a thief!

To be precise, she was the daughter of a thief. Her father, Yan Tian, was the Master of Black Wind Mountain, born with great strength and ferocity. Deng Yuting, who had inherited her father's power, had also inherited her mother's metal-type magic; however, Deng Yuting, who grew up amongst the bandits, had heard that she accepted this valiant and hot-blooded fighting style.

It was precisely because of this that Deng Yuting wore a fur covering one eye, because she felt like she was looking at a thief, a brave man!

Speaking of which, Deng Yuting was born in an interesting mood. Her eyes that were like the stars in autumn water seemed to be able to speak, so her father, Yan Tiantian, finally thought of a name: Yan Mei`er!

However, the gradually growing Mei Er's personality was like that of a thief. Moreover, she was born with a naughty and interesting nature so she would always tease the people beside her. With her terrifying god of fighting and her valiant fighting methods, she was able to change from Mei Er to Xiao Hong.

That 'Little Red' was naturally picked up by the people from Black Wind Mountain. The brothers in the mountain secretly called her by another name — — Ghost King Sister!

As for the reason why Deng Yuting came to the tomb, it was all because of this landmark! She had snatched the landmark from the hands of a merchant group. She had thought that she would be able to make a fortune, but she had never thought that it would attract a large group of people in black; much less thought that her third uncle, who cared for her so much more, would end up losing his life and her own father might even be dead!

A man is rich, but his family is ruined! What kind of a result was this?

After knowing all of this, Li Da Yin really wanted to give the [Heavenly Mystery] to Deng Yuting, but he thought better of it. What was that? Poor? Filling? At this moment, Deng Yuting was still not his partner in stealing.

That day, the two of them met a forest filled with fog. The fog in the forest was normal, but the fog in the forest ahead was too thick! Just in case, Li Da Yin first let the Sky Spirit explore for a while.

The sky spirit jumped up and plunged downwards. Wave after wave of exploration spread out! Because of the transformation, the surroundings of the Skysoul Institute had all arrived at a thousand meters radius. It was said that even the people within a thousand meters radius wouldn't be able to escape the Skysoul Institute.

Recycling the Exploring Wave, the Spirit swam to Li Daiyin's side and said, "There are many snakes in the forest, even the size!"


He would rather face a large pack of wolves than a large group of snakes. How could he say that there might be a vicious snake among the snakes? One or two were fine, but if there were more, he would be bitten. What if he was poisoned? "He can't be immune to poisons, and he won't be able to detoxify them. Besides, there's a girl beside him?

After some thought, Li Da Yin turned to Deng Yuting and said, "Take a detour."

"What are you afraid of!" Deng Yuting covered her eyes and put her hands together in front of her face, "Isn't it a group of snakes? I will make you snake food today!" As she spoke, the yellow mist around her body began to move, and a golden membrane gradually enveloped her tiny body.

You are a metal elemental curse enchanter, and you are covered in a layer of gold. Naturally, you are not afraid of being bitten by snakes, but what about me? Li Da Yin looked at his equipment subtly. Other than the original fur covering his face, the clothes around him had long since been torn to shreds. What kind of defense would he use to be bitten by a snake?

I hope the power of the world can break the teeth of this evil snake!

Carrying his sword, Li Daxian walked in front while Deng Yuting followed behind, her golden figure trailing behind.

The fog in the forest was very thick, the visibility must be less than 20 meters, and the surroundings were filled with strong ancient trees; on the trees, ancient vines and snakes intertwined; on the leaves and trees of weeds were dried up, and there were different coloured snakes crawling on the leaves. The bright red snakes' tongues kept spitting out, making sizzling sounds, and the wind was releasing a dense aura of grass and trees …

He raised his foot and looked at the leaves moving under his leg. He only put down his foot when the leaves slowly slid past. Glancing at the growing number of snakes in all directions, Li Da Yin turned to Deng Yuting and said, "Be careful!"

"Sssii …" A green figure suddenly shot towards Li Daoyi's throat!

With a flick of his eyelids, Li Da Yin shook his sword. With a "pa" sound, a one-foot long green snake was sent flying and collided with a tree branch.

"Rustle …" The leaves shot up to Deng Yuting.

Turning around, Deng Yuting grabbed the air with her hands and a yellow octagonal axe appeared in the air. With both hands on the axe handle, she flung it down with an angry roar.

"Bam!" As the leaves flew in the air, a bowl-sized snake's body abruptly rose up from the leaves, smashing onto the leaves with a bang.

"Sssii …" Tens of different snake species all shot over.

Group attack?

Li Da Yin raised his eyebrows and called out, "Heavenly Spirit!"

The Sky Spirit waved its strange claws. The brown-green claw shadows instantly covered an area of thirty meters around it. Therefore, the Snake Tribe's faith within thirty meters was instantly absorbed. Dozens of snakes that flew out fell to the ground.

Feeling the belief of having lost to the Sky Spirit, Li Da Yin shook his head and said, "Those snakes' faith is too weak to be ignored!"

At that time, they heard the sound of rapid clashing of trees. Due to the clouds blocking their eyes, Li Da Yin and Deng Yuting also walked towards the source of the sound. Through the thick clouds, they could see the vines on the branches intertwining and forming a wall of vines.

Seeing the moving ancient tree, Li Da Yin and Deng Yuting's expressions changed and they started walking in the opposite direction. However, they stopped just the same after taking a few steps, because there were still crisscrossing tree walls and moving ancient trees in front of them!


Li Da Yin frowned and said, "Sky Spirit!"

"Bang!" The Sky Spirit opened his mouth and spat out a purple water bullet. The one foot wide water bullet hit the tree wall and only created a few drops of water.

"Phew …" A gust of mountain wind suddenly blew over, and a rustling sound could be heard from all four directions.

Could it be a pile of snakes?

Li Da Yin held onto his sword and carefully walked towards the source of the sound. Through the thick clouds, he saw a large pile of leaves rising up. The leaves gradually grew heads, hands, and feet.

And there were a lot of Leafmen that appeared!

"It might be a tree monster!" Deng Yuting looked at the Leafmen that were constantly projecting themselves and said, "Even if they are not Elves, they should at least be the souls of the Gods!"

The soul?

Hearing that word, Li Da Yin's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked meaningfully at the Sky Spirit. He just happened to see the fervor in the Sky Spirit's eyes!

What is a soul? "The soul was a belief left behind after the death of an intelligent animal or plant, a gathering of souls. The soul had the consciousness and strength of a living being, and when attacked from outside, the powerful soul could even transform into a human. It could be said that the soul had the same characteristics as a ghost.

If it was before, Li Da Yin definitely wouldn't have any way of meeting the soul, but now it was different, because the spirit had been transformed.

What did Water Dragon Claw do? That technique was used to devour beliefs. Originally, Li Da Yin had considered capturing a few souls to help increase the speed of the devouring process. He hadn't expected that he would encounter it there.

"I'll give it a try first!" Li Da Yin shook his sword, stabbing it straight into a leafless person.

"Chi." The sword easily passed through the Leafman's body. The Leafman completely ignored it and suddenly swung his staff at Li Da Zong.

Li Da Yin frowned and slightly tilted his head, allowing the wooden stick to hit his right arm.

"Bang!" Li Da Yin only felt a huge force land on his shoulder and subconsciously used the Heaven and Earth powers to remove the energy from under his leg. However, the leaves on his leg loosened and he actually fell down by half a foot!

The process was completed in the blink of an eye. From Deng Yuting's point of view, Li Daya Yin had been thrown away by the Leafman.

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