Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C20 New Tasks
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Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C20 New Tasks
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C20 New Tasks

After a long time, she finally said, "According to my analysis, this ink is made from the flower juice of a rare plant called the Mandala Bell. If you want to break this ink, you must use the Mandala Bell's root juice to make it appear."

"Where can I find this mandolin?" Zi Tianhao asked.

"Because it's so rare, I can't find it." Meng'er replied.

"Then forget it." Zi Tianhao's eyes narrowed.

"Do you want to store this treasure?" Meng'er reminded him.

Zi Tianhao threw the beast skin scroll to the side, then left the system. He then returned to his original path and caught up with the team.

"What took you so long?" Zhao Yuan was a bit uncertain about Zi Tianhao, but he always felt that Zi Tianhao had some sort of shameful secret.

"Constipation, there's no other way." Zi Tianhao replied perfunctorily.

Zhao Yuan glanced at Zi Tianhao, but didn't pursue the matter.

Zi Tianhao then returned to the tree base. After he entered the system, he heard Meng'er's sweet voice once more, "Release the new quest at the main quest line. Go to Hundred Medicine Peak and collect the Hundred Year Old Ganoderma from the peak."

"What a strange system. However, the main quest has finally started. It seems like I'll have to make a trip to Hundred Medicine Peak tomorrow." Zi Tianhao muttered. Then, he entered the training mode and began his challenge.

His mission this time was to run ten laps around the Gate of Heaven within four hours.

The Gate of Heaven was neither big nor small, it circled around the Gate of Heaven at a normal speed, at least an hour, ten laps, four to five hours were considered the minimum, but to complete it within four hours was not an easy task.

However, Zi Tianhao's Shadow Steps had already reached the acme of perfection. Thus, after four hours, he completed ten laps in one go, completing his training mission and obtaining some points as a reward.

Early the next morning, Zi Tianhao went to the Affairs Room to start his daily sect mission. This time, he was going to gather medicinal herbs from the Hundred Medicine Peak.

On the way to Hundred Medicine Peak, Zi Tianhao tried his best to keep a low profile. However, he still noticed that Zhao Yuan would glance back at him from time to time, as if afraid that he would run away.

"What on earth is this guy planning?" Zi Tianhao thought to himself. Recently, Zhao Yuan seemed to be a little different from the others. Sometimes he was very attentive and sometimes he was also very cautious. He had no choice but to be on guard.

Because the mission of harvesting herbs was to pick three stalks, otherwise, the mission could not be considered completed and the disciples could not receive the pellets. So, after going up Hundred Medicine Peak, the disciples that went up the mountain immediately dispersed.

"I'll go look for the Hundred Year Old Ganoderma first." Moreover, the disciples spent most of their time here, and thus the amount of medicinal ingredients they had was greatly reduced, unless they had to go to the peak of the mountain. However, because the peak of the Kunlun Peak was rich in spiritual energy, there were some powerful and ferocious martial beasts that lived there. It was very dangerous, so it was classified as a forbidden area.

However, after Zi Tianhao left, a figure appeared. "Let me see what secret this boy has hidden." After which, he too disappeared.

Because of the task prompt, it was said that the Hundred Year Old Ganoderma was hidden under the strange rocks on the peak. Thus, the scope of the elixir had been reduced. However, it was still rather risky. Since the peak was classified as a forbidden area, it couldn't be discovered. One could only silently approach the peak.

Of course, Zi Tianhao was afraid that he would lose his life if he encountered a powerful martial beast, but this was not difficult for him. A newbie reward was the dog soul ring, and it was also used as a treasure hunting support equipment. Not only could it increase one's treasure seeking ability, it could also hide one's aura and not attract the attention of martial beasts.

Zi Tianhao lifted up his dog soul ring and injected some martial energy into it. Immediately, a palm-sized white shadow, similar to a dog or beast, shot out from the dog or dog soul ring. It looked like an Aladdin divine lamp. Soon after, the two of them fused into one. He immediately felt his sense of smell, vision, and hearing increase by many times. The smell within a hundred meter radius immediately disappeared into his nose, and he could clearly see the scenery as well as hear all sorts of sounds.

Soon after, Zi Tianhao entered the range of the forbidden grounds. In front of him were countless jagged rocks that jutted up and down, as well as the shadows of beasts that flashed past from time to time. Their speed was extremely fast, and there were also many gaps between the rocks.

Zi Tianhao began to selectively rule out other flavors, focusing on finding the one that should be found in the Hundred Year Old Ganoderma. Not long after, he smelled a strange, bitter smell that was very strong. He followed the smell and soon found a Hundred Year Old Ganoderma between two strange rocks. However, when he lifted his head, he saw a ferocious beast lingering in the vicinity. They all appeared to be extremely powerful.

However, in order to complete the mission, Zi Tianhao could only muster up the courage to sneak up. Carefully, he approached the Hundred Year Old Ganoderma under the nose of the Martial Beast, quickly picked it up, packed it in a prepared cloth bag, and immediately dashed out of the forbidden area.

Just as Zi Tianhao walked out of the forbidden area, a laugh could be heard. "I knew you had some tricks up your sleeve. How dare you break into the forbidden area to steal treasures …"

Zi Tianhao looked up and saw a figure standing in front of him. It was none other than Zhao Yuan.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan's eyes were fixed on the cloth bag in Zi Tianhao's hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zi Tianhao pretended not to know.

"If you don't want others to know, then just give me the treasure you found. If you find anything good in the future, give me half of it. Then, I won't tell this secret to anyone else." Zhao Yuan immediately threatened.

"Do you think anyone will believe you?" Zi Tianhao smiled and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuan immediately wanted to snatch the bag, but unfortunately, Zi Tianhao was faster than him. In an instant, he brushed past Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan only saw a flash in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, Zi Tianhao was gone.

Zhao Yuan unwillingly gave chase, but Zi Tianhao had disappeared long ago.

As he went down the mountain, Zi Tianhao picked a few stalks of first-grade strange flowers and herbs, returning to the business room to report his findings.

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