Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C10 Master!
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Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C10 Master!
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C10 Master!

"Choice? Who said you had a choice? Other than this daily quest, you cannot accept anything else. " Zhao Yu'an's face suddenly turned dark.

Zi Tianhao's gaze also became cold when he heard Zhao Yu'an's words. He knew in his heart that Zhao Yu'an was deliberately making things difficult for him.

"If you don't want to pick it up, then leave, don't stand in the way here!" Zhao Yu'an sneered.

Zi Tianhao glanced at Zhao Yu'an. If he did not accept it, then it would be equivalent to not having a chance to exchange it for Pills. But if he did, then he knew that it was most likely a trap laid for him by Zhao Yu'an.

However, with Zi Tianhao's personality, he would never back down without knowing the difficulties. Thus, he suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Since it's senior brother's kind intentions, then I'll accept it."

"This kid is worth teaching!" Zhao Yu'an did not expect Zi Tianhao to really dare to accept the task he gave him, but afterwards he also patted Zi Tianhao's shoulder.

However, in the next moment, the two of them glared at each other, full of hostility.

At the same time, Zi Tianhao also thought to himself, "Little brat, don't give me the chance. Otherwise, I will definitely humiliate you from head to toe and return the favor!"

Because of Zhao Yu'an's special "love", Zi Tianhao also received a daily mission to go to Heaven Sect's Iron Bamboo Forest to chop Iron Bamboo.

This iron bamboo was just like its name – it was extremely hard. No matter how sharp the blade was, it was possible to see a small piece of it.

At this moment, Zi Tianhao, who was already in the Iron Bamboo Forest, once again greeted the 18 generations of Zhao Yu'an.

"Since it's so difficult to cut even one of them, wouldn't cutting ten a day be asking for my life?" Zi Tianhao stared at the unmoving steel bamboo under his machete with his big eyes wide open.

However, in order to obtain the Pills, Zi Tianhao could only bear the humiliation.

However, even if he endured all the humiliation, the truth was that it was impossible for an ordinary person to cut ten iron bamboos a day. Zi Tianhao could chop all the way from morning to night, but he could not cut three in a single day.

In the end, Zi Tianhao gave up. Rather than wasting time like this, he might as well enter the second world to cultivate. Although he did not have the Pills's assistance, with his twice the martial speed talent, he still had a chance.

Of course, Zi Tianhao also knew that if he wanted to become an official disciple of Heaven Sect, this would be his only chance.

"If I'm a little more powerful, I might be able to rob him while he's still alive!" Zi Tianhao was also indulging himself in fantasies. However, in order to be able to stay in Heaven Sect, he would not do anything. It's just that his power is limited, this kind of thinking is only for himself.

In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed. Even though Zi Tianhao had relied on the rewards from the third and fourth stage of the Beginner Quest to cultivate the White Pellet of the first two stages, and had raised his cultivation speed to the fourth stage of the Construction Period day and night, this cultivation speed was already considered very astonishing, but there was still quite a distance from the ninth stage of the Construction Period.

"Is that all we can do?" Just when Zi Tianhao was training and feeling depressed at the same time, he suddenly heard Meng's sweet voice, "Because you have accumulated more than ten days of training in the second world. In order to reward you for your perseverance and hard work in training, the disciple recruitment mission starts. "After completing the mission of becoming her disciple, you can train with her …"

"Acknowledged a master?" Hearing that, Zi Tianhao's eyes lit up. Because he was still a bit away from the fifth stage of the Construction Period, he was still unable to accept the mission for the fifth stage. Without a mission, there would naturally be no treasures to reward him. The sudden appearance of this mission naturally made him extremely excited.

"There are no restrictions to the mission. If you fail, you can accept another one until you succeed!" Meng continued.

"Heaven does not kill me!" Hearing that, Zi Tianhao burst out laughing.

In the next moment, a lottery wheel quickly appeared in front of Zi Tianhao. It was filled with the names of the familiar beauties such as Instructor Cang, Instructor Wu, Pan Jinlian, and Draconis.

After which, the wheel began to spin rapidly.

"Stop!" Zi Tianhao waited for a while and then shouted excitedly.

Soon, the wheel stopped spinning and the needle was pointed at Draconis.

"Congratulations! The master that you have chosen is Draconis, I will send you to the Southern Mountain Tomb of Living Dead to receive the mission of becoming Draconis's disciple. " At this moment, Meng's delicate voice sounded.

When Zi Tianhao heard this, he could not help but laugh obscenely, and let his imagination run wild. "Draconis?" Could she be the heroine of that classic book that even a three-year-old child knows? "Then wouldn't I be able to play the role of hero Yang and push down Master Draconis?"

Then, Meng said, "Friendly advice: In order to complete Draconis's mission of becoming his disciple, you must have enough perseverance and patience. "Although Draconis is unparalleled beautiful and has extraordinary martial arts skills, he has an eccentric personality, is taciturn and likes peace and quiet. Thus, whether or not he can succeed in taking in a disciple depends on your good fortune!"

"Activating the new set of Tomb of Living Dead …"

Zi Tianhao suddenly felt something flash before his eyes, and then, he immediately entered a different scene. Surrounding him was a dark and deep forest, which was dark without light, and a cold wind was blowing, but what was even more frightening was that there was a closed stone door in front of him, and on the stone wall beside the door were four words: Tomb of Living Dead!

"As expected of Draconis's territory, they really have a unique personality." Zi Tianhao trembled as he "praised" her. After that, he walked forward and knocked on the tomb door. He shouted, "Lili, I'm here to take you as my master. Please open the door!"

However, after Zi Tianhao knocked for a long time, there was no response. It was as if the surroundings were dead silent.

"Aren't you home? "Then look around. Maybe she went out for a walk." Zi Tianhao muttered and was about to turn around, but he suddenly felt a chill on his spine. He turned around and saw that the door to the tomb had been silently opened.

The moment he entered, Zi Tianhao saw two rows of sarcophaguses lined up side by side under the illumination of a few dim candles. Dark paper was scattered and the fragrance was still there. There was a passageway in the middle and several tombs at the end.

"Master Draconis, where are you?" Zi Tianhao screamed in a low voice, but he didn't dare to say it out loud for fear of disturbing the dead.

At this moment, Zi Tianhao heard a faint sound coming from the left side of the tomb. He immediately looked over, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the left side of the tomb.

"Who are you? Why are you making such a ruckus in my Tomb of Living Dead, disturbing my peace! " Suddenly, an ice-cold yet pleasant voice was heard.

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