Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C4 Perverted Novice Tasks
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Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C4 Perverted Novice Tasks
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C4 Perverted Novice Tasks

After a moment, Zi Tianhao discovered that he was inside a sealed cave. Around him were hard rock walls. There was no ventilation at all and no exit.

At this moment, a line of light appeared in front of Zi Tianhao.

"Quest Tip: Before the water in this cave completely submerges into it, solve the mystery on the stone wall. This quest will train you to have an extraordinary ability to think, so as to enhance your treasure hunting ability in the future." Just as Zi Tianhao was reading out loud, he unexpectedly rushed towards the wet ground. Lowering his head to look, he saw that the water that wasn't coming from somewhere was rising and rising at an extremely fast speed.

"This is too realistic!" "What do you mean by 'any danger'? This is simply a bluff. It's better to just call it 'killing mode'." Zi Tianhao glared at him. However, he immediately looked around and soon saw a jigsaw puzzle shaped rock protruding from the wall. There were nine of them and each rock had a symbol pattern on it.

"The fastest time to jigsaw puzzle?" Zi Tianhao tried to move the rocks, but he found that he couldn't. This meant that it wasn't a jigsaw puzzle.

"Could it be some sort of riddle? But what did the symbols represent? If you can't even understand what I'm saying, how can you solve it?] What lousy system is this, it's basically a real person! " Zi Tianhao contemptuously said.

However, at this moment, the water in the cave had already reached Zi Tianhao's knees. The speed at which the water was drowning was no joke.

Zi Tianhao didn't dare to be careless. He immediately stared at the nine rocks in front of him and began to study them.

After several attempts, Zi Tianhao was lucky enough to hit two rocks, but he didn't bounce back. This gave him a glimmer of hope.

However, at this time, the water in the cave had already spread to Zi Tianhao's waist, and there wasn't much time left.

Because he had gone through great pains to find two rocks in the dark, Zi Tianhao didn't dare to act rashly. He was worried that if he accidentally pressed the wrong two rocks, those two rocks would bounce back. Soon, he discovered that the two rocks he pressed down were not completely connected to the other protruding rocks. However, without these two rocks, the other seven rocks seemed like a symbol instead. However, there was a little disharmony. What caused this disharmony was also two rocks.

Zi Tianhao hesitated for a moment before pressing both hands against the two rocks. At this moment, the water had already spread to his chest and he didn't have much time to think. Thus, he pressed down on them without hesitation.

In the end, not only did the two rocks bounce back, the two rocks that he pressed down earlier also bounce back as well.

"Holy sh * t!" Zi Tianhao loudly cursed. However, he immediately choked on the water. The water had already spread to his mouth and was about to drown him.

"Nine pieces of rock, nine palaces?!" "Could it be …" Zi Tianhao took a deep breath and then calmed himself down. Looking at the nine stone inscriptions in front of him, he suddenly thought of the world lattice for calligraphy, the Nine Palace Lattice. If the pattern on these nine stones formed a single word, then there had to be a way to draw it.

Since this was the task of solving the riddle, and if the pattern on the nine rocks was also a single word, then what he needed to do was to write that word. That was to press down on the nine rocks in accordance with the drawing pen.

Thus, Zi Tianhao immediately pressed down the first two rocks and then began to look for the next possible stroke.

At this moment, the cave was filled with water. Zi Tianhao was completely submerged. Moreover, the water was about to reach the ceiling of the cave. Soon, there would be no more air.

Zi Tianhao saw that there wasn't much time left. He floated to the surface of the water and sucked in large mouthfuls of air. Then, he dove into the water and continued to solve the mystery character.

Very quickly, Zi Tianhao managed to find two more rocks. After four rocks sunk down, there were only five left, but if he pressed the wrong ones, the four rocks would bounce back. However, he had no time left.

"The next strokes should be three pieces of rock. Damn it, do you want me to use my hands and feet?" Zi Tianhao gnashed his teeth. However, he was currently floating in the water, so his feet couldn't help him at all.

"Let's go all out!" Zi Tianhao only felt as if the air in his mouth was about to run out. Thus, he hardened his heart and directly placed both of his hands on top of two pieces. Then, he suddenly tilted his head, knocking his head against the third piece.

At this time, the last bit of air in his mouth had been used up. His brain instantly felt lack of oxygen, but he still used his last bit of consciousness to press down the last two rocks.

"Congratulations on completing the first mission, Bone Ablutionary Dan." Zi Tianhao felt as if there was a ringing sound in his ears. When he opened his eyes, he had already returned to the Peach Blossom Valley.

"Damn, I almost thought I was going to die!" Zi Tianhao cursed.

"Because this is your first time completing a mission issued by the second world, and because you successfully completed it on your first try, you can receive the reward of the first mission!" At this moment, Meng'er's sweet voice rang out.

Instantly, three choice boxes appeared in front of him. The first one and the second one each had a martial art name written on them, saying that it was the Mortal Core Qi Method and the Mighty Heaven and Earth Art respectively. The latter part was marked as Intermediate rank, which meant Intermediate rank martial art, while the third choice box was a question mark.

Zi Tianhao rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. His eyes quickly focused on the question mark. He then asked, "What does the question mark in the third choice box mean?"

If you choose the third choice box now, you will randomly choose a martial art from the low, intermediate, and high level martial arts. It is possible to draw a martial art of the same level, or a low level martial art, or a high level martial art. The higher the level of the martial art, the lower the chance of it being drawn. As for the martial art rewards from the first two tabs, they are already the best amongst the middle level martial arts of the same level. I suggest that noob do not take the risk of randomly drawing it. Meng'er mischievously said.

"What's there to be afraid of? My luck has always been very good. "I choose the third option …" Zi Tianhao thought for a moment and then directly chose the third option. This was because if he were to draw an Advanced Martial Arts, then he would definitely profit.

"Begin randomly!"

The question mark in the third choice box immediately jumped up and down. After a moment, it slowly stopped. Finally, it displayed the name of a martial art — Inverse Martial Arts.

"What level of martial art is this?" Zi Tianhao immediately asked with concern.

"Begin appraising the level of the martial art …" "After the appraisal, the level of the martial art is …" Meng'er suddenly fell into silence.

"What level is it?" Zi Tianhao asked as he saw Meng'er suddenly become silent.

"The rewards will now be given out." Meng Er's charming voice sounded out right after, as if she had just skipped a step.

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