Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C8 Get a Bargain and be a Good Boy
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Martial Tao Supreme Sage/C8 Get a Bargain and be a Good Boy
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C8 Get a Bargain and be a Good Boy

Very quickly, the two figures started to chase one after the other. Because their speed was too fast, the surrounding Heavenly Gate disciples couldn't catch up. They could only watch as the two figures disappeared in front of their eyes.

After chasing for a while, Han Xue discovered that as long as she was about to catch up to Zi Tianhao, Zi Tianhao would suddenly open up some distance and play around with her like a cat catching a mouse. Looking at Zi Tianhao's unfazed expression, she felt that she had never been humiliated like this before.

"Beauty, if you can't catch me, why not have another chance to spar!" Zi Tianhao also didn't want to continue pestering her, because he knew that he was no match for Han Xue. The more he pestered her, the more disadvantageous it became for his own situation. The current gap in strength between the two of them was as wide as the sky and the ground. If it wasn't for his Shadow Steps, he would have already made a fool of himself.

However, Han Xue didn't seem to plan on giving up so easily. Zi Tianhao also noticed this. Suddenly, he had an idea. He broke off a branch from a short tree and braked.

Han Xue, who was chasing behind, obviously didn't expect Zi Tianhao to stop. Without enough time to retract her momentum, just as Han Xue was about to slam into Zi Tianhao, her delicate body suddenly spun in a graceful dance, brushing past Zi Tianhao in time to avoid bumping into him. However, at the same time, a tearing sound rang out.

When Han Xue finally reacted, she immediately discovered that the lapels of her clothes had been torn apart. Spring light was revealed, captivating her.

"You …" Han Xue immediately glared at Zi Tianhao and hastily protected his chest with his hands. He was extremely embarrassed and furious.

At this moment, he saw the tree branch in Zi Tianhao's hand. A piece of white cloth fluttered in the wind, emitting an attractive fragrance.

"I have no other choice. I should not be able to chase after him now!" "I'll be leaving first …" Zi Tianhao ruefully smiled and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As for Han Xue, whose face was flushed with anger, she stood on the spot, looking even more charming.

After shaking off Han Xue, Zi Tianhao went to the kitchen to steal some food. Then, he went to the back mountain and returned to the tree house where his original owner lived. Because the original owner had been looked down upon and ostracized by the Heaven Gate, he had built a tree house from bamboo on a hundred-year-old tree in the back mountain. He spent his days with the monkeys in the back mountain.

After he entered the tree house, Zi Tianhao discovered that although the tree house was a bit small, it was well-equipped and cleaned up. After eating his fill, he yawned, stretched lazily and fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, an entire night passed.

Early in the morning, Zi Tianhao heard a ruckus outside the tree.

"It's early in the morning. How noisy, are they all rushing to be reincarnated?" Zi Tianhao opened his eyes in a scolding manner and got off the bed. He then walked out of the tree base and saw many disciples of the Heaven Gate heading towards the foot of the mountain. It was very strange.

Therefore, he immediately jumped down from the tree house, grabbed one of the disciples and asked, "Senior Martial Brother, what are you guys doing?"

"Nonsense, of course we're going to gather medicinal herbs and exchange them for pills …" The Heaven Gate disciple glanced at Zi Tianhao. His expression seemed to indicate that Zi Tianhao's question was very idiotic.

After that disciple from the Heaven Gate said his piece, he went back to the foot of the mountain, afraid that he would be a step too late.

"Harvesting medicinal herbs to exchange for pills?" Zi Tianhao muttered. Soon, from the memories of his previous master, he found out that every year, one month before the official disciples of the Gate of Heaven were to be recruited, the Gate of Heaven would open up some benefits to all the rank building disciples. Rank Building disciples could accumulate contribution points to their sects in exchange for pills, which would then be used for their final month of cultivation.

There were two main ways to accumulate contribution points. The first method was to complete some daily tasks such as cutting wood and boiling water, cleaning the ground, and so on to accumulate contribution points. The more you completed the task, the higher the contribution points would be. The other was the strange flowers and herbs that were harvested from hundreds of medicinal peaks to refine miraculous medicines. The higher the grade of the strange flowers and plants, the higher the contribution points one would receive.

However, if he was to complete a daily mission and complete one for ten days or half a month, he would only be able to get one. However, if he was to pick herbs, he would be able to get a Tier 1 White Pill.

The strange flowers and herbs used to refine pellets in the Divine Profound Continent were divided into nine different years. The higher the stage, the higher the age and correspondingly, the better the pellet produced. These strange plants were divided into four ranks, according to their rarity: Common, Precious, Exquisite, and Exquisite.

Thus, the pills were divided into nine stages. Furthermore, according to the rarity of the herbs, they were divided into White, Green, Purple and Jindan. The White Pellet was the most common pellet, while the Golden Pellet was the unique and exceptional pellet, its effect was a hundred times stronger than the White Pellet, but it was extremely hard to refine, thus, normally speaking, the Purple Pellet was considered top pellet in the entire Spirit Profound Continent. As for the common medicinal pellets used in the Divine Profound Continent, they were generally divided into three categories: Alchemy, Qi Replenishing Pill, and Healing Pill.

The so called supplementary cultivation pill was a pill that helped one to cultivate. It was a pill that could increase the effects of cultivation for a short period of time. Qi Replenishing Pill, which was a pill that could replenish martial qi quickly, was usually used in battles. As for the Healing Pill, as its name implied, it was used to treat injuries.

However, picking medicinal herbs required luck. Some people might not even be able to pick a single stalk in ten to fifteen days. Moreover, gathering medicinal plants was very risky because in the vicinity of these strange flowers and plants, there was a very high chance of Martial Beasts appearing. Every year, there would be some Building Stage disciples that would die in order to gather medicinal plants.

This Martial Beast was a mutated beast that came from an ordinary beast under certain circumstances and had the same strength as a Martial Master. Therefore, it was also known as a Martial Beast. This Martial Beast was ferocious and terrifying. It was extremely strong, and very difficult to kill easily.

Even so, most of the disciples would still choose to exchange medicinal herbs for pills. Although it was very risky and required some luck, it was still the fastest shortcut to increase their strength.

"Although he has already recovered two times his martial arts speed, this brat is way behind the others. If I don't pass the official disciple selection test this time, I'm going to be chased down the mountain. I've just arrived and am still unfamiliar with everything. If I rush down the mountain, then I won't be able to play anymore. However, in a month's time, if I want to reach the standard of becoming an official disciple of the Heaven Gate, which is only Stage Nine of the Building Stage, two times the martial speed is not enough. It seems like I need to get some pills to assist in my training. " However, he had just broken through the second phase of the Building Stage, and receiving a newbie mission also required the requirement of strength level. According to the normal training speed, within a month, he would definitely not be able to reach the ninth phase of the Building Stage.

After considering it, Zi Tianhao also left with the crowd.

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