Martial Tao's World/C8 Cave
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Martial Tao's World/C8 Cave
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C8 Cave

Li Da Yin smiled, used his sword to drill a few holes in the boulder, and put the clam into the hole. There was a lead wire on the clam. Li Da Yin stuck the lead wire of a few clams together and even sprinkled some gunpowder on it. That was the only way to find a safe place to take out the flint and say, "Sky Spirit, go!"

"Alright!" The Sky Spirit opened its mouth and spat out a foam to wrap around the flint. It scattered the controlled foam over the lead wire, and the firestones fell onto the twisting thread.

"Buzz …"

"Hold down your ears!" Li Da Yin immediately pressed down on his ears.

Then, he would remember that he had no ears to 'press' on.

"Bam!" Rocks cracked in the air, dust swirled in the air, and the earth shook!

Ah!" With a sudden cry of "spirit energy", he jumped into Li Da Yin's embrace.

"Ga Ga …" Surprised birds flew in all directions, and the rabbits who were eating the grass in the distance immediately turned around and ran away.

When the dust settled, Li Da Yin looked at the exploded entrance and opened his mouth to smile!

"Disciple, what is your dream?"

"He became an even more incredible thief in history!"

For a moment, Li Da Yin thought back to his previous life. Although he had been struck by lightning, it would definitely not interfere with his enthusiasm and obsession with stealing. Even though he was in a foreign land, Li Da Yin had never forgotten his dream!

Cultivating didn't require unparalleled strength, but because there were too many traps and traps in the cemetery, there was a need for good agility skills.

Today, at this moment, the entrance to the cemetery had already been opened. How could Li Da Yin not laugh? It wasn't just the entrance to the cemetery, it was the beginning of a dream!

"Heavenly Spirit, set off!" Li Da Yin calmed his impulsive mood and walked into the entrance with his sword and clam shell.

The tunnel was very dark, luckily it was tall enough to directly walk, but a two meter tall clam shell in the tunnel seemed stupid. Other than the clam shell, Li Daxian's sword embryo had already grown very long. Due to the Heavenly Thunder Storm's plan to combine the characteristics of the spear technique, he had to use a sword that was at least equivalent to his own height. At seventeen years old, Li Daxian's sword embryo was 1.65 meters, while his sword embryo was 1.7 meters.

After thinking for a while, Li Da Yin also told the Sky Spirit to come back and find a few smaller clams. At first, Li Da Yin was considering going step by step according to usual practice, but after looking at the direction of the passageway, he suddenly had a bold idea!

First, he cut off the Power of the Heavens and the Earth beside him. The Great Concealed Li did not want to die because of the interference from the Power of the Heavens and Earth. Li Da Yin even placed the two meter tall clam shell on the ground so that Li Da Yin was able to use the small clam shell to block the front and right sides of the clam shell.

Li Da took a deep breath and nodded his head. "Sky Spirit, light it!"

Peng peng peng! The sky spirit continued to spit out bubbles from behind the clam shell. The bubbles exploded, and the clam shell slid down the tunnel like a fiery rocket. The slope of the passageway became bigger and the clam shell became faster and faster. The scattered bones were all broken into pieces.

"Swoosh …" Arrows shot out from the wall, but they were all knocked down by the clam shell.

"Bang, bang, bang …" Suddenly, a large spherical rock suddenly fell from the sky. Once it landed, it immediately rolled down along the slope of the passageway. The sphere matched the slope, and the large stone slid faster and faster. With a twist of its eyes, it chased right behind Li Dayao's buttocks!

"Help!" The Celestial Spirit let out a loud yell, and with a shake of its tail, it shot towards the front of Li Dayao.

What was he screaming for? You're not going to die yet!

Li Da Yin looked down on the sky spirit, picked up a human bone and threw it under the big rock. However, that human bone was crushed by that huge stone in the blink of an eye, and was rendered useless.

"That's right! "What am I afraid of?" The Sky Spirit suddenly stopped and turned around to face the large stone. A series of bubbles burst out, but they were unable to slow down the speed at which the large stone was sliding.

There was no way around it. What kind of person couldn't transform their sky spirit? Even if her foam could be used as a bomb, it was too weak.

"Watch me!" Li Da Yin took out a clam, lit the fuse with a flint, and threw it out.

"Bam!" The clam exploded.

In the next two seconds, the clam shell that Li Daoyi rode on finally charged into the lobby.

"Bam!" The moment the clam shell slid into the lobby, five large rocks fell at the same time, sealing off all five tunnels in an instant!

"Phew …" He let out a long breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although his escape route was blocked, it had finally resolved the crisis.

Peng peng peng … The lights flickered, and a series of fiery lights rose up. The torches around the hall actually lit up automatically.

Li Daoyi swallowed his saliva. Were those all traps?

The Sky Spirit carefully swam to the side of Li Da Yin. Looking at the human bones in armor and weapons around him, he asked, "There can't be ghosts there, right?"

"Should... "It can't be?" He glanced at his surroundings, unsure of what to do. Although his thief master had taught him many of the traps in the cemetery, but he had never heard of a trap that could ignite a fire on its own. For example, the spontaneous combustion of white phosphorus?

"Crack …" A crisp sound echoed out.

What was that sound?

Li Da Yin and the Elemental Spirits shuddered and looked in every direction.

"Crack …" "Crack!" A human bone moved slowly.

"Kacha, kacha …" The human bones started moving one after another.

Ah!" It's human bones! " With a loud cry, the Sky Spirit vanished with a bang.

Tsk, and you're a princess!

Li Da Yin looked down on the timid sky spirit in his heart and calmly took out the clams. Wasn't it a bunch of bones? Nothing to be afraid of.

After igniting the fuse, Li Da Yin suddenly threw the clam into the pile of human bones and fell to the ground.

"Bam!" The cracked stone and broken bones scattered in all directions. A helmet suddenly fell onto the Great Li Invisibility and its bones rolled extremely far away. It looked just like a head that was about to slide!

He got up to take a look at the results, Li Da Yin had exploded almost a hundred human bones. Although there were at least nine hundred human bones in the hall, it was all a matter of several clams.

Li Da Yin touched the clam subtly and realized that the clam had been used up. But it doesn't matter, the spirits still have some stock.

"Heavenly Spirit!"

No response!

"Heavenly Spirit?"

There was no response!

Looking at the human bones that had already surrounded him, Li Da Yin suddenly thought of a problem.

"Heavenly Spirit!"

As the Holy Spirit appeared, it glanced at the bones of the men that had raised their weapons, and said with a cold shiver, "What is this …" I'm back for a meal, and you're calling me after you're done typing! " With that, he disappeared!

The heck!

Li Da Yin was depressed. You can say that after the fight, but you should bring the clams over instead!

"Shua!" A human bone sword raised up and hacked straight at Li Daxian's head.

Li Da Yin looked at the bones' posture and dodged calmly. He raised his right foot and kicked towards the skeleton's chest.

"Bang!" The kick landed on the armor on the chest of the human bone. However, the bones were shattered, and the bones, weapons, and armor fell to the ground.

Li Da Yin's eyes lit up. Just those two?

Grasping the hilt of his sword, Li Daoyi slashed at a human bone, causing it to vibrate!

"Crack!" The sword cut through the armor, splitting apart the bones!

"Ahhh!" Even though there were a lot of human bones, it was still a matter of hundreds of swords, right?

With a flip of the sword, Li Daoyin charged into the mass of human bones. The crowd shook and waves rose … He only saw the horizontal swords slashing, slashing, raising or slashing, stabbing and cutting, jumping and flashing, hacking like swords and stabbing like spears. Each slash could also split a person's bones.

Ten minutes later, Li Da Yin broke the last of the human bones. He used his sword embryo to support his body and gasped for breath. Although the bones' posture were very slow and weak, there were a lot of them. Beheading over a thousand of them in one go was very tiring.

"Kacha …"

When the voice rang out, Li Da Yin was shocked and looked at the cracked bones on the ground. At first glance, it didn't matter. All they could see was that the bones on the ground had become bone dust, and the bone dust had even gathered into new human bones.

Not only the human bones, but even the weapons and armor were also changing. Only one of the weapons was made up of two pieces, and the two pieces of armor made up one piece. In a blink of an eye, five hundred weapons and armor were worn around the five hundred human bones. Unlike the human bones from a moment ago, the eye sockets of those bones were now filled with a layer of red mist.


A human bone suddenly jumped up and slashed at Li Dayao's head. This speed was clearly more than twice as fast as the first batch of human bones.

Li Da Yin frowned. Could it be that his attack and defense had doubled?

As he wielded his sword, a 'dang' sound was heard as the two swords clashed. Li Daoyi only felt a huge wave of energy enter his hand through the sword, and it actually paralyzed his hand. However, the power was still within the range he could receive. While he was blocking the human bone attack, Li Daoyi kicked the skeleton in front of him to the side!

"Bang!" The kick landed directly on the left side of the human bone armor, but it only sent the human bone flying and did not break.

The human skeleton easily somersaulted in the air, and after landing on the ground, he kicked off and stabbed the sword straight into Li Daiyin's chest.

Watching the sword coming at him, Li Da Yin suddenly had an ominous premonition!

A long sword came slashing over. Li Daoyi swung the sword and struck the left side of the man's neck in an arc, as if he was taking a step into his own body.

"Crack!" The human skull leaped up and rolled far away on the ground, its body crashing to the ground.

Li Da Yin sheathed his sword and glanced at the human bones around him. One of them had gone crazy, what about all five hundred of them?

Perhaps it was because they felt Li Daoyi's thoughts, the others lowered their heads and looked at their comrade's head, and immediately charged towards him.

Clang, the three skeletons jumped up and slashed at Li Daoyi.

Swoosh, the seven long sticks also pierced towards Li Da Yin in seven different directions.

A group battle!

It was a group battle with tacit understanding!

Just as the ten human bones were about to launch an attack formation, Li Daxin, facing the three human bones in the sky, jumped and kicked at the chest of the human bone on the right; the human bone on the right was sent flying, while the sword in Li Daxian's hand slid across the two human bones on the left like an arc.

Clang! "Clang!" The two of them brandished their swords like bones to block.

whoosh * Seven long sticks pierced towards Li Daoyi, who was still in the middle of the fight.

After half a day, Li Da Yin dodged to the side with a kite and attacked the two men with seven long sticks. He similarly retracted his long sword and swung it at the back of the two skeletons.

"Bang!" The sword struck onto the back of Human Skeleton's body, the two human bones immediately clashed against their partner's club, and Li Da Yin, borrowing the force of that slap, jumped out of the encirclement, following the momentum of the fall and struck a human bone on the head with his sword.

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