Martial Uncle, Please Be Seated/C20 If Arranged
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Martial Uncle, Please Be Seated/C20 If Arranged
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C20 If Arranged

"Wha … what is it?"

Because of the inertia, I stuttered when I spoke. The corner of his eyes swept across Feng Zhu's body, as he covered his mouth and snickered. I glared fiercely at him before obediently following behind him.

The Senior Master brought me to the quiet side hall and waited for the first wisp of wind to blow past me.

"Oh." I fumbled in my pockets for a while, and finally found the Feng Yu, but no matter how I looked at it, it felt weird, as though I had lost my luster from before. In a moment of excitement, I used my sleeves to wipe it off, then smiled dryly at Junior Master, and directly threw the Feng Yu to him.

The light, floating Feng Yu landed on the ground beside Martial Uncle.

I chuckled again. Under the disdainful gaze of my senior, I squatted down to pick up Feng Yu and respectfully placed it in front of him.

Martial Uncle's expression became a little calmer, and he extended his hand to catch the Feng Yu.

His hand was really pretty, his long fingers were clearly knotted, he did not wear any ring or jade, but it always gave off a feeling of an immortal. In my heart, immortals are like this, and they don't need any help to release a wave of immortal aura from the depths of their bones.

Zhou Nian Chen was such an immortal.

Unknowingly, I have already stared at his hands for a long time. Even when he kept Feng Yu in his sleeves, my gaze was still fixed on his wide sleeves. He lowered his head to inspect his clothes, as if he felt that something was wrong.

Thus, I withdrew my gaze and caressed the hair on my temples. I stuck out my tongue and said, "Martial Uncle, your elder really …." Peerless. "Yes, peerless."

After I finished speaking, I remembered that my martial uncle had said that he didn't like others to flatter him. Would he find it annoying if I continued like this? I'd better get out of here.

"About that, I haven't finished cleaning yet, so I'll go do it first." Goodbye, Master. "

No face, no face. Why did he always feel that his language skills were lacking every time he spoke to Zhou Nian Chen? No matter what, it seems that what I said was wrong. Sigh, who asked him to be an immortal master? I am just a commoner, not even an immortal scholar. Of course, his words and actions were not as decent as his martial uncle.

Master, you really gave me to such a cold and aloof Supreme Celestial, he really doesn't need to worry! How could there be such a lazy master in this world? He didn't teach his own disciple, but rather pushed his disciple to his junior brother to teach him! He was too lazy!

I continued to sweep the ground with my broom. The light in front of my eyes disappeared, and a large darkness hit me. I realized that my eyes had been blinded. Instinctively, I shouted, "Feng Zhu! "Stop messing around!"

"How did you know it was me?"

"Nonsense, in the entire Clear Court, other than you, I am my martial uncle. Do you think my martial uncle would play such a little trick?" "So I guessed that it was you."

Feng Zhu pouted, full of questions: "Where did Master call you to go?"

I rolled my eyes and continued mechanically swinging the broom, brushing a hair I'd just lost. Unexpectedly, the broom in my hand was pulled by the Feng Zhu. Unfortunately, I was not as strong as him, so the result could be imagined.

He was still reasonable. "You came here to practice immortal arts, not to sweep the floor. Why are you being so serious!"

"If I don't sweep you, you will be targeted by Uncle-Master of all kinds. If not, you sweep for me!"

I tried to snatch the broom, but Feng Zhu's strength was even greater, so I had no choice but to stand beside the pillar and stare at him.

In the end, he gave in under my glare and said, "Fine, tell me what your master told you to say just now and I will clean the entire Hall of Purging for you."

Really? In an instant, I felt like my eyes were filled with stars, and I almost popped out a star above Feng Zhu's head, illuminating his path forward. Although he was excited, he still needed to put on the airs of a lady.

"This transaction... It doesn't sound too fair. A man like you is actually willing to help a little girl like me clean the hall? "

I was like a fisherman holding a bamboo pole. I wanted to pull the hook, but I lowered the pole into the water and waited for him to deliver it to me.

Feng Zhu waved his hand and said generously: "So what? I was the one cleaning up earlier, stop talking nonsense and quickly tell me where you are going."

"It's very simple. Master asked me to hand over his Feng Yu to him."

Such a simple sentence caused Feng Zhu to widen his eyes. He looked at me in disbelief, but it was as if he didn't recognize me at all. He repeatedly scanned my entire body, making me feel as if there was something wrong with me. Finally, he said: "The Feng Yu in your hands is actually Master's!"

I really want to say that your brain short-circuited. There were only two Feng Yu s in the first place, and the one in Yan Huan's hands is yours. What's there to be shocked about?

Who knew that Feng Zhu would look at the tall red pillar, and mumbled as if he was in a dream: "Why does Martial Uncle want to give Feng Yu to you?"

"Because, because …"

I don't know why. Oh, that time, I think it was...

"Because I was injured!"

Ah, who knows, maybe he accidentally dropped it when he was burying the wine jar, and I just happened to pick it up and brought it to the bed in a daze.

Feng Zhu pretended to sweep twice, and said thoughtfully: "Oh, so that's how it is, master is still quite concerned about you huh."

"Oh, hur hur." I touched the tip of my nose, kicked Feng Zhu in the crook of his leg, raised my chin and ordered, "Get to work! How can you speak so much! "

His heart was already rippling.

If Junior Master intentionally threw Feng Yu to me, does that mean that at that time, he already knew that Senior Sister Eleven would teach me and guessed that I would be injured. After I left, you took the initiative to teach me?

Aiya, I'm in a mess.

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